@gnostic ,
My topic deals specifically with Ancient and Modern Creation Stories. This demands of course some knowledge and interest of both areas in order to make a comparison of both.
Native said earlier:
I just pointed out for you that you don´t participate with constructive comments regarding the mythical department of creation. It demands insight in this department and not just denials en masse.
Regarding your astronomical mythical department, you have shifted between an opposition to my Sun-interpretations, which is fine, to right out denials of any astronomical connections in myths, a direct contradiction which I´ve pointed out for you few times.
Even that I very much oppose the modern creation BB-stories, I of course cannot be in opposition to what modern astronomy for a fact have observed. But, as this topic deals with the creation story, you have to stick with the BB-theories, if you wish to discuss modern cosmological science.
I´ve pointed this out several times:
You cannot compare the language and observable knowledge in ancient myths
directly with the instrumental observations and its informations. You have to be familiar with the mythical symbolism used in their stories of creation before you make such comparisons.
You have to accept the astronomical and cosmological contents in myths and try to interpret what our ancestors told about the creation. But since you even don´t take and accept an
direct astronomical information in the myths seriously, you´ll never understand the mythical language and we´ll never get anywhere in our discussion here.
OK, let´s say, for the sake of arguments, you are right in this. Is Re = the Sun in your opinion and not the Milky Way central light? Then I have to ask you: Do you really mean it this time? Has ancient myths astronomical informations or not?
Note this: We are referring to the Ogdoad creation myth in this case) (And you forgot to include the Re - Hathor connection in your argument, but never mind this for now)
There are lots of astronomical indications and informations in ancient myths:
Milky Way Myths
Solar Myths
Star Constellation Myths
More Star Constellation Myths
#2 Warning. The
Solar Light Symbolism in many myths, is often confused for the light contours of the Milky Way, the Milky Way center and even the polar rotation wheel symbolism.