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Aliens have been visiting Earth for decades: Canadian expert


President of Chindia
Do you seriously think that Earth is the metaphorical McDonalds on the intergalactic highway? That aliens just drop by to have a laugh and abduct humans for random experiments?


I wonder whether they have holy books? I'd love to compare them to ours. I'm willing to bet their gods made them in their own image too. I bet our god can beat up thier god.

Mr Cheese

Well-Known Member
Hi. I think this guy must get a medal for standing up and saying something that most Governments don't want people to hear.

the IT revolution is due to Martians?

And NOT the space prgrams designs to reach the moon, mars and beyond?


Pull the other one..its got little green men on it


New Member
In what way does it make sense? What is he an expert in? How can he prove any of this? Maybe he doesn't give us enough credit for what we do.

I don't find it hard to believe that aliens have been visiting the Earth for years because of ufos and such depicted in medieval and ancient artwork. I never said he was an expert, and I don't know why people are calling him that. All I'm saying is that we shouldn't ridicule him because for all we know he could be right about some things.


Left Hand Path
I don't find it hard to believe that aliens have been visiting the Earth for years because of ufos and such depicted in medieval and ancient artwork. I never said he was an expert, and I don't know why people are calling him that. All I'm saying is that we shouldn't ridicule him because for all we know he could be right about some things.

The UFO's and such is your interpretation of the art work. That doesn't make it so. He could be right, but for now he is wrong, so he will get critisized.



Its pretty easy to say he bonkers.. But he has a decently big title.

Here is another one:
Nobutaka Machimura - (Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary) - "UFOs do exist and aliens have visited the Earth. Certain identified flying objects or UFOs from outer space have visited Earth. The Government position on this is that the Government has no strategy regarding UFO sightings. It is possible that the mysterious drawings and designs of Nazca, Peru have alien origins." It appears the Japanese Military is actively trying to develop a strategy to deal with disclosure.

I am in contact with ETs. So I know they are here. Exo-happenings are interesting. WHat really goes on in the universe is something we should all have access to IMO. That will only come after first contact.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Aliens have been visiting earth since the first city-states. How else do you explain priests and politicians?


So you agree with Hawking that aliens are likely to be unfriendly to us.

I personally know some ETs. Some are friendly, some are not. Most of the time they are either extremely friendly, or extremely not.

Hawking is an idiot when it comes to ETs. Hes very out of the loop, and unimaginative. Advanced ETs dont fight over resources. They all have more than enough of what they need. Only primitive races fight over resources. People that are not interstellar.


Left Hand Path
So you agree with Hawking that aliens are likely to be unfriendly to us.

In the sense that aliens have instincts like humans, to kill and destroy what they do not understand. Then yes they could be unfriendly to us, but then yet again, their curiosity could take them over and they could just capture us and do extensive research.

But if that were to happen, we would be more likely to rebel, and then they would kill us. Either way, we have atom bombs, and no matter where you are in the universe an atom bomb would be pretty devestating to a ship or colony of little aliens.:D


I personally know some ETs. Some are friendly, some are not. Most of the time they are either extremely friendly, or extremely not.

Hawking is an idiot when it comes to ETs. Hes very out of the loop, and unimaginative. Advanced ETs dont fight over resources. They all have more than enough of what they need. Only primitive races fight over resources. People that are not interstellar.

OK, you know ETs and Hawkings is an idiot.



Left Hand Path
I personally know some ETs. Some are friendly, some are not. Most of the time they are either extremely friendly, or extremely not.

Hawking is an idiot when it comes to ETs. Hes very out of the loop, and unimaginative. Advanced ETs dont fight over resources. They all have more than enough of what they need. Only primitive races fight over resources. People that are not interstellar.

Do these 'ETs' exist in your mind? Because I know some ET's personally too, I see them when I dream but they disappear when I open my eyes.

If we had enough of what we needed there would be no fighting. But how can you say their instincts would be different than ours? Fighting, and killing is natural among the universe, all things destroy and create. Notice even weaker stars are destroyed by stronger stars, all stars are destroyed by black holes if they get to close. Dominance, there is always a dominant figure in everything, and if you do not succumb to it's might you will be destroyed or enslaved.

What is primitive? It is a known fact that humans have always been willing to barter and trade goods for others.

Your statement made it clear, all races are primitive, because all races will fight, look at the animal kingdom, chimpanzee wars, hyena wars, ant wars. They fight for survival.

But I think I understand what you mean, like stupid human wars fighting over nothing since we are perfectly capable of sharing and surviving on our own. But then war isn't our decision, it is the higher ups in government and stupidity.

But then again, that is dominance my friend :D.

Don't bite the hand that feeds you, you will get squished.