It's still undetermined whether somebody closely resembling the man depicted in the Gospels ever existed. When a life is well documented, there is no reasonable doubt that such a life was lived by an actual person. We don't doubt that Muhammad lived, nor George Washington, nor Napoleon, and a century from now, there will be no doubt that Joe Biden was a real figure from history who did the things reported in the news and summarized in subsequent biographies.
Jesus doesn't have the same status of any of those. His status is closer to King Arthur's:
King Arthur - Wikipedia
Why should that matter to the critical thinker? Your man had no forensic evidence. What convinces such a person is irrelevant to the critical thinker unless that same evidence convinces him as well. If he understands it differently, then he rejects this other person's conclusions. To believe this detective's claims is a kind of reverse ad hominem fallacy (or argument from authority) - "He must be right because he's a detective, s I can skip reviewing his evidence and argument and just believe him."
Stalin and Hitler were raised as Christians.
What you call evolutionists are people that accept science. Racism tends to cluster among the low-information demographic that rejects science, like MAGA.
The god of Abraham condoned chattel slavery, where people were considered property that could be bought and sold, their spouses and children sold, their labor stolen, and who could be beaten. That's the god you worship, isn't it - the one in the Bible?
What god? I don't see any gods. That's why.
Agreed. That evidence refutes the claim that that god exists. If some transhuman intelligent designer deceptively arranged that evidence to appear that evolution had occurred when in fact it hadn't, that still can't be the god of Abraham, unless, as others have suggested, you want to call that god a liar. It allegedly claimed to create the universe and man within a week. It didn't, therefore, either it doesn't exist or it has lied to man and taken credit for things it didn't do.
Just people willing to believe that such a thing happens, and it's not Satan deceiving them strictly speaking. It's their Bibles and those preaching from them.
You can't. Your "refutations" are essentially empty claims accompanied by lists of irrelevant questions.
How do you know this? Because the Bible tells you so?
That myth has been falsified. There was no first pair of human beings created de novo. All human beings have nonhuman ancestors.
Why don't you know what the first living things were made of? The scientific community does, and textbooks have been created that summarize that for you.
Maybe you should get yourself an education rather than asking others who have to tutor you. That's how they learned the answers to these questions. Do you live near a university? If not, perhaps you can self-study online.
My post contained no science at all. I'm not surprised that you took nothing home from it except for incorrectly calling it science. That was predicted. Do you recall my comment that I don't believe that anything I could write would benefit you?
He doesn't need your approval.