I think it is very telling that some people judges all religions out from their own religious dogmatic heritage, but there are much more to it.
Most of the older religions have their own Story of Creation and even smaller or larger ancient tribes all over the world also have their Stories of Creation.
When studying Comparative Religion and Comparative Mythology it is very obvious that the very basics are equal in all these stories and this is very logical as:
We all live on the same planet Earth, in the same Solar System, in the same Milky Way galaxy and in the same local part of the observable Universe. No matter what you call your local god or goddess, it is the very same creative forces who have created these conditions.
This is the very basics in all religious and mythological telling of the Creation.
All the cross-cultural stories of creation is of course common for all humans and it is just local priests and holders of powers who have interpreted different religious matters in their own favor.
As an example of the numerous global Stories of Creation, the Egyptian telling in the Ogdoad, works very fine. Link -
Ogdoad - Wikipedia
Quote: “The eight deities were arranged in four male-female pairs: Nu and Naunet, Amun and Amaunet, Kuk and Kauket, Huh and Hauhet. The males were associated with frogs and females were associated with snakes. Apart from their gender, there was little to distinguish the male gods and female goddesses; indeed, the names of the females are merely derivative female forms of the male name.
Essentially, each pair represents the male and female aspect of one of the four concepts of primordial chaos, namely the primordial waters (Nu and Naunet), air, invisibility, and hidden powers (Amun and Amaunet), darkness and obscurity (Kuk and Kauket), and eternity or infinity (Huh and Hauhet)”.
My comment: The ancient Egyptian here describes both the prime creative qualities and the elementary cosmic conditions. The term of "Primordial Waters" can be directly interpreted to resemble the modern term of "cosmic clouds of gas and dust" from which everything in our Milky Way galaxy is created in the Milky Way center, symbolized by the prime god Amun-Ra,
These gendered deities represents “opposite but complementary qualities and elementary stages” which corresponds to the electromagnetic polarities as the prime forces of creation. And as Huh and Hauhet represents Eternity and Infinity, this states the Universe to be eternal – but filled with conditions which changes forever between assembling and dissolving and re-assembling. This of course contradicts the modern cosmological idea of a Big Bang on a linear time scale.
IMO we shal focus on what is common in all religions and myths - and have in mind that local differences are human made dogmatics which stems from forgotten myths or local misinterpretations of the ancent myths.
Read more here -
Mythical and Cosmological Creation Symbols -