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Another irrefutable proof that God created all things using mathematical induction. And a proof that The Bible is the word of God.


Well-Known Member
Sure is. A religion is just how people should live, based on where we came from and what happens when we die. So evolution is indeed a religion and a false one at that.
No that is philosophy.

Religion has supernatural deities who you must follow to get to a magical realm. That is also known as fiction and should remain out of school.
If you think it should be in school then in 2060 when Islam outnumbers Christianity we will switch to Islam in schools.
We don't know what happens after death so that is also fiction.

Examples that do not include a magical sky-king and a divinity. People discuss and come up with the best models, just as religious people do when they ignore stoning, subjugation of women, plunder, slavery, allow freedom of religion to others.

Stoic Ethics was not just another theoretical subject, but an eminently practical one. Indeed, especially for the later Stoics, ethics—understood as the study of how to live one’s life—was the point of doing philosophy. It was no easy task: Epictetus famously said (in Discourses III.24.30): “The philosopher’s lecture room is a hospital: you ought not to walk out of it in a state of pleasure, but in pain—for you are not in good condition when you arrive!” The starting point for Epictetus was the famous dichotomy of control, as expressed at the very beginning of the Enchiridion: “We are responsible for some things, while there are others for which we cannot be held responsible” (also translated as “Some things are up to us, other things are not up to us”).


b. Ethical Deliberation​

Human action displays excellence only when it is undertaken voluntarily, that is, is chosen as the means to bring about a goal wished for by the agent. Excellence in general is thus best understood as a disposition to make correct choices (EN 1106b36–1107a2), where “choice” is understood as the product of deliberation or what “has been deliberated upon” (EN 1113a4). Deliberation is not about ends but about what contributes to an end already given by one of the three types of desire discussed above: appetite, thumos, or wish (EN 1112b11–12, 33–34).

But if all excellent action must be chosen, how can actions undertaken in an instant, such as when one acts courageously, be excellent? Since such actions can be undertaken without the agent having undergone a prior process of conscious deliberation, which takes time, it seems that one must say that quick actions were hypothetically deliberated, that is, that they count as what one would have chosen to do had one had time to deliberate (Segvic 2008, 162–163).

c. Self and Others​

Life will tend to go well for a person who has been habituated to the right kinds of pleasures and pains and who deliberates well about what to do. Unfortunately, this is not always sufficient for happiness. For although excellence might help one manage misfortunes well and avoid becoming miserable as their result, it is not reasonable to call someone struck with a major misfortune blessed or happy (EN 1100b33–1101a13). So there seems to be an element of luck in happiness: although bad luck cannot make one miserable, one must possess at least some external goods in order to be happy.

One could also ruin things by acting in ignorance. When one fails to recognize a particular as what it is, one might bring about an end one never intended. For example, one might set off a loaded catapult through one’s ignorance of the fact that it was loaded. Such actions are involuntary. But there is a more fundamental kind of moral ignorance for which one can be blamed, which is not the cause of involuntary actions but of badness (EN 1110b25–1111a11). In the first case, one does what one does not want to do because of ignorance, so is not worthy of blame. In the second case, one does what one wants to do and is thus to be blamed for the action.

Given that badness is a form of ignorance about what one should do, it is reasonable to ask whether acting acratically, that is, doing what one does not want to do, just comes down to being ignorant. This is the teaching of Socrates, who, arguing against what appears to be the case, reduced acrasia to ignorance (EN 1145b25–27). Though Aristotle holds that acrasia is distinct from ignorance, he also thinks it is impossible for knowledge to be dragged around by the passions like a slave. Aristotle must, then, explain how being overcome by one’s passions is possible, when knowledge is stronger than the passions.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
And wrong on all three. Macro evolution is a kind producing an offspring of another kind. Dogs beget dogs, cats beget cats, people beget people, etc. And all the evidence, logic. facts, physics, biology, chemistry, math, statistics and probability, and sanity refute evolution, billions of years and abiogenesis.
No, there is no change of kind in evolution. Macroevolution is merely evolution above the species leveel.


Well-Known Member
The OT law is not valid anymore. And extra heretical books of course are Not part of the Bible.
Remember an unsaved person cannot understand the word of God nor the gospel of Christ.
Your post proves that and fulfills prophecies from the Bible which also prove the Bible true.
Was on vacation so forgive the tardy reply but, perhaps was good to take a break from the deception of the deceivers - the tampering with Scripture as prophecied by Lord Jesus - proving at least some of the Bible is truth but, not all as the deceiver would have folks believe.

The claim that only those designated as saved by a fundamentalist cult leader - those in "the Group" - the "insiders" as opposed to "The Other" comes straight from the deceiver .. standard cult mind control tactic 101 .. the adherent uttering such falsehood - having been exposed to sophisticated mind control - repeating cult mantra due to being triggered.

These people will claim to speak for God .. usurping the position of the Logos .. telling you that God's Law and 100% Truth is no longer valid .. calling the entire Talmud Heretical and not part of God's word .. along with some NT scripture with which the heretic disagree's .. Idol Marty wanted to do ..suggesting that James should be removed from Holy Scripture for contradiction of his "Free Pass through Judgement" ideology ... those saved by lord Martin being the only ones that understand Christs gospel.

Truly prophetic is the word of Lord Jesus .. telling us about these wolves in sheeps clothing and the "Foolish" people who follow as prophesied in Matt 7 and James 2 ..

Lord Jesus did not invalidate the word of God in the Bible - but hearkens us to adhere to the commands of God found therein .. it is the path of darkness and falsehood being preached by the wolves on which a weak foundation is built.. telling falsehoods about our Lord and his Gospel is not the path to redemption nor salvation .. tis the path of the deceiver and the direct opposite of the Truth, the Way and the Light. The fundamentalist cult leader will tell you "This is the only Path and no one understands but we" - that path being the cult leaders interpretation of Scripture ..given direct to him from God .. Pontifex Maximus .. the unforgivable sin spoken by Lord Jesus ..
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Was on vacation so forgive the tardy reply but, perhaps was good to take a break from the deception of the deceivers - the tampering with Scripture as prophecied by Lord Jesus - proving at least some of the Bible is truth but, not all as the deceiver would have folks believe.

The claim that only those designated as saved by a fundamentalist cult leader - those in "the Group" - the "insiders" as opposed to "The Other" comes straight from the deceiver .. standard cult mind control tactic 101 .. the adherent uttering such falsehood - having been exposed to sophisticated mind control - repeating cult mantra due to being triggered.

These people will claim to speak for God .. usurping the position of the Logos .. telling you that God's Law and 100% Truth is no longer valid .. calling the entire Talmud Heretical and not part of God's word .. along with some NT scripture with which the heretic disagree's .. Idol Marty wanted to do ..suggesting that James should be removed from Holy Scripture for contradiction of his "Free Pass through Judgement" ideology ... those saved by lord Martin being the only ones that understand Christs gospel.

Truly prophetic is the word of Lord Jesus .. telling us about these wolves in sheeps clothing and the "Foolish" people who follow as prophesied in Matt 7 and James 2 ..

Lord Jesus did not invalidate the word of God in the Bible - but hearkens us to adhere to the commands of God found therein .. it is the path of darkness and falsehood being preached by the wolves on which a weak foundation is built.. telling falsehoods about our Lord and his Gospel is not the path to redemption nor salvation .. tis the path of the deceiver and the direct opposite of the Truth, the Way and the Light. The fundamentalist cult leader will tell you "This is the only Path and no one understands but we" - that path being the cult leaders interpretation of Scripture ..given direct to him from God .. Pontifex Maximus .. the unforgivable sin spoken by Lord Jesus ..
You are correct that Christ and other parts of the Bible predicted that the scripture would be tampered with and that there would also be those that would pretend to be Christian leaders and mislead many .


Well-Known Member
You are correct that Christ and other parts of the Bible predicted that the scripture would be tampered with and that there would also be those that would pretend to be Christian leaders and mislead many .

And that the wolves are often caught in their own web of deceit .. previously claiming the KJV is 100% God Breathed and claiming this scripture is tampered with by Satan in the same breath.

Indeed those peddling the free pass ideology of Lord Martin have been mislead - as have those following the fundamentalist cult leaders who claim that they alone understand scripture.

Where did you get the idea that only those saved by Lord Martin understand scripture ? and that our Lord Jesus has invalidated the entire word of God in the OT ?


Well-Known Member
And that the wolves are often caught in their own web of deceit .. previously claiming the KJV is 100% God Breathed and claiming this scripture is tampered with by Satan in the same breath.

Indeed those peddling the free pass ideology of Lord Martin have been mislead - as have those following the fundamentalist cult leaders who claim that they alone understand scripture.

Where did you get the idea that only those saved by Lord Martin understand scripture ? and that our Lord Jesus has invalidated the entire word of God in the OT ?
Well the word of God must be without error somewhere in the world today. Where do you think that would be?


Well-Known Member
Well the word of God must be without error somewhere in the world today. Where do you think that would be?

Why are you asking dumb fallacious questions in response to questions put to you. You have just finished claiming that the Bible is errant in previous post - tampered with by Satan.

Now you cry out that the Word of God must be without error somewhere .. a perfect assumed premise fallacy . as you have no idea whether or not your claim is true .. then ask where this nonexistent rabbit might be found ... if answed "The Bible" would then contradict you previous claim that the Bible is tampered with by Satan.

So where do we find this rabbit of which you speak .. What is this book in which the word of God is found that is without error. Tell us Master about salvation by Lord Martin .. tell us where the word of God is to be found outside the Bible .. and which God you are referring to .. if not the word of Lord Satan of the Bible ... or is this the God you are referring to .. the riddle of deception solved at last ? .. On the name of what God do you speak .. and what book contains the errorless word of this mysterious God you keep referring to ..


Well-Known Member
The OT law is not valid anymore.
So original sin and the 10 commandments are not valid? Why did Jesus say he came not to change the law one jot or jittle?

Remember an unsaved person cannot understand the word of God nor the gospel of Christ.
We can test that, pick a scripture and see if non-saved people can understand what it means.

Your post proves that and fulfills prophecies from the Bible which also prove the Bible true.
Here are over 200 things Yahweh said would happen and didn't. Some can never happen, like:

  1. God promises to bring Jacob safely back from Egypt, but Jacob dies in Egypt (Gen.47:28-29) 46:3

Looks like the prophecies are just cherry picked to avoid the incorrect statements:



Well-Known Member
So original sin and the 10 commandments are not valid? Why did Jesus say he came not to change the law one jot or jittle?

We can test that, pick a scripture and see if non-saved people can understand what it means.

Here are over 200 things Yahweh said would happen and didn't. Some can never happen, like:

  1. God promises to bring Jacob safely back from Egypt, but Jacob dies in Egypt (Gen.47:28-29) 46:3

Looks like the prophecies are just cherry picked to avoid the incorrect statements:

No the law is still there to put all that break it into hell unless they believe the gospel of Christ.
Are you saved by Jesus Christ?

Kelly of the Phoenix

Well-Known Member
Of course, mankind makes its own definition of sin.
So according to you, what is the answer to these questions.
And what do they teach is morally correct in public schools?
Is the unborn a child?
Is it murder to abort a child?
Are there only 2 genders? Can someone change gender? Is homosexuality a sin?
Is fornication sin?
Does God exist?
Is the Bible the true word of God?
Did evolution happen?
How old is the universe and earth?
What is being taught at schools?
Complicated. Yes. No.
Not if everyone consented.
Which One?
An absurdly long time.


Well-Known Member
No the law is still there to put all that break it into hell unless they believe the gospel of Christ.
So the OT law IS still valid? So we should take slaves from the heathen around us and plunder of war?

Are you saved by Jesus Christ?
You didn't answer, if a correct prophecy proves the Bible what about the incorrect prophecies?
Here are over 200 things Yahweh said would happen and didn't. Some can never happen, like:

  1. God promises to bring Jacob safely back from Egypt, but Jacob dies in Egypt (Gen.47:28-29) 46:3

Looks like the prophecies are just cherry picked to avoid the incorrect statements:

Like it or not "salvation" is from Greek/pagan religions, later picked up by a new sect of Judaism, Christianity. It was a myth in Greek religions and continues to be a myth in all the off-shoots including Christianity.

Some of the changes religions took on once exposed to Hellenistic religion -

-the seasonal drama was homologized to a soteriology (salvation concept) concerning the destiny, fortune, and salvation of the individual after death.

-his led to a change from concern for a religion of national prosperity to one for individual salvation, from focus on a particular ethnic group to concern for every human. The prophet or saviour replaced the priest and king as the chief religious figure.

-his process was carried further through the identification of the experiences of the soul that was to be saved with the vicissitudes of a divine but fallen soul, which had to be redeemed by cultic activity and divine intervention. This view is illustrated in the concept of the paradoxical figure of the saved saviour, salvator salvandus.

-The temples and cult institutions of the various Hellenistic religions were repositories of the knowledge and techniques necessary for salvation and were the agents of the public worship of a particular deity. In addition, they served an important sociological role. In the new, cosmopolitan ideology that followed Alexander’s conquests, the old nationalistic and ethnic boundaries had broken down and the problem of religious and social identity had become acute.

-Other traditions even more radically reinterpreted the ancient figures. The cosmic or seasonal drama was interiorized to refer to the divine soul within man that must be liberated.

-Each persisted in its native land with little perceptible change save for its becoming linked to nationalistic or messianic movements (centring on a deliverer figure)

-and apocalyptic traditions (referring to a belief in the dramatic intervention of a god in human and natural events)

- Particularly noticeable was the success of a variety of prophets, magicians, and healers—e.g., John the Baptist, Jesus, Simon Magus, Apollonius of Tyana, Alexander the Paphlagonian, and the cult of the healer Asclepius—whose preaching corresponded to the activities of various Greek and Roman philosophic missionaries

Hellenistic religion - Beliefs, practices, and institutions


Well-Known Member
I'm not ignoring anything.
The ignoring is entirely on your side.
You refuse to learn how gradualism works and you refuse to learn how it matters in evolutionary processes.
This willful ignorance then leads you to ask ignorant questions like the one above and then you complain that you don't get answers to your liking.

By acting this way you have put yourself in a position where it becomes literally impossible for you to learn anything about this subject.

The answers are there. The problem is not with the answers. The problem is with your invalid questions, which are loaded with false assumptions.
Several people have allready brought this to your attention. Clearly you aren't interested in actually learning nor in correcting your many mistakes.

This is a "you" problem.

And once again your statement shows that it stems from ignorance.
Once again you are implying that one needs to exist before the other, while in reality all of it evolves gradually .
There is no point in time where you "suddenly" get a creature that lays eggs. Just like there is no point in time where "suddenly" a latin speaking mother raises a spanish speaking child.

You handwaved that language analogy away and called it a "waste of time". In reality, you not understanding that analogy is the very root of your problem. It is the reason you don't comprehend any of this.

For crying out loud...
Taste evolved long before humans did.

What do you think is going to do most damage?
When you put something in your mouth, notice it tastes iffy and spit it out before swallowing?
Or when you just eat on because you don't taste anything only to notice it an hour later, after having eaten the whole thing, when you are puking blood?

Eggs evolved gradually. There was no "first egg". Just like there was no "first" spanish speaking person.

Gradualism. In gradual processes, there is no "first".
Oh, I understand what you are saying - I JUST KNOW IT ISN'T TRUE

You can't really explain about the egg - you can only mimic what you have been told. Read back thru what you have said, NONE of what you said above proves evolution in any way whatsoever. Your language example doesn't prove evolution.

You STILL have the same problem I have told you over and over that you have. How many times do I have to tell you this???? For your explanation to be true, you STILL have to have the precursor to the egg before you can get the animal. And you STILL need the animal before you can get whatever you are claiming turned into the egg. This is just a BASIC FACT of life that you are choosing to ignore.


Well-Known Member
We KNOW it is true.

Just like we KNOW spanish evolved from latin, eventhough we can't give you a step-by-step progression of which sound and word changes were introduced at what time.

We know the big picture things of many traits. We will never know exact step-by-step mutations of every single change of every single trait. That is an impossible standard to meet, not to mention an unnecessary one.

Remember the murder analogy I gave you (and which you ignored as well)?
It's the same thing.

Knowing EXACTLY how a murder took place, is not at all required for reliably establishing that the murder in fact took place.

Any forensics follows the same pattern and logic in that sense.
We can equally establish that a house burned down without knowing exactly HOW it burned down (where the fire started, how it spread and unfolded etc).

So really, in this exchange, you have already learned 2 very important lessons:
1. evolution is gradual - meaning that there is no "first" egg / chicken / human / ...
2. evolutionary history is not the same as evolution the process. We can know things evolved without knowing (in detail or otherwise) HOW it evolved (which exact evolutionary pathway it took to end up like it is today, or at any other given time)

Now if you would just try and surpass your stubborness and willfull ignorance and learn those 2 lessons, that would be great.
I'm not even asking you to accept / believe evolution.

The thing is that at this point, you are arguing against a version of evolution that does not take those 2 points into account. This means that you are arguing a strawman.

The least you could do is not misrepresent the theory you are hellbend on arguing against. Surely you can see how it's intellectually dishonest to insist on doing that.

If you don't, ask yourself what it is that you are hoping to accomplish. If your goal here is to "win" this debate and / or convince people that evolution is wrong.... then why would you argue a strawman? Surely you see how you aren't going to convince us, or anybody else who knows you argue a strawman, while arguing a strawman, right?

What would you say if I would argue against christianity by insisting that god is a bearded man who lives at the north pole and then argue against that god?

That's the equivalent of what you are doing.
If you are going to argue about evolution, the least you could do is learn what it actually says first.
I understand what you are saying. I just don't believe it is true.

I'm not arguing a strawman. I am asking a reasonable question. From everyday life we know that it takes an egg to get a chicken. And we know that it takes a living chicken to get that egg. And no matter how much you try to deny it, it is just a fact of life. I have already pointed out that no matter what you say the egg or the chicken evolved from, you still have the same problem to overcome. It takes one of them first to get the other. And evolution is unable to logically explain how we could get that first egg or chicken.


Well-Known Member
Correct. There is no intention or plan in evolution.
But natural selection makes sure that those things that give an advantage and happen to emerge by random mutation, would stick around.

And as you say, the sense of taste surely is handy and advantagous.
Nobody here is claiming that taste was inevitable or "meant" to exist. That seems to be just another one of your strawmen.

Same goes for sight. Being able to orient yourself sure is handy. Vision is an obvious way to accomplish that.
Sight evolved a few dozen times independently from one another. It's no surprise.
Nevertheless, other creatures have evolved other ways for orientation as well, like echo-location.

Right, because "god dun it" isn't conjecture at all.

Your double standard is again showing.
We have come back full circle. Sight, taste, hearing, smell, etc. are all handy and advantageous. Just because that is the case why would that get them to develop to begin with? What in the world would cause something like vision to even start developing to begin with?? Like I said before, just because something would come in handy wouldn't cause it to evolve.

It would be extremely handy if we could fly. It would be handy to have eyes in the back of our head so we could see if we were being attacked from behind. Why haven't those things evolved for us?

I don't have a double standard. I said before - you can't prove to me what you believe, and I can't prove to you what I believe. (Your own strawman)


Well-Known Member
We can demonstrate evolution occurred, is still occuring and continues to occur.
We can demonstrate all species share ancestors.

We can demonstrate that objectively with multiple independent lines of evidence. All those lines of evidence are independently verifiable and testable.

But off course, it's hard to do that with the willfully ignorant who absolutely, dogmatically even, refuse to learn anything. It's impossible to do that with handwavers who insist on being wrong and doubling down on their mistakes.
I'm willing to learn. Please finally get around to demonstrating it for me.


Well-Known Member
Well you won't get very far by telling lies, given that the theory of evolution is just that, a theory, and no one subscribes to this as if it was a religion. Most who accept the theory will no doubt accept evidence which might alter it too, but not much has happened to disprove the basics since it was first postulated.
good grief! It was a figure of speech.


Veteran Member
Oh, I understand what you are saying

Clearly you don't.


No - you have religious beliefs which are incompatible and when the evidence of reality doesn't agree with your a priori religious beliefs, you assume reality is incorrect.

This is not what constitutes "knowing".

You can't really explain about the egg


- you can only mimic what you have been told.


Read back thru what you have said, NONE of what you said above proves evolution in any way whatsoever. Your language example doesn't prove evolution.

The language analogy illustrates the part about evolution you are so hellbend to not acknowledge: that it is a gradual process.
There is no "first egg", just like there is no "first spanish speaker".

I don't know what else to tell you. Leading a horse to water, and all that....
As long as you don't let go of this false idea that a non-egg laying creature one day gave birth to an egg laying creature, I can't help you.
This is why I go to the language example, because hopefully you get how language develops gradually. No latin speaking mother ever raised a spanish speaking child. In the exact same way, no non-egg laying creature ever gave birth to an egg-laying creature.

In biology, just like in language, things evolve gradually.

You STILL have the same problem I have told you over and over that you have.

There is no such problem. There is only your refusal to learn about the gradual nature of things.
The only problem here, is your unwillingness to learn.

How many times do I have to tell you this????

Good question. You should have stopped after the first time, when your mistake was explained.
But apparently, you insist on arguing this strawman.

For your explanation to be true, you STILL have to have the precursor to the egg before you can get the animal. And you STILL need the animal before you can get whatever you are claiming turned into the egg. This is just a BASIC FACT of life that you are choosing to ignore.
The only fact here, is that you are still mistakingly assuming the equivalent of a latin speaking mother raising a spanish speaking child.


Well-Known Member
of course it is a religion and needs to be removed from all public schools and public funding.

Not at all because we see eggs being used by earlier species who the dinosaurs evolved from. We also see the evolution of the egg from soft material to hard shells.

"Fossil eggs are classified according to the parataxonomic system called Veterovata. There are three broad categories in the scheme, on the pattern of organismal phylogenetic classification, called oofamilies, oogenera and oospecies (collectively known as ootaxa).[2][10] The names of oogenera and oofamilies conventionally contain the root "oolithus" meaning "stone egg", but this rule is not always followed. They are divided up into several basic types: Testudoid, Geckoid, Crocodiloid, Dinosauroid-spherulitic, Dinosauroid-prismatic, and Ornithoid. Veterovata does not always mirror the taxonomy of the animals which laid the eggs."

We have fossils of reptiles with eggs still inside and they were a softer material. So we have a reasonable map of how this system evolved.

Except for the fossil evidence.

But wait, what was it you have? A magic being created everything, through god-powers, you heard from an ancient story. Wow, that's much worse.
Funny that you are comfortable with using your science tech - computer, vehicles, planes, cellphone, medical tech, all from science.
Yet if something doesn't match an ancient myth, where humans were known to distrust rational thinking and follow only divine revelation as truth, you want to say science is wrong, but have no proof. Bizarre?

The massive lines of evidence that converge give a strong picture. Yet ancient folk tales that have no evidence MUST be correct about everything?

Not true,
We can see that we are great apes, morphologically, behaviorally and genetically, those are facts.
We have endless evidence for evolution, including physical evidence.

But now you are not being honest because you claimed there was no way to confront the issue regarding the chicken/egg.

Clearly, we understand where the egg comes from, have fossil evidence of evolution of egg types, but you will not take that into consideration, you must not want evolution to be true for personal reasons. There is more than enough evidence.

Egg Parataxonomy





Oolithes spheroides

As I said before. You STILL face the same problem with the precursors. Can't get the egg (even if it's softer) without the creature. Can't get the creature without the egg. To pretend you have solved the problem is ridiculous.


Veteran Member
I'm not arguing a strawman.

I just explained to you in detail how you are.
Stop sticking your head in the sand. It's unbecoming.

I am asking a reasonable question.

Your question ignores the gradual nature of evolution. This means your question assumes a strawman version of the theory.
Your question does not have an answer because your question itself is invalid.

From everyday life we know that it takes an egg to get a chicken. And we know that it takes a living chicken to get that egg.

Likewise, we know that it takes spanish speaking parents to raise a spanish speaking child. And we know that it takes spanish speaking grandparents to get those spanish speaking parents.

We also know the ancient ancestors of spanish speaking people, didn't speak spanish but latin.
And yet, at no point in time did a latin speaking parent raise a spanish speaking child.

Please... try to comprehend this analogy. As said before, it is the root cause of your misunderstanding here.
The "egg" in your question = the spanish speaking parents.
The chicken in your question = the spanish speaking child.
The non-egg-laying ancestors = the latin speaking ancestors.

No latin-speaking parents ever raised a spanish speaking child.
No non-egg laying parents ever gave birth to an egg-laying child.

Is it starting to sink in now?
It's not, right?

Or it is and you are doing your outmost best to try and avoid it.

And no matter how much you try to deny it, it is just a fact of life.

No. A fact of life is that evolution works gradually. The sooner you learn this, the faster we can move on from this sillyness.

I have already pointed out that no matter what you say the egg or the chicken evolved from, you still have the same problem to overcome.

This problem only exists in your strawman.
It is no more of a problem then it is in the analogy.

Tell me, is there a "problem" of how a latin speaking parent raised a spanish speaking child?
Off course there isn't.

It takes one of them first to get the other.

Not in a gradual process.

And evolution is unable to logically explain how we could get that first egg or chicken.
No. The strawman version of evolution in your head is unable to explain that.
The actual process has no problem explaining that.

Just like there is no problem explaining how latin turned into spanish.