Oh, really? Do you have any examples of these suppressed technologies?There were a lot of ways to use fossil fuels efficiently that were developed in the late fifties and early sixties, but the internal combustion engine was more profitable for the oil folks and the US manufacturing folks, so these better ways went down the pike and were not to be seen.
And if Big Oil does conspire to keep more efficient engines off the market, why haven't they applied this power to other things which have improved efficiency, eg, variable valve timing, CVT transmissions, electronic engine control, electronic ignition, pseudo-Atkinson cycle valve control, advanced turbobchargers, cleaner compression ignition cycles, flex fuel usage, variable displacement, variable compression ration, direct fuel injection, dual combustion chambers per piston? Moreover, why haven't they squelched research into yet to be applied technologies, eg, adiabatic engines? Why haven't they opposed other fuel saving measures, eg, lighter materials, improved aerodynamics, improved tires, hybrid drives, cruise control, electronic transmission control?
Much research has been done on engine technologies which have yet to pan out as practical, eg, Stirling cycle, regenerative gas turbine, Wankel.
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