Forgive me Druidus, but I find your whole concept of "responsible use" to be proposterous.
Indeed. Well, I don't. You are welcome to your opinion. I'll keep mine.
Who sets the rules for what is responsible, Druidus?
Responsibility is relative. I would, however, suggest a few basic rules for the responsible use of psychoactives:
- No driving or operating heavy machinery of any kind.
- No "tripping" in public.
- Limited usage. Set a balance for the amount of money you are willing to spend on psychoactives, and stick to it. Those who can't handle that shouldn't bother with psychoactives.
- Limit your dosages. Never explore new doses without experienced and sober "sitters". Stay within the "safe" range of dosages.
- Continually reassess your usage. If addiction ever appears to be evident, or even if it simply seems to be a likely possibility, psychoactive use should be halted immediately for at least a one month period.
- No mixing of drugs unless it is known that they do not interfere negatively with each other. (No MAOI's with DXM for instance)
- Understand and research the effects of the drug being consumed.
- Weigh every dose actively and take precautions to reduce the chance of overdose.
- Never allow psychoactives to overshadow other aspects of life. Use should be stopped if this becomes apparent.
- Be honest with yourself and with others concerning your drug use (to an extent. Don't admit it if it would cause you legal duress)
- NEVER try to persuade others to utilize a psychoactive. At most, offer them unbiased information and answer questions. Even that is not recommended. Drugs are a personal choice, not something to be forced on someone.
- Never allow yourself to be directly or indirectly responsible for the welfare or wellbeing of another being while under the influence of any psychoactive.
- Never engage in physically hazardous activites while under the influence.
Actually, I do set the definition of responsible for
Am I seriously supposed to accept the "learned" opinion, of someone who has not even reached the legal age to buy or drink alcohol?
To be honest, I am extremely and deeply hurt by this immature and unintelligent comment. Age is no indication, in and of itself, of wisdom or intelligence. Clearly, both of these are usually raised by age, but not necessarily. Much of it also depends on the individual. As well, another aspect of the psyche that seems to rise with age is
arrogance. What makes you think I need you to accept my opinion? All I ask is that you allow me to hold it without insulting me personally, especially not with such an asinine comment. Frankly, the respect I held for you, though still considerable, has dropped quite a bit due to that comment. And, indeed, it hurts me that someone I respect so much (and whom I once believed respected me) would consider insulting me on such an arbitrary topic as my age.
(Let alone ramble on about its so-called "spiritual" effects.)
I am as capable as you, if not moreso, at defining, discussing, and forming my opinions on spirituality. If you insist on being childish, I expect you will eventually leave RF. A vast section of the RF populace is young, some younger than I, but this is no reason for them to be patronized or held in contempt/pity. I'm shocked that you would suggest (through your words) otherwise. Drop the holier-than-thou attitude and the moral righteousness. You know no more than anyone else on this path of unknowables. My opinions are as valid as yours. Can't handle it? Then leave.
Am I really supposed to accept their insistance that they have the god given right to fry their brain, any way they see fit?
You are supposed to accept the fact that regardless of your opinions, others will have their own and will act according to them. And your opinions are no better than theirs. So deal with the fact that their opinions may lead them to engage in acts you might consider "self-destructive".
To all the others:
First of all, I understand the risks I take when I engage in a psychoactive journey. This risks are mitigated by the benefits I have achieved. None of you have any idea of these benefits to me on a personal scale. Don't claim to have the be all end all answer to the question.
Drugs are not necessarily damaging. It depends on the particular drug, the frequency of use, and the level of dosage. To say otherwise is to foolishly accept what is handed to you on a platter by mass society and government. Since when has either known what is best for the world?