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All Religions


Perpective changes from one view point to another,
absolutely right, I am just giving MY perspective, is that so wrong?
I obviously think I am right, (as you do) if I didn't, I would think something else,
and you would.

If you are speak and write English you speak and write English,
if you speak a form of English, then it can not be called English,
it is pigeon English, me speeky english good, and you spell words
like THRU, CENTER and COLOR wrongly, some people might even consider
it to be laziness, I like to think it's lots of different nationalities, all coming
together and making it easier to write, the English youth will not
be long in corrupting it completely, by writing in TEXT form,
CU L8er, they are already using it now, learning to spell will soon
be a thing of the past, and a thousand years of culture will down
the tubes in 20 years, long live laziness.


Well-Known Member
Gosh, Tot

You makes this too easy.
What kind of grammar is this: "If you are speak and write English you speak and write English,
if you speak a form of English, then it can not be called English,"

Where have I ever spelled through "thru"?

And you mean "pidgin" English, not "pigeon English"

You seem to be walking sedately back and forth across the firing range with a big sign that says "SHOOT ME!".

Main Entry: pidgin English
Function: noun
Usage: often capitalized P
Etymology: Chinese Pidgin English pidgin business
: an English-based pidgin; especially : one originally used in parts of east Asia

Pidgin is actually its own language with its own rules of grammar created in the same way as Swahili.

Main Entry: pid·gin
Pronunciation: 'pi-j&n
Function: noun
Etymology: pidgin English
: a simplified speech used for communication between people with different languages

I wanted to get this out quickly before someone else took a pin to your swollen head.



Religious Zionist
shytot said:
Yes I do overgeneralize. but I am writing to be read by twenty
different beliefs and ways of thinking, whatever I write, I write
to get people thinking, I may get their backs up as well, but at
least I am trying to think away from the norm, sometimes slightly
off centre, (that is the correct spelling for 'centre' not 'center')
more often, way off centre, but I am at least thinking my way through
this life, that is why I am unable to believe in such a preposterous
concept as a God, yes preposterous, when it comes to religion, we are asked
to throw logic out of the window, forget everything you have been taught
about how the world works, however it's argued, the two do not mix,
God and logic, will forever be in conflict.
But, it will be argued, I am totally wrong about this as well, I will be told,
'God and logic go hand in hand, all you need is a little imagination.'
It seems to me, once religion gets a grip, everything is thrown out of the window.

the only thing you've gotten me to think about is to conclude engaging in this pointless discussion.


That will teech me to reed wat I rite, point taken.

Popeyesays said:
You seem to be walking sedately back and forth across the firing range with a big sign that says "SHOOT ME!".

I must admit, I was completely unaware I was a target,
I was under the impression we were telling each other
about our ideas and thoughts on a range of subjects,
no matter how outlandish they might be, (silly me)

It has just struck me, I should have known better,
it is in truth, a competition to see who can be the most stupid,
and it is obviously me, I have let myself be sucked into
a practical joke, which I should have seen coming,
I am arguing with people who have been pulling my leg,
and I was unaware of it, it is plain to see now.
This forum is one big joke, after all, who in their right
mind would be stupid enough to admit to believing the
rubbish written in most of these posts, some of the
craziest ideas and beliefs it is possible to come up with,
what a fool I have been, the quicker I get out of here
the better, back to the real world.


shytot said:
I was under the impression we were telling each other
about our ideas and thoughts on a range of subjects,
I should have known better,
it is in truth, a competition to see who can be the most stupid,
and it is obviously me, I have let myself be sucked into
a practical joke, which I should have seen coming,
I am arguing with people who have been pulling my leg,

please. your attitude is responsible. we've been trying to tell you for several pages, but you haven't been listening. you've been digging your own hole - i say, try to learn something here.

none of your ideas are unique on this forum - in fact, some of the people you've been debating with shares them.


Custom User
shytot said:
99% of people with a religion, believe in a religion that was chosen for them by someone else, and all of them can say,"I did not choose my name, my mother or father, or my religion".
Who said? "Give me a child until he is seven, and I will give you a (your religion here) for life".
If all the children in the world were not taught about religion, it would die in one generation.
All this may be true, but if you have been captured, you will not agree with one word of this.
PS. Everyone is born an Atheist.

We are also born ignorant. So I don't think being born atheist is something to brag about.

If all the children in the world were not taught about religion, the inquiry into the nature of the self and of the absolute would still be made and religion would be rediscovered. Why? Because these questions are the natural propensity of the human mind.


Flaming Queer
shytot said:
99% of people with a religion, believe in a religion that was chosen for them by someone else, and all of them can say,"I did not choose my name, my mother or father, or my religion".
if you look at me, you will see a person who is living in a mildly christian orientated society, who is choosing to blend paganism ........ not got that from my society or family ;)
Who said? "Give me a child until he is seven, and I will give you a (your religion here) for life".
If all the children in the world were not taught about religion, it would die in one generation.
All this may be true, but if you have been captured, you will not agree with one word of this.
PS. Everyone is born an Atheist.
then i would have children with the intention of teaching them various religions


Disciple of Light
I believe personnaly that God can interviene in our physical universe. So in this, I believe that even if that did happen, there would once again be a revolution of religion by the divine intervention. I cannot see a personal God let this happen unless it was a test of faith.

Ps:people are born Nontheistic, not Atheistic.:jam: :jam: :jam: :jam:


Well-Known Member
shytot said:
[To a third party:] First off, Please replace 'next world' with the word 'DEATH', I find that word a little more permanent, don't you?

Not in the least!

Death is a very brief thing, a transition of a very few moments.

The Next Life, in contrast, will last FOREVER and is infinitely more significant in the grand scheme of things!

Best, :)



Well-Known Member

shytot said:
99% of people with a religion, believe in a religion that was chosen for them by someone else, and all of the. One can say,"I did not choose my name, my mother or father, or my religion.

HOWEVER, there are significant exceptions!

For example, EVERY ONE--read "100%"--of the seven million Baha'is world wide is a Baha'i solely because of his or her own investigation and decision! (Membership in the Faith can't be inherited.)

And moreover, everyone who remains a Baha'i does so by his/her own free will because resigning one's membership is always a free option, with no sanction or condemnation attached to doing so.

shytot said:
If all the children in the world were not taught about religion, it would die in one generation.

I seriously doubt it would, or at least would remain so for long. God is far too loving and merciful to neglect us to that extent! I'm sure He would shortly send new Divine Messengers to guide us and to establish true religion, just as He has done many times in the past....

shytot said:
All this may be true, but if you have been captured, you will not agree with one word of this.

PS. Everyone is born an Atheist.

What you clearly overlook is that some of us have never been "captured," but rather have made this decision independantly, on our own! (And as I just pointed out, this is necessarily true of every Baha'i, the more so given that Baha'i parents are forbidden from forcing their children to become Baha'i!)

So you obviously overgeneralize (a common logical fallacy)!

Furthermore, not only are we (in the Baha'i view) born inherently good, but our scriptures affirm the need for training and growth in order to derive the maximum benefit from religion!:

"Man is the supreme Talisman. Lack of a proper education hath, however, deprived him of that which he doth inherently possess. Through a word proceeding out of the mouth of God he was called into being; by one word more he was guided to recognize the Source of his education; by yet another word his station and destiny were safeguarded. The Great Being saith: Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom…."
(“Gleanings from the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh”, Sec. 122, pp. 259–60)

Cheers! :)



Well-Known Member
My mother follows the traditional Cherokee religion, my father is a secular humanist, and I was sent to Catholic and then Lutheran schools until the sixth grade.
I, at first, believed very intensely in Jesus, but that was ruined for me in the fifth grade in religion class because the preacher dodged my question of where a particular rule was found in the bible. I got "It's in the bible." "Where?" "Jesus said so" "Where?" "Don't argue!" So, when I was a child, I was influenced more in my faith by school than my parents.

As an adult, I am a monotheist, which disagrees with both my parent's faiths. My mom is very open minded and accepting.


Well-Known Member
I think people shouldn't "inherit" their religion. But I don't think that religion would die out if children weren't exposed to it anymore. Sooner or later, their minds will develop enough to start asking questions about their existence, and they would eventually fabricate answers based on observations and experiences.


Religion is Law
shytot said:
PS. Everyone is born an Atheist.
That is debatable.

William Wordsworth. 1770–1850

Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood (1807)

"Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting:
The Soul that rises with us, our life's Star,
Hath had elsewhere its setting,
And cometh from afar:
Not in entire forgetfulness,
And not in utter nakedness,
But trailing clouds of glory do we come
From God, who is our home:
Heaven lies about us in our infancy!"

Scripture reads as follows:

"Then shall the dust [our bodies] return to the earth as it was: and the spirit [within us] shall return unto God who gave it." (Ecclesiastes 12:7).

Some may have been born atheists, but not all. An angel declared to the shepherds watching their flocks at night:

"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." (Luke 2:11).


Why were the angels only about during this time?
The shepherds were so used to seeing angels, they were not afraid and remembered every word,
Who did Jesus look like? his father or his mother?
The tree wise men traveled miles to find him, gave him presents, (they must have thought he was really special.) then forgot all about him.
and if it's true, why did God forget about him for 30 years?


Active Member
A question away from the current topic, when atheists say that the world would be a better place without religion and then reel off the reasons why the reasons never seem to apply to Buddhism, do atheists make an exception to Buddhism? Is it one religion they could let slide or is it because because Buddhism doesn't really fit the mould as a religion? I know a lot of atheists respect Buddhism as a 'good' religion, but when they say that the world doesn't need religion does that include Buddhism?

As a Buddhist I also consider myself atheist, so I find these type of comments interesting.


Well-Known Member
shytot said:
99% of people with a religion, believe in a religion that was chosen for them by someone else, and all of them can say,"I did not choose my name, my mother or father, or my religion".
Who said? "Give me a child until he is seven, and I will give you a (your religion here) for life".
If all the children in the world were not taught about religion, it would die in one generation.
All this may be true, but if you have been captured, you will not agree with one word of this.
PS. Everyone is born an Atheist.


I strongly disagree that "everyone is born an atheist" because no one is born with a belief that God doesn't exist! And it's pure hubris to claim otherwise, IMHO.

Fortunately, as to the rest, we Baha'is all belong to the 1% group because: 1) the Baha'i Faith can't be inherited from our parents and 2) EVERY Baha'i world wide is so as a direct result of a positive decision to be such!

So it's not true, either, that everyone inherits religion, even if most do.




Fellowship of Reason
BruceDLimber said:
I strongly disagree that "everyone is born an atheist" because no one is born with a belief that God doesn't exist! And it's pure hubris to claim otherwise, IMHO.

When atheists claim that "everyone is born an atheist", they define atheism as a lack of belief in divine beings, not a belief that divine beings don't exist. This argument probably also involves the view that we are born "tabula rasa" (without knowledge or beliefs of any sort), and therefore we naturally wouldn't believe in God, or anything else.




shytot said:
Everyone is born an Atheist.

In order to be an atheist, you believe there is no God or deny the existence of God. A new born baby would have no belief one way or another about God, they can not be atheists.