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Adam & Eve And Evolution


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
The Adam and Even "story" has nothing to do with Biological Evolution. Eve being genetically manipulated from the DNA of Adam is highly unlikely. The story is not original. It's an adapted story that was told before the Genesis author plagiarized it.

I agree with you that the Bible's account of creation has nothing in common with evolution. Your statement that Genesis was "plagiarized" is without basis or merit.
The account of Creation in Genesis is unique and still stands today as the only accurate history of the universe.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
According to Scripture we all trace back to one of Noah's three sons.
Noah then traces back to Adam.

You make the mistake in assuming Adam and Eve were actual people and other than the bible you have no evidence Noah Existed. Both of these stories, the creation myth and the flood myth are contained in the Sumerian text (written in stone) and they predate the biblical myth by a couple thousand years.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Your statement that Genesis was "plagiarized" is without basis or merit.

It is with merit. I take it you've never read the Enuma Elish, Epic of Gilgamesh or the Atra Hasis?

Enûma Eli

Epic of Gilgamesh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Atra-Hasis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The account of Creation in Genesis is unique and still stands today as the only accurate history of the universe.

It's not unique. The difference is you believe it religiously compared to other creation myths. Additionally the "story" of Adam and Even has been rendered useless when it come to understanding the bio-diversity of species on this planet.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you that the Bible's account of creation has nothing in common with evolution. Your statement that Genesis was "plagiarized" is without basis or merit.
The account of Creation in Genesis is unique and still stands today as the only accurate history of the universe.

Whether or not the adam and eve story was plagarized has nothing to do with it's accuracy or it's historical bases. You have to establish it's historicity, and not simply proclaim it's historicity.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you that the Bible's account of creation has nothing in common with evolution. Your statement that Genesis was "plagiarized" is without basis or merit.
The account of Creation in Genesis is unique and still stands today as the only accurate history of the universe.

"Your statement that Genesis was "plagiarized" is without basis or merit.

Who wrote this creation story and what religion were they?

First development- Light created

Next development- Firmament created; also perceived as a rigid dome.

Next development-Dry land created.

Next development-Sun, moon, stars created.

Next development-Creation of men and women.

Final development-Gods rest and celebrate.

Comparing the Genesis and Babylonian stories of creation


Rogue Theologian
"Your statement that Genesis was "plagiarized" is without basis or merit.

Who wrote this creation story and what religion were they?

First development- Light created

Next development- Firmament created; also perceived as a rigid dome.

Next development-Dry land created.

Next development-Sun, moon, stars created.

Next development-Creation of men and women.

Final development-Gods rest and celebrate.

Comparing the Genesis and Babylonian stories of creation

Shall we try King James?

Day One.... light.
Day Two...heaven.
Day Three...the earth and all that bears seed.
Day Four...the stars sun and moon are set in place.
Day Five...all that swims....all that flies.
Day Six...all that walks....including Man.

Day Seven...rest...no more will be created.

THEN Chapter Two....which is not a retelling of Chapter One.

Now granted...the order of occurrence appears out of sequence.
But God was introducing Himself as Creator....
not dictating a science lecture.

He was also conversing with men of little understanding of the nature around them.

That we now have science...doesn't mean God went away.

He is simply willing to sit back and let you develop...best you can.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
"Your statement that Genesis was "plagiarized" is without basis or merit.

Who wrote this creation story and what religion were they?

First development- Light created

Next development- Firmament created; also perceived as a rigid dome.

Next development-Dry land created.

Next development-Sun, moon, stars created.

Next development-Creation of men and women.

Final development-Gods rest and celebrate.

Comparing the Genesis and Babylonian stories of creation

You are, of course, misrepresenting what the Bible actually says. The Genesis account does not say that the Sun, moon and stars were created in one of the creative days. Rather, verse 1 says that "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." Making the sun, moon, and stars visible in earth's atmosphere occurred during the fourth creative "day".
The light of the sun did not reach earth's surface until the first creative day, and the source of that light was not visible until the fourth day.

Your claim that the "firmament" or expanse was perceived in Genesis as a rigid dome is also without merit. The expanse was simply earth's atmosphere.

Finally, I notice that instead of drawing comparisons between the creation myths mentioned and the Bible account of creation, just a link is presented. A principal creation myth from Babylon says that the god Marduk killed the goddess Tiamat, then took her corpse and "split her like a shellfish into two parts: Half of her he set up and ceiled it as the sky." Other creation myths are similarly nonsensical. Comparing the clear historical account in Genesis to such accounts is comparing history to fairy tales.


FACEPALM,,,,,,,,,,,,,, really???

The light of the sun did not reach earth's surface until the first creative day, and the source of that light was not visible until the fourth day.

This makes absolutely no sense whats so ever.


Maybe it's cause light time travels. :)

I would say it is because light existed before the sun did.

even the original mythology that was compiled from different sources and different times, wasnt that confusing LOL :D


Well-Known Member
This is not genesis

Who wrote this creation story and what religion were they?

First development- Light created

Next development- Firmament created; also perceived as a rigid dome.

Next development-Dry land created.

Next development-Sun, moon, stars created.

Next development-Creation of men and women.

Final development-Gods rest and celebrate.

Comparing the Genesis and Babylonian stories of creation

It was probably written before Genesis, by the people with the first wrinting.

"The light of the sun did not reach earth's surface until the first creative day, and the source of that light was not visible until the fourth day."

This is beyond stupid. The earth had a completely different atmophere when it formed by planetary accretion.

HubbleSite - Discovering Planets Beyond - How Do Planets Form?

In what part of the story does the moon get those billion's of year old crater marks?

and why do all the pictures of Adam and Eve have belly buttons?


Active Member
You are, of course, misrepresenting what the Bible actually says. The Genesis account does not say that the Sun, moon and stars were created in one of the creative days. Rather, verse 1 says that "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." Making the sun, moon, and stars visible in earth's atmosphere occurred during the fourth creative "day".
The light of the sun did not reach earth's surface until the first creative day, and the source of that light was not visible until the fourth day.

Your claim that the "firmament" or expanse was perceived in Genesis as a rigid dome is also without merit. The expanse was simply earth's atmosphere.

Finally, I notice that instead of drawing comparisons between the creation myths mentioned and the Bible account of creation, just a link is presented. A principal creation myth from Babylon says that the god Marduk killed the goddess Tiamat, then took her corpse and "split her like a shellfish into two parts: Half of her he set up and ceiled it as the sky." Other creation myths are similarly nonsensical. Comparing the clear historical account in Genesis to such accounts is comparing history to fairy tales.
Can you show us where in the genesis story "creative days" are mentioned? The only versions I've ever seen only mention "days". Why is the whole story absolutely accurate and historical and yet a simple word like "day" doesn't mean what it says?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
FACEPALM,,,,,,,,,,,,,, really???

This makes absolutely no sense whats so ever.

Really? Light from the Sun was blocked at earth's surface until the first creative day, possibly by thick clouds (Job 38:9) or some other atmospheric barrier.
Whatever the cause, the Bible reports that "the earth proved to be formless and waste and there was darkness upon the surface of the watery deep. (Genesis 1:2) Diffused light began to penetrate to the earth's surface during the first creative day, setting the stage for later plant and animal life. What part of that do you consider nonsensical?

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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Can you show us where in the genesis story "creative days" are mentioned? The only versions I've ever seen only mention "days". Why is the whole story absolutely accurate and historical and yet a simple word like "day" doesn't mean what it says?

Jehovah described the creation process in simple terms that all reasonably intelligent people can understand. The Hebrew term translated "day" can refer to various lengths of time. Thus, any arbitrary meaning attached to the English word "day" should not be applied to the Genesis account. In fact, even the English word "day" can refer to periods other than 24 hours, as in "my grandfather's day." The whole creative period is spoken of a single day in Genesis 2:4.
Since the periods mentioned in Genesis refer to periods of creation by God, the term "creative days" is appropriate and correct.
Since no human alive was present during the six creative days, the evidence for the accuracy and and historicity of Genesis must be deduced by other means. There is eyewitness testimony from both the Creator and his Son as to earth's origins, and strong reasons to accept their testimony as the truth. (John 1:1-3, 17:17) The wonders of creation with which the Earth is filled testify to the qualities of their Creator, evidence routinely ignored by supposedly enlightened ones.(Romans 1:20)


Veteran Member
This is not genesis

Who wrote this creation story and what religion were they?
First development- Light created
Next development- Firmament created; also perceived as a rigid dome.
Next development-Dry land created.
Next development-Sun, moon, stars created.
Next development-Creation of men and women.
Final development-Gods rest and celebrate.

Correct. ^above^ is Not Genesis because sun, moon, stars were created first according to Genesis.

In 'creative day' 4 God 'made' Not created, but made the heavenly lights 'rule' over the daylight hours.
God made the already existing lights do a job for the earth.
The created lights were now 'made to rule' over daylight hours.
- Gen. 1 vs 16,17


Well-Known Member
We have an actual picture of before there were any stars, any galaxies and any planets or life, what so ever.

You also need to have Nucleosysthesis from super nova's to create the heavy Elements, like carbon, irion, gold, calicum that later formed planets and more stars and even the elements life is made from. There would be no earth or planets or life without nucleosythesis. Just hyrogen and helium in the universe.

The earth was not made before the stars. The universe is 13.7 bllion years old. The sun is around 5 billion and the earth 4.57 billion.


First Year Results on the Oldest Light in the Universe

WMAP 1 Year Mission Results Press Release


Well-Known Member
Correct. ^above^ is Not Genesis because sun, moon, stars were created first according to Genesis.

In 'creative day' 4 God 'made' Not created, but made the heavenly lights 'rule' over the daylight hours.
God made the already existing lights do a job for the earth.
The created lights were now 'made to rule' over daylight hours.
- Gen. 1 vs 16,17

"Correct. ^above^ is Not Genesis"

Right it was written before Genesis.


"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was[a] on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.
3 Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. 4 And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day.

"Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years; 15 and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth”; and it was so. 16 Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. 17 God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, 18 and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 So the evening and the morning were the fourth day.

Genesis 1 NKJV - The History of Creation - In the - Bible Gateway

In Genesis the earth is created before the sun. We know that it didn't hapen that way for a fact. The earth and the other planets formed after the sun collected enough matter and mass to start the fusion process.

"The formation and evolution of the Solar System is estimated to have begun 4.568 billion years ago with the gravitational collapse of a small part of a giant molecular cloud.[1] Most of the collapsing mass collected in the centre, forming the Sun, while the rest flattened into a protoplanetary disk out of which the planets, moons, asteroids, and other small Solar System bodies formed.

Formation and evolution of the Solar System - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Veteran Member
Where do you see the word 'create' at Gen 1 vs 16,17 ?

Please notice God made the existing lights do something. Play a role to rule over something.

Verses 16 and 17 repeatedly say rule the day, rule the night.
They had to have already been created in order to have that job to do.

Parents can 'create' a child. The created child can be 'made' to sit in a chair.
First the child is created before it is made to do something.
That is the same with Genesis.
Please notice first in verse one God created the heavens......
Then the creation of earth followed.