Nothing can exist outside of this realm because any other realm is non-existent.
Says who ?
You know you really need to start THINKING.
Who are you to think you KNOW that "any" other realm is non-existent?
You think the multiuniverse theory is a prooven nonsense? WOW. Please do publish a paper on that idea. I am sure i will have my fun reading the comments you will get.
Is there another realm besides the supernatural realm? Do you have any information about other realms or the supernatural realm? If so I would love to hear about either.
You remind me of young earth creationists again. You know how their reasoning often goes?
"It is beyond my comprehension how all this should have happend by chance or natural laws. Therefore it didnt".
You do the same thing. "I (richardlowellt) simply cant grasp the idea that there might be some other universe. So it CANT be"
Indeed.... kindergarden level.
Lot's of things can exist, as part of the naturalistic realm, But God being from a realm that does not exist,cannot.
Again .. no conclusive reasoning here. Just two statements without any evidence.
You may tell me I'm wrong with my conclusion all day if you like, thats what sites like this are for.
I didnt know that these sites were meant to have people telling you that you are wrong. Actually i thought such sites were existent in order to learn something.
Sadly at least You dont seem very eager to do so. I wonder if it makes sense talking to you at all since now numerous people have stated one and the same thing about your reasoning, people that even AGREE with you in that they do not believe in a god. And instead of thinking about it you seem to repeat the same old nonsense like a stubborn child not willing to see its error (which is a rather obvious one).
1.) There is one and only one naturalistic realm.
2.) All things in that realm exist, even things we may not know about or can imagine.
3.) The Abrahamic God is not from the naturalistic realm.
4.) If not from the naturalistic realm then there is no other place he could exist.
5.) Conclusion, no God exists.
Your argument fails with point 1 already.
1) wrong depending on the definition of the term naturalistic and realm.
If you say that natural laws are what govern THIS universe (inside) then you are correct. There is only one naturalistic realm (namely ours) by definition. If you say natural laws are what govern universes then you might be incorrect. Even in the first case however you havent ruled out any "nonnaturalistic realm" which by definition means: a realm in which our natural laws are not valid.
2) formulation is idiotic. If by definition ALL things exist, then you would just have said that God exists.
3) I guess given the first definition of 1) this could be said using the scriptures.
4) Wrong conclusion. As stated there might exist other realms, whether we call them naturalistic or not.
5) See 4
Now you will tell me, How do you know another realm does not exist. Then I will ask you, How do you know that pixie dust does not exist?
You havent answered the question. You just posed a different one which is not even on the same level. If you state it is on the same level, then you would have to show that first. See? You do not provide answers my friend. You only appeal to what you think is common sense, jumping from one thing to the next.
Do you think it is possible for this dust to exist and perform as we have seen?
If we HAD seen it then they would definetly exist.
And again... theoretically nearly everything is possible as long as it is not logically paradox. We simply dont believe in things that are as improbable as "pixie dust". But we dont rule it out per se.
And remember I am talking about the Abrahamic God, Gods, gods, gods, were did they all come from, some many gods, they can't all be real can they?
Again... this is missing the point. Of course not all ods can be true at the same time and of course chances that Gods (even all) were invented are rather huge. That however doesnt constitute a proof for a gods nonexistence.