Thank you for the “likes” to my country and people.
But, what makes you think that the Greeks (and almost all ancient civilizations, for that matter) got it wrong about what happens to the soul after death?
Because the Bible says so?
What if the Bible is wrong and the Jews understood that at some point and therefore started embracing the older belief about the soul?
I don’t see the connection of this passage with near death experiences. Not even close, actually. Care to elaborate?
Adam’s body was made of earth and to earth it would return. True.
…But what about the “breath of God” that was blown in him in Gen. 2:7…? Where did that come from? Was it not from God? Isn’t it, therefore, to return to God?
That should trigger some thought for you: sleep is a very much “alive” state from where I see it. There is dreaming in sleep. And dreams can be very very vivid.
…But anyway, we are soooooo much off topic! My original question was what you fear could happen after death, no matter what religion teaches.
But, how can one separate belief about death from what religion teaches?
There could be No
fear happening after death because the dead know nothing according to Ecclesiastes 9:5.
The dead do Not praise God according to Psalms 115:17
Thoughts perish at death according to Psalms 146:4
Jesus likened the dead to being asleep at John 11:12-14. Since the dead know nothing, and have No thoughts, and do Not praise God then Jesus was connecting death to 'deep' sleep.
Deep dreamless sleep when we are Not aware of the passing of time until we awaken in the morning. Daniel looked forward to that future awakening - Daniel 12:2; Daniel 12:13
So, 'yes' because the Bible says so. I am merely posting what the Bible really teaches about the unconscious condition of the dead until the dead are resurrected back to life again.
The 'older belief' about the soul goes back and can be traced back to ancient Babylon.
As those ancient people migrated out of ancient Babylon they took with them their religious ideas and practices, and spread them world wide into a greater religious Babylon or Babylon the Great. That is why we see so many similar overlapping religious teachings spread throughout the world.
Yes, one could say the ' breath of life ' from God returns to God. Returns until Resurrection Day, or Jesus coming millennium-long day of governing over Earth.
That is when ' enemy death ' will be No more according to 1 Corinthians 15:26; Isaiah 25:8. The resurrected will breathe again.
Just as a foreclosed house does Not go, or move anywhere, but ' returns ' to the owner, our life's breath, our life's spirit , ' returns to God til Resurrection Day - Revelation 1:18
That is why the ' future tense ' is used at Acts of the Apostles 24:15 that there ' is going to be ' a resurrection......
So, nothing to
fear about death's temporary deep-sleeping state because the dead are freed or acquitted from their sins according to Romans 6:7
A person that is freed or acquitted from sin is like a governor who pardons a person so the crime charges do Not stick.
Jesus can pardon a person so the sin charges do Not stick. Being acquitted or pardoned means one can Not be tried a second time and punished again.
Since 'death' is the ' punishment ' price tag that sin pays according to Romans 6:23, then to be punished after death would be ' double jeopardy '.
There was No double jeopardy for Adam, and there is No further punishment for anyone else after death, but there can be the 'reward' of being resurrected back to life again.
Resurrected back to life again as beloved Timothy who had a Greek father - Acts of the Apostles 16:1-3 - looked forward.
And including the many honorable Greek women of Acts of the Apostles 17:11-12.
Even Jesus, who has the resurrection power, is given a Greek name at Revelation 9:11 B.