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Allah, the only Creator.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Please, this is getting a little too absurd to continue. I suppose you would say people watching their TV coverage of the winning touchdown at Super Bowl are not seeing the same thing. Sure, there's going to be some slight differences in perspective but the overall event will be witnessed by all who see it. So I don't see your point except as a throwaway putdown of an event you don't want to give any credit to.

:facepalm: You know, maybe it would help if you stated exactly what the event WAS. I thought you were talking about 500+ people having the same vision, despite being in different parts of the world.

I was using an unstated event as an example, but now it seems like you're liking whatever it is you're talking about to television. So, did 500+ people see the exact same thing at the exact same time at the exact same place?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Oh yes. Brain studies of Buddhists monks meditating.

I'm not doubting the effects on the brain; what makes you think that such effects aren't the desired goal of such meditation?

The entire point of meditation is to change the view of life. It's not supposed to affect the outside world.

Besides, you say "brain studies" but have you seen these studies for yourself? If so, can you direct me to them?


Friend REASON_236,,

Whatever one may state; this much is sure that the words has come through the mouth of a HUMAN and human himself came out of existence through an evolutionary process.
Existence was there already and those who wish to allow their *IMAGINATION* to run wild are free to use the *god* concept and the concept of *creation*. Everything is free and fair, provided that helps in reaching to the supreme understanding. All paths / ways lead to the same place with or without *god*.
Love & rgds

But how did existence get there? Do you know? I know 'cause God told me how and it's a quite rational explanation that makes "perfect" sense. God tells the prophesy bearer sensitive to spiritual instruction and the prophesy bearer tells all of you. The information doesn't come to everyone at once, wish that it did, but that's the way it works and why revelations are not going to go away despite the wishes of the last revealer to block any new revelations, e.g. Moses, Paul, the author of Revelation and Muhammad.


Its only a Label
Friend biomystic,

Thank you for your response.
Am sorry, that *each to his own religion* as someone who stated as having had revelation besides this can never be a subject of debate.
Yes, likewise whatever be your revelation, kindly do share with humanity, am sure mankind will be enriched by the same.
Personal understanding is that existence was there, is here and will remain, humans are just somewhere in between. Life is HERE-NOW!. The past is no more, the future, never comes all that is, IS HERE-NOW!

Love & rgds


Agnostic Pantheist
Moderate? When you step out with a load of slander against another RF member you lose all credibility for posting "moderate" comments. You obviously are frightened of my work and I think we both know why. These are the End Times of Buddhist philosophy and that's something you don't want to hear. But it's gonna happen whether you like it or not because it's only a matter of time before the cat's out of the bag and intellectuals around the globe discover Buddhist meditation is for brain manipulation in order to avoid psychic pain and that Buddhist philosophy is derived from achieving by meditative technique, a single brain state wherein the brains' sense of self center is disabled, no electrical activity flowing through it which results in the egoless, oceanic mindset that Buddhists falsely believe is a true vision of reality. But it isn't any truer to reality than the lotus eaters get with psycho-active drugs that also are used to escape psychic pain or even physical pain. Buddhist philosophy rests on brain manipulation achieved by meditative techniques such as repetitive sounds to drown out one's interior dialogue but nothing's changed in the outside world no matter how much bliss consciousness from activated frontal lobes the Buddhist gets through shunting electrical activity from the sense of self center to the frontal cortex. Zen's in for even more criticism because of Zen's historical association with violence in service to feudal lords scotching all the Buddhist claims for non-violence. This is what you don't want to think about when I post it and react with rather childish attempts to denigrate my character instead of addressing the issues I present with reasoned argument.

Instead of hurling out empty threats you might try growing up instead.
Trust me. you are not the first messianism obsessed megalomaniac we had here. and you are no more original than the last one. we've heard it all. *yawn*


I'm not doubting the effects on the brain; what makes you think that such effects aren't the desired goal of such meditation?

The entire point of meditation is to change the view of life. It's not supposed to affect the outside world.

Besides, you say "brain studies" but have you seen these studies for yourself? If so, can you direct me to them?

Just Google "Buddhist brain studies".

What is the point of Buddhist meditation or Buddhist philosophy if not to calm the mind or actually tranquilize the brain so it doesn't experience psychic pain? There would be nothing wrong with this goal were it placed in proper perspective as another remedy for the trial and tribulations of normal human life. But Buddhism isn't content to be remedy--it projects the literal hole in the head, i.e., the cessation of electrical in the parietal sense of self center, outward as the Void or nothingness central to Buddhist ideology and goes further to make this single brain state an ideal for everyone. And that, to me, explains much why those societies where Buddhism is the state religion are so far behind Western nations. I really am convinced that spending so much time in "no thought" dulls the mind and coupled with an ideology in which ego-driven creativity is discouraged, e.g., the traditional patterns and pastoral emphasis of so much Buddhist art, makes a Buddhist nation backward in most everything. For instance, while I admire the outward show of joviality, I don't think the Dalai Lama did Tibet any service at all by his being played by Mao Zadong into losing Tibet to the Chinese. A smarter man would have seen through the Communist invitation and called upon Western nations immediately for protection while Chinese Communists were still weak in power in China.


Trust me. you are not the first messianism obsessed megalomaniac we had here. and you are no more original than the last one. we've heard it all. *yawn*

And trust me, I've heard just about every criticism under the sun about my religious beliefs and visions in my 14 years of posting on Internet religious discussion forums. I note that as you exemplify whenever my critics have nothing substantial to defend their criticisms of me, they almost always resort to character attack, slander and libel. Your criticism that my spiritual information is no more original than the last one shows is one I've heard many times before and only shows lack of perception on your part because you just go ahead and show me and everyone else here where they can find anything like my religious visions or Biomystical Christian belief system or my spiritual work putting my religion into practice. Go ahead, Caladan, show us another Paxcalibur, another Gospel of Humanity, another Biomystical Christian belief system, and Vision of Christ Josephine. After all, they're a dime a dozen according to you..


Active Member
Islam claims that Allah is the creator of the universe. and as a monotheistic religion, Islam claims that there is one creator. it also claims that he is not begotten and does not beget. kindly, express your ideas of what a creator(s) might be. and if a creator exists in the first place.

I start with the last statement.
For anything created in the sense of being the result of a conscious act, there exists a creator. Actually that follows from the very definitions of the words. You are the creator of the post you created etc.
However. there is no evidence to suggest that everything was "created".
I see no evidence for a single (or many) consicous creators that were not themselves created and did all this only for us as a special species.

As for Islam. What it claims it would have to provide evidende for. No evidence, no reason to believe it.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Just Google "Buddhist brain studies".

You can't just direct me to them? Why must I go through the trouble of figuring out which of my search results are valid and which ones are junk?

What is the point of Buddhist meditation or Buddhist philosophy if not to calm the mind or actually tranquilize the brain so it doesn't experience psychic pain? There would be nothing wrong with this goal were it placed in proper perspective as another remedy for the trial and tribulations of normal human life.
I never saw it as anything else.

But Buddhism isn't content to be remedy--it projects the literal hole in the head, i.e., the cessation of electrical in the parietal sense of self center, outward as the Void or nothingness central to Buddhist ideology and goes further to make this single brain state an ideal for everyone.
"Outward?" I never got the impression that nirvana is external.

And that, to me, explains much why those societies where Buddhism is the state religion are so far behind Western nations.
"Behind?" I'd say they're ahead of us spiritually. America has virtually no spirituality whatsoever, we're so dependent on technology and material and sensual gratification.

I really am convinced that spending so much time in "no thought" dulls the mind and coupled with an ideology in which ego-driven creativity is discouraged, e.g., the traditional patterns and pastoral emphasis of so much Buddhist art, makes a Buddhist nation backward in most everything.
I fail to see how the Four Noble Truths can do this.

For instance, while I admire the outward show of joviality, I don't think the Dalai Lama did Tibet any service at all by his being played by Mao Zadong into losing Tibet to the Chinese. A smarter man would have seen through the Communist invitation and called upon Western nations immediately for protection while Chinese Communists were still weak in power in China.
Oh, please. The result would have been the same as Vietnam, if not worse.

Now, it is clear to me that you're not talking about Buddhism as a whole at all, but a specific branch of it: Vajrayana (commonly called Tibetan) Buddhism.

The Core of Buddhism, if you use the term widely, is the Four Noble Truths.


Riverwolf;:facepalm: You know, maybe it would help if you stated exactly what the event WAS. I thought you were talking about 500+ people having the same vision, despite being in different parts of the world.

I was using an unstated event as an example, but now it seems like you're liking whatever it is you're talking about to television. So, did 500+ people see the exact same thing at the exact same time at the exact same place?[/quote]

"God gave me the image for Paxcalibur, Sword of Peace, and after wowing and being honored by over 500 Christian Nazareans at Easter in 2003, now Paxcalibur resides in Nazareth, Israel, as the world's most spiritually powerful religious icon having the ability to "speak" God's message of peace without necessity of language to anyone who sees it."

-posted on page 13 (?) of this thread. I carried Paxcalibur through the streets of Nazareth right behind an Israeli-Palestinian mix scout troop who were placed at the head of the Easter procession march and right ahead of two Catholic priests and one Greek Orthodox priest and behind us were 500+ Israeli Arab Christians. We all ended up in the courtyard of the Basilica of the Annunciation where I was invited up on the stage stairs to face the crowd who honored me and Pax with applause and song. They all saw Pax in the parade and then at the end, in the courtyard. The event was recorded by at least three Nazarean TV stations but not speaking Arabic and not having the time to track documentation down then plus being unable to even find the TV stations later from here in America because I don't speak Arabic and everything in Arab Israeli Nazareth is in Arabic. Nazareans have invited me back and next time, I will have my sister with camcorder with me and the Israeli peace activist who speaks Arabic/Hebrew/and English.


You can't just direct me to them? Why must I go through the trouble of figuring out which of my search results are valid and which ones are junk?

Try Googling these:

Newberg and Aquili brain studies

From an article in the NY Times re past Zen miliarism which demonstrates that Buddhist "enlightenment" is no guarantee of moral progress

Finding Happiness: Cajole Your Brain to Lean to the Left

I never saw it as anything else.

"Outward?" I never got the impression that nirvana is external.

What is "nirvana" if not the brain state wherein the brain's sense of self has been completely disabled which creates the oceanic ego-less feeling that can be blissful if electrical energy shunted from the dead zone where the sense of self center is goes to pleasure centers in the frontal lobes. Is there a philosophical correlation between the Buddhist concept of the Void and Nothingness and valuelessness of ego-centric human life and this dead zone in the brain? I believe there is and I think it is ultimately unhealthy to strive for any single brain state in a complex world that takes multiple brain states to deal with effectively. Ego and creativity are tied together because it takes an ego willing to buck the status quo or tradition to bring about new ideas and social change.

"Behind?" I'd say they're ahead of us spiritually. America has virtually no spirituality whatsoever, we're so dependent on technology and material and sensual gratification.

Tell that to the pollsters who continually find the great majority of Americans believers in God. Traditional Christianity has been corrupted by alliance with capitalism (thanks to Christian leaders like Calvin..) and in my opinion only the communitarian Christians as organized groups of Christians really practice the teachings of Jesus Christ. Otherwise, most all Christians follow Paul's commandment to obey whatever rulers God has put before them which of course leads Christians into supporting wars and abandoning the teachings of Christ. The Jewish control over much of Hollywood and American TV fare also doesn't help matters because Hollywood and New York are in cultural media for the money, whatever sells, and could care less about Christian morality so Americans are constantly being exposed to material enticements, sex, and violence on their screens. Saying this will no doubt provoke "anti-Semitism" comments but hey, what are ya gonna do when you are one of these people of Jewish descent? And my ma met my dad when she worked at Paramount Studios..

I fail to see how the Four Noble Truths can do this.

They represent a philosophy based on the Buddhist brain manipulation with the goal of creating a single brain state, the ego-less state of mind that occurs when the brains' sense of self center is neutralized. Take romantic love for example. Can't do it when you're ideology says attachments always lead to suffering which is only a partial truism of life. The other side being attachment can bring astonishing joy and happiness to those attached in love with each other. It's like Buddhism want to throw the baby out with the bathwater and teach Buddhist not to risk the natural emotions that come with living life as human beings.

Oh, please. The result would have been the same as Vietnam, if not worse.

We're talking just a few years after America and allies won WW II and had higher esteem in the world. Also, Tibetans could have really played their Mt. Everest card to draw in support of England and Americans who love such places of physical challenge. I think the Dalai Lama was thoroughly hoodwinked by Mao and Tibetans paid the price for it. Vietnamese were not really much known to the world before Vietnam.

Now, it is clear to me that you're not talking about Buddhism as a whole at all, but a specific branch of it: Vajrayana (commonly called Tibetan) Buddhism.

The Core of Buddhism, if you use the term widely, is the Four Noble Truths.

See above comment above on the Four Noble Truths.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
"God gave me the image for Paxcalibur, Sword of Peace, and after wowing and being honored by over 500 Christian Nazareans at Easter in 2003, now Paxcalibur resides in Nazareth, Israel, as the world's most spiritually powerful religious icon having the ability to "speak" God's message of peace without necessity of language to anyone who sees it."

-posted on page 13 (?) of this thread. I carried Paxcalibur through the streets of Nazareth right behind an Israeli-Palestinian mix scout troop who were placed at the head of the Easter procession march and right ahead of two Catholic priests and one Greek Orthodox priest and behind us were 500+ Israeli Arab Christians. We all ended up in the courtyard of the Basilica of the Annunciation where I was invited up on the stage stairs to face the crowd who honored me and Pax with applause and song. They all saw Pax in the parade and then at the end, in the courtyard. The event was recorded by at least three Nazarean TV stations but not speaking Arabic and not having the time to track documentation down then plus being unable to even find the TV stations later from here in America because I don't speak Arabic and everything in Arab Israeli Nazareth is in Arabic. Nazareans have invited me back and next time, I will have my sister with camcorder with me and the Israeli peace activist who speaks Arabic/Hebrew/and English.

So you carried a sword in a parade. So?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Try Googling these:

Newberg and Aquili brain studies

K. I'll get back to you.

From an article in the NY Times re past Zen miliarism which demonstrates that Buddhist "enlightenment" is no guarantee of moral progress

Perhaps you should understand the context of the time period of Feudal Japan, where NOTHING was a guarantee of moral progress.

What is "nirvana" if not the brain state wherein the brain's sense of self has been completely disabled which creates the oceanic ego-less feeling that can be blissful if electrical energy shunted from the dead zone where the sense of self center is goes to pleasure centers in the frontal lobes.

That may be the scientific way of putting it. I have no idea, as I don't speak Science.

Is there a philosophical correlation between the Buddhist concept of the Void and Nothingness and valuelessness of ego-centric human life and this dead zone in the brain? I believe there is and I think it is ultimately unhealthy to strive for any single brain state in a complex world that takes multiple brain states to deal with effectively. Ego and creativity are tied together because it takes an ego willing to buck the status quo or tradition to bring about new ideas and social change.

Not everyone is fit to become a Buddha.

Tell that to the pollsters who continually find the great majority of Americans believers in God.

I don't care if they believe in God. Belief in God doesn't automatically give one a spiritual life. How many so-called believers are actually mall-zombies or sports-fanatics who spend more time figuring out what clothes to wear or whether or not their favorite team is going to win instead of meditating on and reading about God?

Traditional Christianity has been corrupted by alliance with capitalism (thanks to Christian leaders like Calvin..) and in my opinion only the communitarian Christians as organized groups of Christians really practice the teachings of Jesus Christ. Otherwise, most all Christians follow Paul's commandment to obey whatever rulers God has put before them which of course leads Christians into supporting wars and abandoning the teachings of Christ. The Jewish control over much of Hollywood and American TV fare also doesn't help matters because Hollywood and New York are in cultural media for the money, whatever sells, and could care less about Christian morality so Americans are constantly being exposed to material enticements, sex, and violence on their screens. Saying this will no doubt provoke "anti-Semitism" comments but hey, what are ya gonna do when you are one of these people of Jewish descent? And my ma met my dad when she worked at Paramount Studios..

Well, is it because they're Jewish, or because of greed, and they just happen to be of Jewish descent?

I think you've just explained to me why America is spiritually sick.

They represent a philosophy based on the Buddhist brain manipulation with the goal of creating a single brain state, the ego-less state of mind that occurs when the brains' sense of self center is neutralized.
Take romantic love for example. Can't do it when you're ideology says attachments always lead to suffering which is only a partial truism of life. The other side being attachment can bring astonishing joy and happiness to those attached in love with each other. It's like Buddhism want to throw the baby out with the bathwater and teach Buddhist not to risk the natural emotions that come with living life as human beings.

Clearly you don't understand the Four Noble Truths AT ALL. The Buddha acknowledged joy and happiness.

You must also understand that the Buddha made a distinction between pain and suffering. Pain can't go away. Suffering can. Pain and joy coincide. A Buddha can feel joy and happiness, and raise a family and have friends.

We're talking just a few years after America and allies won WW II and had higher esteem in the world. Also, Tibetans could have really played their Mt. Everest card to draw in support of England and Americans who love such places of physical challenge. I think the Dalai Lama was thoroughly hoodwinked by Mao and Tibetans paid the price for it. Vietnamese were not really much known to the world before Vietnam.

Wouldn't have mattered. After WWII, America was eager to get into whatever war it could get its hands on. A war with China would have been disastrous.

See above comment above on the Four Noble Truths.

Which clearly indicated you know nothing about said Truths.

Go read "What the Buddha Taught."


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member

Newberg and Aquili brain studies

Okay, I read one of the articles that a google search of this lead me to, and I'm not sure what you're trying to say with it.

Of course spiritual experiences are caused by specific brain functions. It's not hard to figure out; heck, the ancient Sages knew as much!


Friend biomystic,
Japan is the least developed country in the world because of Buddhism.


Shintoism drove Japanese into serious competition in warfare meaning Japan copied the West in arms development for their expansion dreams outside of Japan which WW II ended militarily but Japan recovered quickly by switching to economic warfare, a war which they won until serious economic competition from China developed. Buddhism didn't drive Japan's striving for economic superiority. Enlightenment never meant economic success as Gautama's example of deliberately forgoing wealth exemplified for Buddhists.


Reincarnation of 'Anti-religion'
Shintoism drove Japanese into serious competition in warfare meaning Japan copied the West in arms development for their expansion dreams outside of Japan which WW II ended militarily but Japan recovered quickly by switching to economic warfare, a war which they won until serious economic competition from China developed. Buddhism didn't drive Japan's striving for economic superiority. Enlightenment never meant economic success as Gautama's example of deliberately forgoing wealth exemplified for Buddhists.

I am shocked to see quite a few Buddhist countries at the top of GDP list from 0-1820 AD.
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"Go read "What the Buddha Taught."

Any ideology or theology is only as strong as its weakest link. I am sent to point out the fatal flaws in existing theologies and philosophies because obviously existing theologies and philosophies haven't brought the world closer to world peace. Something is lacking in them that keeps their good points from becoming universal. I don't have to plow through Buddhist theological texts to discover Buddhism' s fatal flaw. Science found it for me and for you. Buddhist philosophy suffers a disconnect from human social reality by over-emphasis on avoidance of psychic pain in my opinion. It's another way of tranquilizing the brain that uses meditative technique instead of drugs. When you look at the world as a place of suffering, suffering is what you will see instead of the joys and heartbreaks of engaged life. Buddhism teaches detachment in all relationships in order to avoid psychic pain that comes from full engagement to everyday life in all its glories and miseries, i.e., throwing baby out with the bathwater..


Reincarnation of 'Anti-religion'
1820? What century are we in now? What happened and why are Buddhist nations now lagging so far behind? It takes egos to buck tradition and bring in social changes and Buddhism strives to subdue the ego and ego-driven need for achievement.

Do you see christ to be different from Buddha?:)