The Lost One
OK, let´s say, for the sake of arguments, you are right in this. Is Re = the Sun in your opinion and not the Milky Way central light? Then I have to ask you: Do you really mean it this time? Has ancient myths astronomical informations or not?
Native. I have told so many times, that it is not possible for the ancient Egyptians to equate Re to the central light of the galactic bulge, PERIOD, because the bulge cannot be seen, so they would be clueless as the size and scale of the Milky Way. From their angle, they wouldn't know that the band is only just a small part of the Sagittarius spiral arm, but they didn't know they were looking at the spiral.
The Milky Way is a lot larger than what we can see in our night sky. As I keep telling you, the interstellar cloud of dust and gases block any way to view the Milky Way's galactic bulge. No one can see (naked eye) the bulge's glow, certainly from the distance of our Earth.
That's not speculation Native, it is astronomical fact.