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And South Carolina goes one better,


Well-Known Member
All books must be age and developmentally appropriate. For whom, oh and absolutely no sexual content in K-12.

"It outlines that “age-appropriate” materials must not include descriptions or visual depictions of “sexual conduct”. Any parent with a child enrolled in a public K-12 school in the state can challenge up to five titles a month if they feel they violate these terms."

There goes Sex Ed, and one assumes anything with a kiss or even a hug in it for some. Your kid reads above grade level, better prove it in court before you ask the librarian for a book. Yup it is all about liberty for Mom's for Liberty to control yours.

Daemon Sophic

Avatar in flux
All books must be age and developmentally appropriate. For whom, oh and absolutely no sexual content in K-12.

"It outlines that “age-appropriate” materials must not include descriptions or visual depictions of “sexual conduct”. Any parent with a child enrolled in a public K-12 school in the state can challenge up to five titles a month if they feel they violate these terms."

There goes Sex Ed, and one assumes anything with a kiss or even a hug in it for some. Your kid reads above grade level, better prove it in court before you ask the librarian for a book. Yup it is all about liberty for Mom's for Liberty to control yours.
This sort of crap is fine for their private school's library. But keep their bull**** away from our kids' public school libraries.

Secret Chief

nirvana is samsara
All books must be age and developmentally appropriate. For whom, oh and absolutely no sexual content in K-12.

"It outlines that “age-appropriate” materials must not include descriptions or visual depictions of “sexual conduct”. Any parent with a child enrolled in a public K-12 school in the state can challenge up to five titles a month if they feel they violate these terms."

There goes Sex Ed, and one assumes anything with a kiss or even a hug in it for some. Your kid reads above grade level, better prove it in court before you ask the librarian for a book. Yup it is all about liberty for Mom's for Liberty to control yours.
Romeo and Juliet? Porn.

Presumably they'll also be banning the too-close-to-the-bone novel Fahrenheit 451 - you know, that ridiculous and far-fetched story.

- Fahrenheit 451 - Wikipedia


All books must be age and developmentally appropriate. For whom, oh and absolutely no sexual content in K-12.

"It outlines that “age-appropriate” materials must not include descriptions or visual depictions of “sexual conduct”. Any parent with a child enrolled in a public K-12 school in the state can challenge up to five titles a month if they feel they violate these terms."

There goes Sex Ed, and one assumes anything with a kiss or even a hug in it for some. Your kid reads above grade level, better prove it in court before you ask the librarian for a book. Yup it is all about liberty for Mom's for Liberty to control yours.
I'm willing to bet that the parents "challenging" books haven't read five books in the last decade


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
All books must be age and developmentally appropriate. For whom, oh and absolutely no sexual content in K-12.

"It outlines that “age-appropriate” materials must not include descriptions or visual depictions of “sexual conduct”. Any parent with a child enrolled in a public K-12 school in the state can challenge up to five titles a month if they feel they violate these terms."

There goes Sex Ed, and one assumes anything with a kiss or even a hug in it for some. Your kid reads above grade level, better prove it in court before you ask the librarian for a book. Yup it is all about liberty for Mom's for Liberty to control yours.
Well, there goes Romeo and Juliet, along with Othello, Midsummer Night's Dream, Twelfth Night, A Winter's Tale and who knows how many others! Pilgrim's Progress and Canterbury Tales, of course, will have to go. As will the Bible (I mean, Song of Songs is nothing but a long paean to hot sex!) (By the way, it's also known as the Song of Solomon -- who had 700 wives! Pretty easy to be "faithful," I guess.)

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
All books must be age and developmentally appropriate. For whom, oh and absolutely no sexual content in K-12.

"It outlines that “age-appropriate” materials must not include descriptions or visual depictions of “sexual conduct”. Any parent with a child enrolled in a public K-12 school in the state can challenge up to five titles a month if they feel they violate these terms."

There goes Sex Ed, and one assumes anything with a kiss or even a hug in it for some. Your kid reads above grade level, better prove it in court before you ask the librarian for a book. Yup it is all about liberty for Mom's for Liberty to control yours.
Good. Kids as young as that needs no sex Ed. They can stay as kids with safety scissors and crayons making handprint plates and noodle art and learning to write their names.

Sex Ed should start once the girls have that special class in the school auditorium.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
Good. Kids as young as that needs no sex Ed. They can stay as kids with safety scissors and crayons making handprint plates and noodle art and learning to write their names.

Sex Ed should start once the girls have that special class in the school auditorium.
Do you remember what you were doing when you were in grade 12?

Or who you were doing?


Admiral Obvious
All books must be age and developmentally appropriate. For whom, oh and absolutely no sexual content in K-12.

"It outlines that “age-appropriate” materials must not include descriptions or visual depictions of “sexual conduct”. Any parent with a child enrolled in a public K-12 school in the state can challenge up to five titles a month if they feel they violate these terms."

There goes Sex Ed, and one assumes anything with a kiss or even a hug in it for some. Your kid reads above grade level, better prove it in court before you ask the librarian for a book. Yup it is all about liberty for Mom's for Liberty to control yours.
How much you wanna bet the Bible gets a free pass?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Book bans in public school libraries have been around for decades. Some of the banned books include Huckleberry Finn, Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret, Harriet The Spy, etc. Oh, and they've been banned by both parties, not just one party.


No religious beliefs
Do you remember what you were doing when you were in grade 12?

Or who you were doing?

I still can't get used to the US "grade" system. I need to remember to add 6 to the grade to get the kid's age.

I've been thinking that K-12 meant kindergarten to age 12. It doesn't, it means to age 17-18. Are they seriously expecting 18 year olds to know nothing about sex? I grew up (in England) in a similar dearth of sexual education, that is none. What it means is not that kids stay "innocent" and sex free if you don't tell them about it. It means that they find out through other avenues, like stories passed around on the playground. Did you know that a girl can't get pregnant is she does it standing up?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
All books must be age and developmentally appropriate. For whom, oh and absolutely no sexual content in K-12.

"It outlines that “age-appropriate” materials must not include descriptions or visual depictions of “sexual conduct”. Any parent with a child enrolled in a public K-12 school in the state can challenge up to five titles a month if they feel they violate these terms."

There goes Sex Ed, and one assumes anything with a kiss or even a hug in it for some. Your kid reads above grade level, better prove it in court before you ask the librarian for a book. Yup it is all about liberty for Mom's for Liberty to control yours.
On the plus side, the Bible is banned too.
It's the worst of the bunch, with all that
violence, death, & destruction.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Book bans in public school libraries have been around for decades. Some of the banned books include Huckleberry Finn, Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret, Harriet The Spy, etc. Oh, and they've been banned by both parties, not just one party.
Wanna know how crazy these ban everything people are?

Needn't tell you about Dr Seuss but Curious George?


Clizby Wampuscat

Well-Known Member
All books must be age and developmentally appropriate. For whom, oh and absolutely no sexual content in K-12.

"It outlines that “age-appropriate” materials must not include descriptions or visual depictions of “sexual conduct”. Any parent with a child enrolled in a public K-12 school in the state can challenge up to five titles a month if they feel they violate these terms."

There goes Sex Ed, and one assumes anything with a kiss or even a hug in it for some. Your kid reads above grade level, better prove it in court before you ask the librarian for a book. Yup it is all about liberty for Mom's for Liberty to control yours.
This is ridiculous and is one of many reasons we took my son out of the public school system. Too many school boards are political now and not interested in educating our children.


Well-Known Member
Good. Kids as young as that needs no sex Ed. They can stay as kids with safety scissors and crayons making handprint plates and noodle art and learning to write their names.

Sex Ed should start once the girls have that special class in the school auditorium.
Yeah that ought to work as well as it did in 1950 when the teen pregnancy rate was 5 times what it is now. The highest rates are Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Kentucky and Oklahoma. Librul states all of them obviously, SC is currently 12th at ~17 births per 1000 teenagers plus another 7/1000 for abortions.

Things don't seem to work the way you think they do.


Admiral Obvious
Yeah that ought to work as well as it did in 1950 when the teen pregnancy rate was 5 times what it is now. The highest rates are Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Kentucky and Oklahoma. Librul states all of them obviously, SC is currently 12th at ~17 births per 1000 teenagers plus another 7/1000 for abortions.

Things don't seem to work the way you think they do.
I am pretty sure they were being sarcastic...