Veteran Member
I love this. You make the claim, but utterly fail to JUSTIFY your claim. You just say, "Nah, you're wrong," asserting it without evidence.
And since you assert it without evidence, I will reject it for having no evidence.
Of course that kind of thing is all someone who just cut's and pastes a parody without knowing anything about it. Do you even know what your cut and paste job is? It's not a formal argument, it's a parody. That is why prior to making such magnificent claims, you should read a little bit about your own propositions.
I have already told you that your points 1 and 3 are contradictory. You can't answer that so obviously you have to come up with some rhetorical statement because even though these are Internet forums your ego is superior to your research.
- Your 1 and 3 are contradictory. Your conclusion is begging the question. Your premises are contradictory. A maximally great God by definition cannot be handicapped and still be maximally greater. Contradictory.
- A maximally greater God cannot be anthropomorphised to have a handicap like a legless human being.
- And if a maximally greater god does not exist God cannot be maximally greater anyway, thus it's not an ontological argument you are making but begging the question based on an epistemic stance.
- The ontological argument is not about a most magnificent feat of creation, it is an argument based on the ontology of God. So your second premise is not based on ontology but an act of will which is a strawman.
- Ontology is not based on an achievement which is a grave lack of understanding of simple terms in philosophy. That's a strawman fallacy.
- A non-existent creator cannot be a greater being. It's nonexistent. It's absurd. And philosophers have noted this.
- If the ontology of a most white being is most white, it's the whitest that possibly can be. That is the ontology of it. Your argument is (cut and paste of course) that a less white being is greater than the most white because it achieved brightening something (strawman and not ontology). A less white being cannot be whiter than the whitest being. It's a contradiction.
- And conclusion is a non-white being is whiter than the whitest being ontologically. Most ridiculous contradiction.
This is not a serious argument. That's why I thought it was a joke because no one will do this kind of cut and paste job without even reading a little about it. At least five minutes.
The problem is Gasking said this to Robinson over lunch, and is hearsay, and that hearsay claims he was not serious, and did not posit it as a formal argument, and you are worshiping it blindly since you don't know anything about it. That's the problem with quick cut and paste jobs.
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