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Animal sacrifice: out of fashion

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Um. So what? The animal suffers as a result of both ritual slaughter and conventional slaughter. Sometimes ritual slaughter is less suffering, sometimes ritual slaughter is more suffering.

If you want to claim anything about sensate pain, you need to bring a *reliable* source, preferrably something current, that measures it.

These hormones are indicators of stress and suffering. It is a good method for judging humane treatment of an animal.
And you show that you are either not paying attention or know that you are wrong.

The point is to minimize suffering. That was the original reason for laws of kosher butchery. You are merely following the letter of your laws. You are not following the spirit.

And no, hormones like that would be indicative of suffering in a creature that never lost consciousness. Those processes still go on even when an animal is insensate. They do not necessarily indicate suffering. You are concentrating on the wrong evidence. The EEG's show that animals are conscious far longer, and therefore suffering with traditional kosher butchery.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Drop the false claims of "BS" if you want a serious discussion. I stopped there because you lost the argument at that point. I do not wish to win such a cheap victory.

It was BS. Your original post did not read what i wrote, claimed I didn't quote the article when, in fact I did. Then you went backwards and tried to cover up for your mistake instead of admitting it. You have ZERO credibility. There is no "serious" conversation with someone acting like you.

I didn't lose anything at that point. You didn't read, you didnt look, you didn't actually know anything about what you were talking about.

Here's you on the left... and there's me on the right.

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aged ecumenical anthropologist
Are humans in a position to dictate what practices are acceptable? Let's say a god wants animal sacrifice, are we in a position to say no? I think so.
A Buddhist master once said that if you sacrifice an animal, all you have in the end is a dead animal. I tend to agree.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
And you show that you are either not paying attention or know that you are wrong.

Blah-blah-blah. You're talking from your rear.

The point is to minimize suffering. That was the original reason for laws of kosher butchery. You are merely following the letter of your laws. You are not following the spirit.

Nonsense, the animals suffer when a bolt is sent into their brain. Both methods have suffering. The questions are: which is better? which is worse? which is more error prone? which is less error prone?

And then there's the ancillary question: should anyone trust what SubD says about anything?

And no, hormones like that would be indicative of suffering in a creature that never lost consciousness. Those processes still go on even when an animal is insensate. They do not necessarily indicate suffering. You are concentrating on the wrong evidence. The EEG's show that animals are conscious far longer, and therefore suffering with traditional kosher butchery.

There's more to this than just when the neck is slit. And there is no EEGs showing anything in your source. It comes from an unpublished report and something which is not verifiable

Why would you even trust that? Oh yeah, you didn't actually read what your own source. Laziness. And now you're ignoring that fact. Lack of integrity. Or maybe you didn't read what I wrote. You're wasting my time.

Bye now.
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Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Blah-blah-blah. You're talking from your rear.

Nonsense, the animals suffer when a bolt is sent into their brain. Both methods have suffering. The questions are: which is better? which is worse? which is more error prone? which is less error prone?

And then there's the ancillary question: should anyone trust what SubD says about anything?

There's more to this than just when the neck is slit. And there is no EEGs showing anything in your source. It comes from an unpublished report and something which is not verifiable

Why would you even trust that? Oh yeah, you didn't actually read what your own source. Laziness. And now you're ignoring that fact. Lack of integrity. Or maybe you didn't read what I wrote. You're wasting my time.

Bye now.
Okay, so you have decided that I have won since you are afraid to argue properly. It is so sad when someone pretends that he is reasoning rationally and then when he gets caught he just makes up false claims.

If you want to debate the facts I am ready. But you were shown to be wrong about suffering.. You looked at the wrong data and ignored the data that showed you to be wrong. And now you are using a strawman argument.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Blah-blah-blah. You're talking from your rear.

Nonsense, the animals suffer when a bolt is sent into their brain. Both methods have suffering. The questions are: which is better? which is worse? which is more error prone? which is less error prone?

And then there's the ancillary question: should anyone trust what SubD says about anything?

There's more to this than just when the neck is slit. And there is no EEGs showing anything in your source. It comes from an unpublished report and something which is not verifiable

Why would you even trust that? Oh yeah, you didn't actually read what your own source. Laziness. And now you're ignoring that fact. Lack of integrity. Or maybe you didn't read what I wrote. You're wasting my time.

Bye now.
An oh my! The projection. Yes I even quoted the EEG's from my source. I did sim your article, but all that I found were the misinterpreted data that you used. Once again, those hormones are released even if the animal is insensate and not feeling any pain. The hormone data would apply only if there was no loss of consciousness.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Okay, so you have decided that I have won since you are afraid to argue properly. It is so sad when someone pretends that he is reasoning rationally and then when he gets caught he just makes up false claims.

If you want to debate the facts I am ready. But you were shown to be wrong about suffering.. You looked at the wrong data and ignored the data that showed you to be wrong. And now you are using a strawman argument.

LOL! Nonsense. I have won because my data is far more reliable and current than yours. You are relying on unpublished data. You didn't read your own source, you didn't read the article I posted. You cannot find any actual faults in it. You incorreclty critisised the wrong journal.

There is nothing of value that you are saying. Obviously the right thing to do is ignore you.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
An oh my! The projection. Yes I even quoted the EEG's from my source. I did sim your article, but all that I found were the misinterpreted data that you used. Once again, those hormones are released even if the animal is insensate and not feeling any pain. The hormone data would apply only if there was no loss of consciousness.

Nope. You are ignoring your own source. You haven't even read your own *non-academic* source. Here, let me virtually drag your eyeballs to the relevant fact.



Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
LOL! Nonsense. I have won because my data is far more reliable and current than yours. You are relying on unpublished data. You didn't read your own source, you didn't read the article I posted. You cannot find any actual faults in it. You incorreclty critisised the wrong journal.

There is nothing of value that you are saying. Obviously the right thing to do is ignore you.
No, you focused on the wrong data. It does not matter how "reliable" one's data is if it does not apply. I already showed how epinephrine does not apply.

As to the unpublished report, back in those days that is no different from using the sort of source that you used for your claim. You used a pay to publish source. I showed how they had problems with reliability. If that refutes my article then the same standards refute your article. Try to be consistent in your reasoning.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
No, you focused on the wrong data. It does not matter how "reliable" one's data is if it does not apply. I already showed how epinephrine does not apply.

LOL. Since the study measures more than epinephrine, what youre saying, as usual, doesn't matter.

As to the unpublished report, back in those days that is no different from using the sort of source that you used for your claim.

Nope. A recent, academic source, that uses published peer-reviewed data is NOT the same as an old unpublished report, coming from a self-pulished non-academic group.

You used a pay to publish source. I showed how they had problems with reliability. If that refutes my article then the same standards refute your article. Try to be consistent in your reasoning.

No, you didn't show that my source had problems. Wrong journals. But since you do not read what I write. You're going to continue to make up foolish nonsense.

You're simply wrong, again. And repeating those non-facts, isn't an argument.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
LOL. Since the study measures more than epinephrine, what youre saying, as usual, doesn't matter.

Nope. A recent, academic source, that uses published peer-reviewed data is NOT the same as an old unpublished report, coming from a self-pulished non-academic group.

No, you didn't show that my source had problems. Wrong journals. But since you do not read what I write. You're going to continue to make up foolish nonsense.

You're simply wrong, again. And repeating those non-facts, isn't an argument.
Wow! Yes, other hormones are released too. Your source specifically relied on epinephrine as one of them. When I showed that epinephrine was not a valid indicator it put all of their claims into doubt. You need to show that they are not released when an animal is unconscious.

I can post videos for you. Where did you get your meat from? Do you get them from Australia:

]Kosher Slaughter in Australian Abattoir

Paraguay? They send a lot of "kosher beef" to Israel. They are one of their major sources:

I could probably find others, but I really do not feel like finding more.

There are things that are done right in kosher butchery. Why the insistence on continuing not stunning animal?

EDIT: One more, perhaps Israel itself:



דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Wow! Yes, other hormones are released too. Your source specifically relied on epinephrine as one of them. When I showed that epinephrine was not a valid indicator it put all of their claims into doubt.

No it does not.

You need to show that they are not released when an animal is unconscious.

I can post videos for you. Where did you get your meat from? Do you get them from Australia:

]Kosher Slaughter in Australian Abattoir

Paraguay? They send a lot of "kosher beef" to Israel. They are one of their major sources:

I could probably find others, but I really do not feel like finding more.

There are things that are done right in kosher butchery. Why the insistence on continuing not stunning animal?

Videos do not defeat multiple academic, peer-reviewed, sources, which are available to read and analyze. Unless you can come up with something academic, with numbers and methods I can review. We're done. You've lost.

Posting a non academic, non peer reivewed, self-published report, using unpublished data from 40+ years ago, shows your lack of standards.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
No it does not.

Videos do not defeat multiple academic, peer-reviewed, sources, which are available to read and analyze.
Your one source was of no help for you. Let's go over the problems, The source was from a site that has problems with reliability. The article focused on hormones rather than on periods of consciousness. Videos only confirm the claims that I have made.

Now the question is why do you oppose the more humane method of stunning before slaughter? Kosher slaughter was first designed to make it as humane as possible for the animal. It is clear that the method leaves a lot to be desired. That it is rather difficult to get videos from Jewish sources only confirm this. If they had nothing to hide they would have clear videos of their normal processes. One can find videos of regular slaughter. It is not pretty, but at least the animals are not suffering after being cut.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
Your one source was of no help for you. Let's go over the problems, The source was from a site that has problems with reliability.

Nope. No reliability problems with the Journal "Processes" from MDPI. And no problems with the Journal "Europe PMC".
The article focused on hormones rather than on periods of consciousness.

And those hormones are signs of suffering. There are 2 things I mentioned. Although, seem to be unable to perceive of that. Maybe it's too complex.

Videos only confirm the claims that I have made.

Nope. They are not measuring anything.

Now the question is why do you oppose the more humane method of stunning before slaughter?

It's not more humane.

Kosher slaughter was first designed to make it as humane as possible for the animal. It is clear that the method leaves a lot to be desired.

Nope, that's not what measured, actual data, is showing.

That it is rather difficult to get videos from Jewish sources only confirm this.

Videos do not defeat academic peer reviewed current research.

If they had nothing to hide they would have clear videos of their normal processes. One can find videos of regular slaughter.

Abesence of evidence is not evidence of anything.

It is not pretty, but at least the animals are not suffering after being cut.

The data shows they are suffering, probably from having a bolt slammed thru their skull. But you ignore that, cause, at least they don't notice their neck being slit. Although maybe they do, you wouldn't know. You're just guessing and imagining.

"Come here cow, let me bash you in the skull a few times so you won't be suffering." *eye-rolls*
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Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Nope. No reliability problems with the Journal "Processes" from MDPI. And no problems with the Journal "Europe PMC".
I linked an article on the problems with that source. I can link others. Your source has problems.
And those hormones are signs of suffering. There are 2 things I mentioned. Although, seem to be unable to perceive of that. Maybe it's too complex.
No, they are not "signs of suffering". They are the bodies reaction to events. Suffering only happens if consciousness exists. You should be able to understand this.
Nope. They are not measuring anything.
One does not need to "measure" to detect pain or distress. They are still objective evidence since one can observe the signs of distress. You do not seem to understand how science is done. It is not limited to the laboratory.
It's not more humane.
Really? Prove it. So far your one source has not done so.
Nope, that's not what measured, actual data, is showing.
No, again, you do not appear to understand the scientific method.
Videos do not defeat academic peer reviewed current research.
Too bad that you failed to find a reliable source. You are being inconsistent but refuse to see it.

Abesence of evidence is not evidence of anything.
LOL! Dude, you are the one that has not provided any evidence. And you got the saying wrong. Absence of evidence is not necessarily evidence of absence. It can be.

The data shows they are suffering, probably from having a bolt slammed thru their skull. But you ignore that, cause, at least they don't notice their neck being slit. Although maybe they do, you wouldn't know. You're just guessing and imagining.
No, once again, to suffer an animal needs to be sensate. Proper stunning renders an animal unconscious. Their bodies will still physically react. If they somehow regained consciousness then they would feel the pain. Conscious pain does make stress even worse, but if one is unconscious those reactions will still occur. You forgot the example of epinephrine again.
"Come here cow, let me bash you in the skull a few times so you won't be suffering." *eye-rolls*
We are not dealing with the exceptions. If that was the case you would still lose if you watched the videos that I provided.

Many Muslims have realized that stunning is more humane and have incorporated it. There will be some bad stuns. There are obviously some very bad attempts at kosher butchery as well. Generally standards are not based upon exceptions. one attempts to limit the failures. But it appears that kosher butchery has old traditions so deeply ensconced that they only care about their tradition and do not care about minimizing animal suffering. There will be suffering. Regardless of method. Why not try to minimize it. An unconscious animal cannot suffer.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
I linked an article on the problems with that source. I can link others. Your source has problems.
Apples and oranges. Each journal has its own editors and reviewers as your own source shows. But since you didn't read it, you don't know.

The data for the EEG comes from Europe PMC. Read the link, look for the footnotes, click on the footnotes. This is what an intelligent person would do. Is that not what you do when researching something?

No, they are not "signs of suffering". They are the bodies reaction to events. Suffering only happens if consciousness exists. You should be able to understand this.

If you want to make a claim about sensate pain, then you need to bring research to support it. Something from an academic insitution. This is what happens when you bring a non-academic, self-published, non-peer reviewed, non-published data from the late 60s to a debate. And that's ignoring all the other ignorant stuff you say.

One does not need to "measure" to detect pain or distress. They are still objective evidence since one can observe the signs of distress. You do not seem to understand how science is done. It is not limited to the laboratory.

LOL. You have nothing and are claiming it's valuable. Yes, you need something measurable to distinguish between an involuntary reaction, and actual suffering that is perceived by the brain.

If you don't need actual research, then go fishing. Catch a fish. Cut off it's head completely. And watch it move. Oh my goodness it's science!

Really? Prove it. So far your one source has not done so.

It has. But you need to read it.

No, again, you do not appear to understand the scientific method.

I do I do understand.

Too bad that you failed to find a reliable source. You are being inconsistent but refuse to see it.

Nope. It is reliable. You just can't figure out what the source is. Try reading, following the footnotes, then clicky-clicky.

LOL! Dude, you are the one that has not provided any evidence. And you got the saying wrong. Absence of evidence is not necessarily evidence of absence. It can be.

Yup. Absence of evidence is not evidence of anything. Absence of evidence can lead to a theory. But nothing more.

No, once again, to suffer an animal needs to be sensate. Proper stunning renders an animal unconscious. Their bodies will still physically react. If they somehow regained consciousness then they would feel the pain. Conscious pain does make stress even worse, but if one is unconscious those reactions will still occur. You forgot the example of epinephrine again.

If you want to argue about sensate pain, you need to bring a real source. Your words and like a pair of buttcheeks flapping in the wind.

We are not dealing with the exceptions. If that was the case you would still lose if you watched the videos that I provided.

Videos do not defeat academic peer-reviewed current research. Especially coming from a biased internet poster.

Many Muslims have realized that stunning is more humane and have incorporated it. There will be some bad stuns. There are obviously some very bad attempts at kosher butchery as well. Generally standards are not based upon exceptions. one attempts to limit the failures. But it appears that kosher butchery has old traditions so deeply ensconced that they only care about their tradition and do not care about minimizing animal suffering. There will be suffering. Regardless of method. Why not try to minimize it. An unconscious animal cannot suffer.

Because the stunning causes problems too. "Here cow, let me bash you in the head a few times so you can't feel the pain I'm about to inflict." Is pretty stupid.


דניאל יוסף בן מאיר הירש
No, once again, to suffer an animal needs to be sensate. Proper stunning renders an animal unconscious. Their bodies will still physically react. If they somehow regained consciousness then they would feel the pain. Conscious pain does make stress even worse, but if one is unconscious those reactions will still occur. You forgot the example of epinephrine again.

From the links you brought. I searched for sensate. No hits in either of your sources. ( I also searched for insensate even though that is included in the other search. But your poor brain seems to need the extra help. )





So, you're wasting my time.


Well-Known Member
Religious animal sacrifice seems to be out of practice, at least in my part of the world.

If you read the Old Testament, numerous characters partake in copious amounts of animal scarifice, such as David and Solomon. I was also reading that animal sacrifice use to be a pagan practice as well.

So, first off, with the Jews, they simply don't sacrifice amymore because there is a mosque in place of where they think their temple for sacrificing should be, right? But, if they had their proper temple, they would resume animal sacrifice. Do I have that right?

What about Pagans? Pagan practice was interrupted for centuries so we aren't really sure the exact mechanics of old school paganism. But they use to sacrifice animals, at least according to my book. My book was saying "We DON'T sacrifice animals nowadays!" And it got me thinking... Why?

I would never want to sacrifice animals. Hell, I eventually want to be vegan or vegetarian so I can live a life where I'm not partaking in animal murder.

Perhaps society has evolved more? There are arguments for this. Slavery is a thing of the past and stuff like that. Society would no longer accept mass animal sacrifice to an imagined deity probably. I don't know for sure.

Are humans in a position to dictate what practices are acceptable? Let's say a god wants animal sacrifice, are we in a position to say no? I think so.
Animal sacrifices were connected to symbolically sacrificing our natural animal side; pre-humans before civilization, so we could become more civilized and unnatural; will and choice.

Imagine you are hungry and there is a large animal sacrifice of hundred of pounds of prime steak and lamb, that you can smell and see cooking until it is burnt and unusable. You needed to suppress your salivating and natural urge to reach out and eat. You would not only be required to attend, but you would also be required to give your best food animal to the fire pit. It made you harder and more willful. It may also require you work harder to make up for the deficit in food; fight prehuman siesta time.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Apples and oranges. Each journal has its own editors and reviewers as your own source shows. But since you didn't read it, you don't know.

The data for the EEG comes from Europe PMC. Read the link, look for the footnotes, click on the footnotes. This is what an intelligent person would do. Is that not what you do when researching something?

If you want to make a claim about sensate pain, then you need to bring research to support it. Something from an academic insitution. This is what happens when you bring a non-academic, self-published, non-peer reviewed, non-published data from the late 60s to a debate. And that's ignoring all the other ignorant stuff you say.

LOL. You have nothing and are claiming it's valuable. Yes, you need something measurable to distinguish between an involuntary reaction, and actual suffering that is perceived by the brain.

If you don't need actual research, then go fishing. Catch a fish. Cut off it's head completely. And watch it move. Oh my goodness it's science!

It has. But you need to read it.

I do I do understand.

Nope. It is reliable. You just can't figure out what the source is. Try reading, following the footnotes, then clicky-clicky.

Yup. Absence of evidence is not evidence of anything. Absence of evidence can lead to a theory. But nothing more.

If you want to argue about sensate pain, you need to bring a real source. Your words and like a pair of buttcheeks flapping in the wind.

Videos do not defeat academic peer-reviewed current research. Especially coming from a biased internet poster.

Because the stunning causes problems too. "Here cow, let me bash you in the head a few times so you can't feel the pain I'm about to inflict." Is pretty stupid.
You are full of fail today. Repeating a failed argument is just another way of admitting that you are wrong.

And the article that I provided applied to the journal as a whole. You chose a poor source. Meanwhile the videos that i did post refute your claims.