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Alone forever


Can anyone imagine or would anyone want to be completely alone for eternity?

I believe the scriptures indicate that separation from God is the eternal destiny of anyone who refuses to admit or give up sin and according to the scriptures everyone is guilty of sin. Various descriptions are used to portray what the condition of separation will be like, such as; outer darkness, weeping and gnashing of teeth or burning fire. The Bible also says God is Love. He is the source of love and without His presence I believe love is nonexistent. So my understanding is that being separated from God and His love will also mean being separated from everyone else because love which now connects people together would no longer be active in the state of being separated from God.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Being all alone is one of my greatest fears.

Nevertheless, I won't let such fears dictate which God I pray to or devote to. I'll only use such fears to help keep friends and loved ones close, and try to keep schisms from forming.


Well-Known Member
I hate being alone for just a few days, so I doubt eternity alone would be any better :p.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
I had no problem being alone in my non-existence for billions of years before I was born. I suspect I'll have the same lack of problem with it after I die.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
Can anyone imagine or would anyone want to be completely alone for eternity?

I believe the scriptures indicate that separation from God is the eternal destiny of anyone who refuses to admit or give up sin and according to the scriptures everyone is guilty of sin. Various descriptions are used to portray what the condition of separation will be like, such as; outer darkness, weeping and gnashing of teeth or burning fire. The Bible also says God is Love. He is the source of love and without His presence I believe love is nonexistent. So my understanding is that being separated from God and His love will also mean being separated from everyone else because love which now connects people together would no longer be active in the state of being separated from God.

Being alone for eternity would be hell. But being with someone else for eternity would also be hell.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Can anyone imagine or would anyone want to be completely alone for eternity?

I believe the scriptures indicate that separation from God is the eternal destiny of anyone who refuses to admit or give up sin and according to the scriptures everyone is guilty of sin. Various descriptions are used to portray what the condition of separation will be like, such as; outer darkness, weeping and gnashing of teeth or burning fire. The Bible also says God is Love. He is the source of love and without His presence I believe love is nonexistent. So my understanding is that being separated from God and His love will also mean being separated from everyone else because love which now connects people together would no longer be active in the state of being separated from God.

That would be an eternity to become proficient enough with meditation so that you find inner peace within yourself.


"Maybe it's not metaphysics. Maybe it's existential. I'm talking about the individual US citizen's deep fear, the same basic fear that you and I have and that everybody has except nobody ever talks about it except existentialists in convoluted French prose. Or Pascal. Our smallness, our insignificance and mortality, yours and mine, the thing that we all spend all our time not thinking about directly, that we are tiny and at the mercy of large forces and that time is always passing and that every day we've lost one more day that will never come back and our childhoods are over and our adolescence and the vigor of youth and soon our adulthood, that everything we see around us all the time is decaying and passing, it's all passing away, and so are we, so am I, and given how fast the first forty-two years have shot by it's not going to be long before I too pass away, whoever imagined that there was a more truthful way to put it than "die," "pass away," the very sound of it makes me feel the way I feel at dusk on a wintry Sunday--

And not only that, but everybody who knows me or even knows I exist will die, and then everybody who knows those people and might even conceivably have even heard of me will die, and so on, and the gravestones and monuments we spend money to have pour in to make sure we're remembered, these'll last what-- a hundred years? two hundred?-- and they'll crumble, and the grass and insects my decomposition will go to feed will die, and their offspring, or if I'm cremated the trees that are nourished by my windblown ash will die or get cut down and decay, and my urn will decay, and that before maybe three of four generations it will be like I never existed, not only will I have passed away but it will be like I was never here, and people in 2104 or whatever will no more think of Stuart A. Nichols Jr. than you or I think of John T. Smith, 1790 to 1864, of Livingston, Virginia, or some such. That everything is on fire, slow fire, and we're all less than a million breaths away from an oblivion more total than we can even bring ourselves to even try to imagine, in fact, probably that's why the manic US obsession with production, produce, produce, impact the world, contribute, shape things, to help distract us from how little and totally insignificant and temporary we are...

The post-production capitalist has something to do with the death of civics. But so does fear of smallness and death and everything being on fire."

- David Foster Wallace


Avid JW Bible Student
Can anyone imagine or would anyone want to be completely alone for eternity?

I believe the scriptures indicate that separation from God is the eternal destiny of anyone who refuses to admit or give up sin and according to the scriptures everyone is guilty of sin. Various descriptions are used to portray what the condition of separation will be like, such as; outer darkness, weeping and gnashing of teeth or burning fire. The Bible also says God is Love. He is the source of love and without His presence I believe love is nonexistent. So my understanding is that being separated from God and His love will also mean being separated from everyone else because love which now connects people together would no longer be active in the state of being separated from God.

I believe that there is no conscious existence in death. (Eccl 9:5,6,10) It makes God's love into a joke to think that he would turn the gift of life into a living curse.

There is everlasting life, granted to the righteous, and everlasting death for the wicked. Nothing more than that...why does there need to be?

When you are indoctrinated with the idea that we have an immortal soul, all sorts of horrible scenarios come out of vivid misinterpretation of scripture.

Souls die. (Ezek18:4) They do not go anywhere except to sleep in the grave. (John 11:11)
All have paid sin's wages and will be resurrected, both the righteous and the unrighteous. (John 5;28,29) The righteous have been granted life because they remained faithful, but the unrighteous will be on judgment to prove that they can bring their lives into harmony with God's will. Those who refuse to obey will die a "second death" from which no one returns.

It makes a mockery of God's justice to believe that he would torture people in eternal suffering for a short lifetime of sin. (especially when we are born in sin to start with)

Everlasting life is granted only to the righteous; wouldn't God have to grant everlasting life also to the wicked in order to punish them forever?

Isn't punishment given in order to chastise so that repentence can take place? What possible reason could a loving and just God have for being unloving and unjust? This whole scenario makes God out to be a cruel fiend! :(


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Feeling totally insignificant is of no importance to someone who feels deeply, genuinely alive. It is only after you have lost the feeling of radical aliveness that you worry about your place in the cosmos. But you cannot feel that kind of aliveness without being psychologically alone, without feeling a profound sense of aloneness.

Paraphrasing Joseph Campbell and Jiddu Krishnamurti.
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Can anyone imagine or would anyone want to be completely alone for eternity?

I believe the scriptures indicate that separation from God is the eternal destiny of anyone who refuses to admit or give up sin and according to the scriptures everyone is guilty of sin. Various descriptions are used to portray what the condition of separation will be like, such as; outer darkness, weeping and gnashing of teeth or burning fire. The Bible also says God is Love. He is the source of love and without His presence I believe love is nonexistent. So my understanding is that being separated from God and His love will also mean being separated from everyone else because love which now connects people together would no longer be active in the state of being separated from God.

Impossible, if your god is truly omnipresent.


Active Member
Various descriptions are used to portray what the condition of separation will be like, such as; outer darkness, weeping and gnashing of teeth or burning fire. The Bible also says God is Love.

Well, as someone once said to me.. "Would you burn your child for one hour? No? Well, God loves us more than we love our own children, so..." I mean, we have more mercy on racing horses than that.

So my understanding is that being separated from God and His love will also mean being separated from everyone else because love which now connects people together would no longer be active in the state of being separated from God.

That sounds real bad until you realize love isn't really necessary when there's just one. Love is what makes the presence of others bearable, if not enjoyable; when I sit at the beach looking at the clouds, I only see sea gulls, the most cruel people on earth, yet I'm completely at peace. Funny that.


Admiral Obvious
Can anyone imagine or would anyone want to be completely alone for eternity?

I believe the scriptures indicate that separation from God is the eternal destiny of anyone who refuses to admit or give up sin and according to the scriptures everyone is guilty of sin. Various descriptions are used to portray what the condition of separation will be like, such as; outer darkness, weeping and gnashing of teeth or burning fire. The Bible also says God is Love. He is the source of love and without His presence I believe love is nonexistent. So my understanding is that being separated from God and His love will also mean being separated from everyone else because love which now connects people together would no longer be active in the state of being separated from God.
I am learning to drink warm beer.
Problem solved.


Daughter of Chaos
If you are no longer capable of generating or chanelling- 'feeling' or sharing love (and you were before),
than 'you' are no longer 'you'. You have become (or been turned into) something/someone else.


If you are no longer capable of generating or chanelling- 'feeling' or sharing love (and you were before),
than 'you' are no longer 'you'. You have become (or been turned into) something/someone else.

And I believe that is what the Bible indicates continual unrepentant sin does to a person...it hardens their heart and love grows cold.


Daughter of Chaos
And I believe that is what the Bible indicates continual unrepentant sin does to a person...it hardens their heart and love grows cold.

Honey... if you know love... if you are a loving person.... that is a part of who you are.

Christian notions of 'unrepentant sin' are often experiences of love and affection shared, so....


Daughter of Chaos
Honey... if you know love... if you are a loving person.... that is a part of who you are.

Christian notions of 'unrepentant sin' are often experiences of love and affection shared, so....

ie... if this god requires that you repent from loving or lose your ability to love as a result (of not repenting for loving)... I'm calling 'mad hatter'.


Rogue Theologian
Solitary existence....at great length?
How about that stretch between the big bang....and the creation of Man?

Sure, the angels were probably around somewhere....

Shall we also consider eternity with someone you don't like?


Can anyone imagine or would anyone want to be completely alone for eternity?

I believe the scriptures indicate that separation from God is the eternal destiny of anyone who refuses to admit or give up sin and according to the scriptures everyone is guilty of sin. Various descriptions are used to portray what the condition of separation will be like, such as; outer darkness, weeping and gnashing of teeth or burning fire. The Bible also says God is Love. He is the source of love and without His presence I believe love is nonexistent. So my understanding is that being separated from God and His love will also mean being separated from everyone else because love which now connects people together would no longer be active in the state of being separated from God.

You of course are free to believe that. I don't.

I don't believe any religion, or God, is required for love.

I do agree however, that for the ancient Hebrew, it was separation from God, not some hell and fire.


Can anyone imagine or would anyone want to be completely alone for eternity?
Being with God, or being in eternity, is equal to getting an continuance pleasure rather than being compleatly alone, or facing loneliness, or facing boredom. And when one is in this continuance pleasure one forgets Time, forgets the whole world, forgets everything.

Q: How/why one forgets ?

Just say for example like one forgets everything at the time of any sexual congress, But the difference is that the pleasure which is obtained from any sexual congress ends within few minitues, whereas the pleasure which is obtained by getting one with God never ends, its like an continuance pleasure, or its like numberless sexual congresses at a time which are never going to end. :)
So my understanding is that being separated from God and His love will also mean being separated from everyone else because love which now connects people together would no longer be active in the state of being separated from God.
Being with everyone means being with illusion, or being with Time, or separated from God, or Love, or continuance pleasure, continuance pece.
But.. Being with God means being continuance pleasure, being with continuance peace, being with continuance love. :)