Student Nurse
The prostitutes I have encountered, having worked in a jail here in the USA, are even more sociopathic than the johns in my opinion. All of them were drug addicts with heroin being the drug of choice. STDs are commonplace. Most of them continue to trade sex for goods or favors in prison. One prostitute told me how she gives blowjobs in the bathroom of a strip club for $25 a head with a line of men out the door. She didn't care about the STDs she was spreading. She didn't care if they were married or had diseases of their own. All that mattered was the money, or more specifically the heroin that money bought. These are not innocent young girls. They are hardened, calculating, extremely manipulative con artists. Many would just assume steal from you in your sleep, or even let their man in to rob you at gunpoint. The psych meds prescribed to help them with their depression and mental issues are cheeked to get high or traded, but that's a prison wide issue. I would like to separate prostitution from drug addiction and prison culture but I have yet to encounter a single example. All of the prostitutes I have met are involved not just in drugs, but also in other crimes (or covering for the crimes of their boyfriend). This makes the legalization and regulation of prostitution that Sunstone mentioned problematic since most government jobs require a clean record and drug screen. There would have to be amnesty in the beginning. Many of them would still not be able to practice legally due to STDs. Of course, my experience is only anecdotal. Perhaps there are many responsible, clean living, prostitutes who have avoided the jail where I worked. As for the johns, I can't see them registering either. Think about the privacy issues, married men, public figures.
As for coercion, I'm under the impression that prostitutes seek out and actively solicit their clients, telling them up front what they are willing to do and the price. In this case I don't think it is the john using economic coercion to bully someone into sex. The john didn't make her poor or addicted to drugs. In the situation of the housekeeper, the woman has steady employment and the boss threatens to take that away if she doesn't have sex. In the situation of the prostitute, she is already unemployed and looking for sex work. The john doesn't take employment from her by offering her money for sex. She is free to walk away and loose or gain nothing. That is not true of the housekeeper. If all the johns suddenly dissapeared, would she be better off? What would she do instead and why isn't she already doing it? Are the alternative career choices so much worse than getting banged by Donald Trump?
As for coercion, I'm under the impression that prostitutes seek out and actively solicit their clients, telling them up front what they are willing to do and the price. In this case I don't think it is the john using economic coercion to bully someone into sex. The john didn't make her poor or addicted to drugs. In the situation of the housekeeper, the woman has steady employment and the boss threatens to take that away if she doesn't have sex. In the situation of the prostitute, she is already unemployed and looking for sex work. The john doesn't take employment from her by offering her money for sex. She is free to walk away and loose or gain nothing. That is not true of the housekeeper. If all the johns suddenly dissapeared, would she be better off? What would she do instead and why isn't she already doing it? Are the alternative career choices so much worse than getting banged by Donald Trump?