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Am I going to hell?

Because I'm not a Catholic anymore, and because I don't pray to Mary? Please help me overcome this anxiety that I have over hell!:shout Everyday I think I'm going to die and go to hell.:eek:


Treasure Hunter
I don't think you're going to hell. I don't believe that such a place exists though, so I don't think anyone is going there. :D

Surely if there was a god though, he would be more considerate than to just send everyone to hell...

(edit) This is my 6000th post. :D I'm a posting fiend!! :D


Premium Member
I am not a Catholic so I certainly don't believe you're going to hell. My idea of hell is a separation from God and if you believe in God and love Him then you wouldn't be going to hell anyway.
I do believe in God, so how "hellish" is it when we are separated from him?

Now that I think of it, aren't we separated from him now?


Can't brain. Has dumb.
You're doing it yourself rather efficiently with all the worrying about it!!

But in my honest opinion I believe that's about as close as you're going to get.

Depends entirely on how much you would like to worry about it.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
You'd only go to Hell if you send yourself there of your own accord. Whether or not you pray to someone or whatever means nothing as long as you are compassionate, selfless, and forgiving of all things no matter how evil they may look.

But then again I'm a Pagan so who am I to speak about how not to go to Hell? :D


Premium Member
I don't believe in any fire. I believe that fire was an allegory- when one chops down a tree, then it may be used as fire wood and the same can be said of chaff from wheat.


Because I'm not a Catholic anymore, and because I don't pray to Mary? Please help me overcome this anxiety that I have over hell!:shout Everyday I think I'm going to die and go to hell.:eek:

People create their own hells sweetheart.
(and as well the hells of others)

Do you not believe god is All?
And if god is All...
how can anything possibly be "seperate" from god?

I mean... the "stuff" that's not god...
well... what is it then?

I like to think of god as the big dreamer...
the UniVerse....or maybe no...
the MultiVerse....
and we are all Lucid Dreamers within the Big dream of creation/reality...
perhaps WE are each a UniVerse unto our self.

I used to be an EXTREEMELY devout Roman Catholic btw.
(hard to believe, I know...)
After 10 years there, my TRUE self had withered away to almost nothing.

You will see as you believe.
This concept of hell imposed on you,
has NO power over you...
unless you believe it does.

But don't take my word for it.
Lay it low, and see for yourself. ;)

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Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
What's a Pagen's view of hell? Fire, smoke, flames, like what?

It really depends on which Pagans you're talking too, as there are uncountable branches of it. In my opinion, hell is what Buddha called suffering; that is, it's not something experienced after death, but during life, as is heaven, or Nirvana.

I can't tell you what happens when we die; such things are a Mystery.

And I agree with DisneyMan in that you should probably seek therapy if it's really bothering you, and psyciatric help would not hurt either(just be weary of antidepressents; my experience with them is that they either help you or cause more problems). I also recommend reading old books of wisdom such as the Dhammapada or Tao Te Ching. (don't worry; Buddhism and Taoism are more philosophical than religious) Or if you'd prefer something a bit closer to home, reading the Sermon on the Mount wouldn't hurt either. ^_^

Oh! And mods: I recommend this thread be moved somewhere else; it's not really appropriate for a debate.


Well-Known Member
Because I'm not a Catholic anymore, and because I don't pray to Mary? Please help me overcome this anxiety that I have over hell!:shout Everyday I think I'm going to die and go to hell.:eek:

I can assure you god will not send you to hell. :hug:

In time, your fear will fade away....it's just old reactionary mental cognitions going off in your head, so just be patient and soon you'll feel more free than you've ever felt.


Hell is the concept created by the church to hold you under its sway, and keep you loyal. The fact that your are fretting so over whether or not you will go to Hell speaks volumes about the effectiveness of this technique.

I do not believe that there ever was a concept of Hell at the founding of Christianity, and if there was, it was conjured out of thin air to keep the people in line. While loyalty based on love can be had, it will evaporate the moment self-interest makes it so that the love for God can be trumped by the love of worldly preoccupations. However, loyalty based on fear will imbue in the person a dread of punishment so dire that the loyalty will never be abandoned.

Therefore, I would not fret. The Catholic church is merely playing mind games with you.


Active Member
Because I'm not a Catholic anymore, and because I don't pray to Mary? Please help me overcome this anxiety that I have over hell!:shout Everyday I think I'm going to die and go to hell.:eek:
If I were you, I'd go back to Mass and start praying to Mary again. But then, I'm me and I already occasionally go to Mass and pray to Mary. So if I were you and actually had a Catholic background, it really wouldn't be that tough for me. For you it might be tougher. I don't know.

But if I were that worried about it, I'd really have to have a very good reason to not be a good Catholic.

I do believe in God, so how "hellish" is it when we are separated from him?

Now that I think of it, aren't we separated from him now?
Exactly! And hell will be about that hellish, I think.


If I were you, I'd go back to Mass and start praying to Mary again. But then, I'm me and I already occasionally go to Mass and pray to Mary. So if I were you and actually had a Catholic background, it really wouldn't be that tough for me. For you it might be tougher. I don't know.

But if I were that worried about it, I'd really have to have a very good reason to not be a good Catholic.

Exactly! And hell will be about that hellish, I think.

That's rather like serving the mobster's family
for the sole purpose of
protection from (your fear of) the god-father's wrath.

I'm pretty sure ChristianGirl can do better than that.


Forget the churches sweetheart...
and answer one question.

Who is God? Who is God to you.
Who do You say God is.

It may take some time to answer this question on your own.
(the abolishment of outside in-fluence is a mighty undertaking)

But, I guarantee you,
If you know who God is... for yourself...
you will be able to answer the hell question for yourself.
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Active Member
Because I'm not a Catholic anymore, and because I don't pray to Mary? Please help me overcome this anxiety that I have over hell!:shout Everyday I think I'm going to die and go to hell.:eek:

Mary the righteous Peace be Upon her passed away thousands years ago !

Do she know that you were praying for her though she is dead ?

you should better pray for the Lord of Mary ? Who favored her and made her the best of women ever in world