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Alaska Gay marriage ban overturned

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
Just a matter of time when same sex discrimination in the USA will be in a grave next to slavery. Christians are slowly but surely loosing their grip on secular behavior, so's how about a toast to progress.

Hey, many Christians are for same sex marriage.


You will be assimilated; it is His Will.


Wonder Woman
But they should not live with us either. What they do is immoral and unnatural. Separate from such things. He we go again with someone who is not a believer being on a believers site. why???

"A believer's site"? This site is for all to discuss religion, beliefs, values, and the like. To learn about differences and likenesses. Stances and opinions. For those with all different kinds of beliefs, and those without religious belief as well. It is how learning and communication is accomplished. This is not "A believer's site". Even if it were, there are many different beliefs and not all, in fact very few, believe the same as you and most, in fact, uphold equality in regards to same sex marriage.

There, now you have learned something, the true goal of this site. You're welcome.

Omega Man

New Member
The debate surrounding same sex marriage has more to do with property rights than with religion. Marriage is an abstract concept that is not found in nature and was instituted by religions in order to convey authority to the priestly class over the ordinary people. If someone wishes to live with another person, regardless of their gender than they should be "allowed" to share with that other person any and all benefits that two persons can derive from the "union". If a man lives with another man and after some time they part company, let them have to divide property and other financial benefits, just as a man and a woman do when they separate, (divorce).

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
But they should not live with us either. What they do is immoral and unnatural. Separate from such things. He we go again with someone who is not a believer being on a believers site. why???

It's interesting that you not only assume that this is a "believer's site," but also that "believers" are people who automatically agree with your bigotry. What a small world your mind must envision.


Libertarian Egalitarian
That shows you how far they have fallen... just to be in line with modern day thinking! No moral backbone.

Whoops, I suppose I haven't gotten the memo about LGBT people having no moral backbone. I'm bisexual, and I've never...

Killed anyone
Stolen or taken anything that wasn't mine
Gotten into a fight
Been arrested
hit anyone
done any illegal drugs
cursed at my parents
or cheated on a gf/bf

but yeah, you're absolutely right... I have no moral backbone at all whatsoever because I can't control my erectile tissue around others of the same gender.


Wonder Woman
Whoops, I suppose I haven't gotten the memo about LGBT people having no moral backbone. I'm bisexual, and I've never...

Killed anyone
Stolen or taken anything that wasn't mine
Gotten into a fight
Been arrested
hit anyone
done any illegal drugs
cursed at my parents
or cheated on a gf/bf

but yeah, you're absolutely right... I have no moral backbone at all whatsoever because I can't control my erectile tissue around others of the same gender.

No, it's not LGBTs that have no moral backbone silly, it's Christians that have no problems or issues with same sex marriage that have no moral backbone. I mean, how dare they let others live their own lives? Think that secular laws should be fair and equal for all citizens? How could they do such morally reprehensible things like "love thy neighbor" and "judge not lest ye be judged" and "let he who is without the first sin cast the first stone" and so on and so forth? I mean, did these Christians not get the message? Truly...no moral backbone at all. Just ask Robert.Evans. He knows.


But they should not live with us either. What they do is immoral and unnatural. Separate from such things. He we go again with someone who is not a believer being on a believers site. why???

Only according to you folks.

We are not a religious state.

How would you feel if Islam forced you under their religious laws?

All people should have the same rights.

This is not a "believer's site." This is the General Religious Debates Forum.



That shows you how far they have fallen... just to be in line with modern day thinking! No moral backbone.

Again - your religion does not have the right to dictate your religious laws on other people.

May karma - grant you some time living under Islamic Law in an Islamic country, so you understand what I am saying. ;)



Libertarian Egalitarian
He we go again with someone who is not a believer being on a believers site. why???

And here I was thinking that a forum about world religions would be open to members of ALL religions. However, thanks to your insight, Mister Evans, I now realize that it should, instead, be a forum dedicated to only one religion, and everyone should agree with each other in every single thread. Thank you Mister Evans for showing us all the error of our ways! :clap


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Apparently you haven't read about our founding fathers, - nor read the Constitution.

"When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. ..."


I stand by my statement, actually. That perception is of their own minds.


Veteran Member
Hey, many Christians are for same sex marriage.
Which is good, but we can't forget that this is a very recent turn of events.
" In 2003, all major religious groups opposed same-sex marriage, with the exception of the religiously unaffiliated. Today, there are major religious groups on both sides of the issue. Religiously unaffiliated Americans (73%), white mainline Protestants (62%), white Catholics (58%), and Hispanic Catholics (56%) all favor allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry. A majority (83%) of Jewish Americans also favor legalizing same-sex marriage. Hispanic Protestants are divided; 46% favor allowing gay and lesbian couples to legally marry and 49% oppose. By contrast, nearly 7-in-10 (69%) white evangelical Protestants and nearly 6-in-10 (59%) black Protestants oppose same-sex marriage. Only 27% of white evangelical Protestants and 35% of black Protestants support same-sex marriage."



Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
What they do is immoral and unnatural. Separate from such things.

Can't do that unless you decide to try your hand at living 100% in the woods, with no clothes, tools, or artificial shelters.

'Cause homosexuality is far and away more natural than those things.