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Am I a Muslim?


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your reply.

If I am a Muslim I would be one who does not believe/accept in the Hadith, I would be Quran alone.
Moreover, I would likely be one who only knows the Quran in English. Further still, I am not a literalist - I believe myths and stories are conveyors of truth.

On the other hand, I can answer 'yes' to your questions above.

Great and thanks for your reply.

I have one question though : Why do you not believe/accept Hadith ? Without Hadith how do you know who the greatest man(Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)) on earth is - the one who brought the message(the Holy Qur'an) of the Almighty Creator/God to us ?


Avatar of Brittania
That is exactly where I am at. It feels like I have been backwards and forwards in my own mind a million times.

The idea of being able to know well enough where I am in order to settle into it is most appealing.

Thank you for your contribution. I appreciate it.

Haha oh I know the feeling.:)


Veteran Member
Why do you not believe/accept Hadith ?

Because I have no reason to.

Without Hadith how do you know who the greatest man(Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)) on earth is - the one who brought the message(the Holy Qur'an) of the Almighty Creator/God to us ?

I acknowledge that Muhammad is a Prophet because of the Quran. I don't think I need to know any more than that.


Freedom Of Mind
Because I have no reason to.

I acknowledge that Muhammad is a Prophet because of the Quran. I don't think I need to know any more than that.

That is also what i think is the right way,through Mohammed pbuh god sent his book to guide us to the right way,so we have to believe that Mohammed pbuh was god's messenger in order to believe on the holy book.

But very important points which was very well documented through history is the last sermon of the prophet in which he asked the people to be gathered to listen to his last sermon shortly before his death and he asked that his words should be informed to the others and from one generation to the next which show its importance.

The Prophet Muhammad's Last Sermon - YouTube


New Member
I acknowledge that Muhammad is a Prophet because of the Quran. I don't think I need to know any more than that.
you should attend that quran is not a book about prophet muhammad. it's guide for man kind.
but for being and understanding the complete islam, you should have a sample and pattern to know how you should behave in special situations, and muhammah (PBUH) is the best sample of that
but you are not have to study about him right know, you should start practicing more on Quran then the quran will pulls you if needed


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The next issue you need to worry about would be to figure out which one of the 73 sects of Islam to convert into. Keep in mind that only one of them will entry into Jannat (heaven). The other 72 will be in the hellfire (Jahannum). These are not MY words. These are the words of Prophet Mohammed himself.

I have researched about this hadith which states that Muslims will be divided, and i found it, but the saying that only one will enter heaven and the rest to hell is not part of the authentic hadith.


Active Member
I have researched about this hadith which states that Muslims will be divided, and i found it, but the saying that only one will enter heaven and the rest to hell is not part of the authentic hadith.

Why is not part of the authentic hadith? How do you decide which hadith is true and which is corrupted? Outline the steps you undertook in doing this research.


Active Member
I have researched about this hadith which states that Muslims will be divided, and i found it, but the saying that only one will enter heaven and the rest to hell is not part of the authentic hadith.

BTW...what are you? A Shiite or a Sunni? Should Imam Ali have been the first caliph or the 4th? Do you believe Ayesha is correctly called the mother of all believers or do you think that is wrong? Do you believe in Imams being infallible or can they be fallible? Do you believe the Mahdi is in hiding and has been in hiding for 100s of years or do you think that the concept of occultation is nonsense?


Freedom Of Mind
BTW...what are you? A Shiite or a Sunni? Should Imam Ali have been the first caliph or the 4th? Do you believe Ayesha is correctly called the mother of all believers or do you think that is wrong? Do you believe in Imams being infallible or can they be fallible? Do you believe the Mahdi is in hiding and has been in hiding for 100s of years or do you think that the concept of occultation is nonsense?

All such issues which you mentioned has nothing to do with our direct relation to god,no one is perfect,but the important thing that muslims do agree upon is to submit themselves to the creater of the universe and always asking him for the forgiveness till the last seconds of their visit to this world.

Your thoughts about persons and their stories on earth like imam Ali,Ayesha,Mahdi..etc has no effect on one's Islam & Iman.

God won't ask us who is imam Ali or who is Ayesha,but he'll ask us what we had did of right and wrong things during our visit to earth,read the quran and fetch for the names which you had mentioned,search in the quran for Mahdi,Ayesha or Ali and let us know if you found anything about them.


Active Member
All such issues which you mentioned has nothing to do with our direct relation to god,no one is perfect,but the important thing that muslims do agree upon is to submit themselves to the creater of the universe and always asking him for the forgiveness till the last seconds of their visit to this world.

Okay. Then the Shahada should only be La Ilaha Il Allah. No need of adding "Mohammed Rasool Allah". Go look in the Quran and tell me where it is mentioned what the Shahada is OR how to worship.

Your thoughts about persons and their stories on earth like imam Ali,Ayesha,Mahdi..etc has no effect on one's Islam & Iman.

Then why do Shia call Sunni Kufr and why do Sunnis call Shia Kufr?

God won't ask us who is imam Ali or who is Ayesha,but he'll ask us what we had did of right and wrong things during our visit to earth,read the quran and fetch for the names which you had mentioned,search in the quran for Mahdi,Ayesha or Ali and let us know if you found anything about them.

Well, again, you are contradicting Mohammed's words. I gave reference to a hadith earlier in the thread where Mohammed says 72 sects will enter Jahannum while only one will enter Jannat.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Why is not part of the authentic hadith? How do you decide which hadith is true and which is corrupted? Outline the steps you undertook in doing this research.

I don't decide anything. I just went to a website which can give you the detail and evaluation of the hadith whether authentic or not, and found out that the hadith which states that Muslims will be divided is correct but the extension which is "all of them in hell except one" was not part of the original hadith but only some narrators claimed it was part of it. So that part was not accepted by most of scholars.

This science is beyond me and you.

Hadith studies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

BTW...what are you? A Shiite or a Sunni? Should Imam Ali have been the first caliph or the 4th? Do you believe Ayesha is correctly called the mother of all believers or do you think that is wrong? Do you believe in Imams being infallible or can they be fallible? Do you believe the Mahdi is in hiding and has been in hiding for 100s of years or do you think that the concept of occultation is nonsense?

Read what FearGod said.

Peace be upon you.


Freedom Of Mind
Okay. Then the Shahada should only be La Ilaha Il Allah. No need of adding "Mohammed Rasool Allah". Go look in the Quran and tell me where it is mentioned what the Shahada is OR how to worship.

Are you kidding,how you'll accept the quran as words of god without accepting that Mohammed pbuh as his messenger.

Even Mohammed pbuh himself asked for people witnessing his last sermon shortly before his death that he did pass the messege,i don't know if you had even have a look to the video in my previous posts about the last sermon.

At the request of the Prophet, Safwan's brother Rabiah (RA) repeated the sermon. His loud voice faithfully relayed the sermon sentence by sentence to over ten thousand gathered on the occasion. Towards the end of his sermon, the Prophet asked “O people, have I faithfully delivered unto you my message?” A powerful murmur of asserted, “O Allah! Yes!” Arising from the thousands of pilgrims, the vibrant words “Allahumma na'm,” rolled like thunder throughout the valley. The Prophet raised his forefinger and said: “O Allah bear witness that I have conveyed your message to your people.”

Read More:The Last Sermon of Prophet Muhammad

Then why do Shia call Sunni Kufr and why do Sunnis call Shia Kufr?

No one can judge any one except god,no one have the right to say to the other that he is kafir,only god have this right,not me and you or any single person on earth.

Well, again, you are contradicting Mohammed's words. I gave reference to a hadith earlier in the thread where Mohammed says 72 sects will enter Jahannum while only one will enter Jannat.

Read what TashaN said.:)


I believe that there is no God but God. I believe that Muhammad is His Prophet.

Does that make me a Muslim?
You believe that there is no God,
You believe that muhammed is his prophet,

In both the cases you are sailing on the boat of "Believes"

But a true muslim is ment by the person who has really/actually seen God, True muslim is not ment by the person who is sailing on the boat of "Believes" :)


Well-Known Member
You believe that there is no God,
You believe that muhammed is his prophet,

In both the cases you are sailing on the boat of "Believes"

But a true muslim is ment by the person who has really/actually seen God, True muslim is not ment by the person who is sailing on the boat of "Believes" :)

I don't know where you got that from. I don't know of any Muslim who has actually 'SEEN' God or even claims that. In fact, according to Islam, that would be one of the pleasures of Paradise(not in this world) - to be able to SEE God .
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I believe that there is no God but God. I believe that Muhammad is His Prophet.

Does that make me a Muslim?

Dear Stephnew, just want to say one thing for you, might be that help.

Here in forum almost or most everyone is a normal people and not scholars and they tell you any thing what they belive to be true and some time you get so confused and irritates and it might look to you confused and hard.

Islam is very simple and easy , there is no difficulty and complexity in islam , its simple. i wont suggest you to try to go deep and try to debates and get confused, open quran and you will get answer by yourself for most if confused try to consult some true scholar. Specailly you might get confused about sects etc

Quran clearly says

The Glorious Qur’an says:

"And hold fast, All together, by the rope Which Allah (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves;" [Al-Qur’an 3:103]

"As for those who divide Their religion and break up Into sects, thou hast No part in them in the least: Their affair is with Allah: He will in the end Tell them the truth Of all that they did." [Al-Qur’an 6:159]

What i found even if you meet scholar who named them any thing like shia,sunni agree that there is no sects and then they mostly named it fiqh, so donot get confused in such debates.

so donot worry open quran read it and donot go into debates too much. Debates might confuse you more.

Islam is simply to understand and follow. May Allah guide us all.
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Well-Known Member
Because I have no reason to.

I acknowledge that Muhammad is a Prophet because of the Quran. I don't think I need to know any more than that.

Not a problem. Just keep an open mind as you further your knowledge of Islam. I pray that God increases our knowledge and give us the proper understanding of this religion.

Finally, I'll end with one comment. Please remember that we cannot discount the importance and high status of Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) in Islam and in front of God because he(pbuh) is the one who brought this Noble Qur'an and the beautiful religion to us (of course by God's permission and will). I'll just quote two Qur'anic verses in that regard :

"Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye that believe! Send ye blessings on him, and salute him with all respect." (Al-Qur'an 33:56)
Can you imagine Prophet Muhammad's(pbuh) rank and status in front of Allah(God) that even Allah(God) sends Salam(Peace) to Prophet Muhammad(pbuh).


"Say: If it be that your fathers, your sons, your brothers, your mates, or your kindred; the wealth that ye have gained; the commerce in which ye fear a decline: or the dwellings in which ye delight - are dearer to you than Allah, or His Messenger, or the striving in His cause;- then wait until Allah brings about His decision: and Allah guides not the rebellious." (Al-Qur'an 9:24)

How can Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) be dearer to us than our own fathers unless we know who he is and his ways ?

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