After some time studying Sufi teachings the understanding of truth beginning to arise, not only from sufi understanding but about that all true religions holds a part of the grand truth.
It is told in different ways so all humans can find the teaching that they can realize and begin to be a part of the truth too.
So to have heated discussion with people from different beliefs have no meaning if the first thought is " my belief is better or more correct then others" you see truth from your own P.O.V not from others. So what others say is true to them may seem wrong to you. Do not judge others before you have changed everything from within your self. Remove all the "wrongs" in your own life before making judgment of others
Baha'i speak of unity of all people, now i understand them very well
yes we are one under the truth. A seeker of God is seeking truth. But what that truth is will look different from where others see it.
Imaging you stand in a big circle of people, in the middle of the circle is the truth. From your P.O.V you see truth one way. 180° of you in the circle the person see truth totally different, but he/she see the truth from their P.O.V so still you look at the same truth, but different ways.
Baha'i seem to walk around the circle to gain different P.O.V so the can see teachings from many masters.
One way to gain more wisdom about truth, is to walk closer to it, away from the 2D dimension of the circle.
Only when you stand in the middle of the circle will you become fully aware of the full truth.
Truth of love, compassion and God.
God is Love, Love is God.