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another **** page.


Depends Upon My Mood..
It is a page full of pictures making fun of people for being fat and the clothes they wear. How is that not a fat shaming page.

It wasn't a dedicated site to make fun of fat people.They also were making fun of a woman with long long long finger nails..submitting stories about shopping trips there..a dog left in a car and someone called the police..a photo of a dedicated parking spot for wounded soldiers...a retried man posting about how his wife now wants him to go to Wal Mart with him .. etc etc..


I find the exaggeration of the content of the pictures fascinating. Showing off genitals, flipping up their shirts, showing all their girl parts, etc...

With maybe one or two exceptions, virtually all of the pictures are just of women who aren't wearing much having fun. The pictures don't look overtly sexualized to me. I can easily imagine dressing in a similar way at an appropriate event (pride, for example, or festival or beach party) and goofing around with my friends, resulting in similar pictures. Heck, sometimes I do burlesque shows and the whole thing is video taped and photographed. You know how much this tells you about my sexual and medical history and personal hygiene? Nothing at all.

Am I "asking" for people to make such assumptions when I goof around playing dress-up with my friends or dress provocatively for a fundraiser? Most decidedly, no. It's ludicrous to me to suggest that I should expect verbal harassment every time I go to the beach.


Mother Heathen
I find the exaggeration of the content of the pictures fascinating. Showing off genitals, flipping up their shirts, showing all their girl parts, etc...

With maybe one or two exceptions, virtually all of the pictures are just of women who aren't wearing much having fun. The pictures don't look overtly sexualized to me. I can easily imagine dressing in a similar way at an appropriate event (pride, for example, or festival or beach party) and goofing around with my friends, resulting in similar pictures. Heck, sometimes I do burlesque shows and the whole thing is video taped and photographed. You know how much this tells you about my sexual and medical history and personal hygiene? Nothing at all.

Am I "asking" for people to make such assumptions when I goof around playing dress-up with my friends or dress provocatively for a fundraiser? Most decidedly, no. It's ludicrous to me to suggest that I should expect verbal harassment every time I go to the beach.

With all due respect, there is a photograph of a woman bending over with her full **** in the camera. Additionally, there is a photo of a woman spread full eagle and nude. You may not perceive such photos as having any sexual context but others might.

Matter of opinion.

An individual invites comment if they submit a picture to this type of website.

Otherwise, my answer is no, no one is asking for such assumptions and as I've stated more than once, they should be able to request that photos be removed.
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Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
I'm considering context, here. Look at the first picture on the website. This woman appears to have contributed her own photo to the site. She appears to have commented on her own photograph and feeds the "climate" of the site by commenting on the sex she had that night.

Read other comments. The majority are..."I want to get with that" type of comments. I don't construe these comments as disparaging, considering the CONTEXT of the material presented on this website.

I'd evaluate context differently, if I knew that the photographs were stolen and submitted without the knowledge of the featured women or those featured were underrage, as I've stated before.

Personally, I think the jury is out on the who actually submitted those photos. It's rather like "Girls Gone Wild" controversy, where video is captured of women while they're drunk and encouraging them to expose themselves or perform acts for the camera, and all unpaid and uncredited. I am suspicious of the source of these photographs.

Heather, I think it's more complicated than this. And I do believe that sometimes that which is interpreted as an "attack" isn't intended as an attack. Sometimes, harsh opinion stings and is internalized when it's not directed towards an indivdiual - but merely towards a blanket lable characteristic that someone might find objectionable.

I find it anti-feministic to demand that others stifle their opinion, even if it's objectionable to women or results in shame, in a general sense. Americans should be able to freely express their opinions.

Absolutely. I agree. But like others have noticed when I come across POV's that I don't are helping feminism progress toward true equality, I throw cat toys and tell them what I think. :D

However, when we begin to infringe upon rights, my opinions change.

Please don't construe my opinions regarding this Facebook Page as a support of ****-shaming. There's no way in hell I'd support a woman being verbally bantered for being raped, assaulted, or for making decisions that are in her best interest.

I appreciate that, and it's why I asked. I never saw you to be the type to do that given how long we've been here in various conversations with each other. I needed to wrap my head around your argument. Hence why I kept repeating my question. I believe your sincerity and have no doubts about your feminism.

But, I don't equate calling a woman who fits a particular stereotype and self-identifies as "****" - to be **** shaming - in the same sense as someone who has been verbally harassed because she was raped or chose to abort her baby.

I do support the right to criticize and protest as long as it does not cross boundaries that can cause a woman undue harm, but, not merely in the sense of offense.

Ah, I get what you're saying. When I was administrator here, and beyond, I always preferred to allow caustic speech and provocative opinions regardless of how much things might sting. As a matter of fact, the kind of folks I find myself liking personally the most are those who ARE rabble rousers, so to speak. It's a part of myself that I see in others, and I think it's cool.

My opinion expands the scope from the microcosm of personal experience for each and every woman to the macrocosm of culture. I think where you and I meet is somewhere in the middle.

Further, I don't object to women being able to dress as they want to dress or to live their lives as they want to live. But, women do need to acknowledge how their actions influence stereotypes and the larger picture of activism and equality.

I agree to a point. Many stereotypes are not the doing of women at all, but the subjective standards that others place on them for how they are to behave, look, talk, act, etc. I don't find it so much that women place themselves in those positions wanting the attention, but that it just happens to fall under the cultural definition of what a "****" looks like.

Some women sexually objectify themselves, fueling the negative stereotypes that no single woman can eradicate on her own.

I'm not saying that women can't dress as they please and shouldn't be able to freely express without harassment.

But, a comment under a facebook picture that a woman submitted herself is hardly the type of FLAME comparable to a woman being harassed without any sort of provocation.

I'm hesitant to agree, but I understand that your position.

Agreed and great example.

I think you do raise a very good point here. You're right, as women we should be empowering each other to live as independently and confidently as possible. And I don't agree with the messaging that women "deserve all the negative attention they get".

I do not understand the woman who would self-identify as "****" or without qualm sexually objectify herself or identify her behavior as sexual but then take issue if others PERCEIVED her behavior in such a way.

I find that to be similar to all the people who find themselves in disastrous relationships and jobs and then wonder "why does this always happen to me?" I have the opinion that it's a choice in who one decides to surround themselves with in their close circle, and it's a choice in knowing what their personal boundaries are. Many times, IMO, people like them have not taken the time to truly examine their personal boundaries.

There's a hypocrisy to that type of mindset. That doesn't mean that she's not deserving of respect. Every human being is deserving of a basic level of humanitarian respect. And I do not believe that anyone has right to harm her or infringe upon her rights and safety BECAUSE of her choices.

However, if she chooses to place herself in situations where she's exploiting herself...she must expect that feedback, positive or negate will be par for the course. Realistic expectations are important. It might be beneficial for everyone to try to understand the psychology of others and their reaction to behavior and projections.

I don't take much issue with that. I would even add to your suggestion to go further and examine history, etymology, and the culture/politics in the local area as well as the state such behavior occurs in.

Perfectly reasonable.

There is a difference between attacking someone directly with comments in an unprovoked manner vs. expressing negate opinion in retort to that which an individual has presented themselves.

I'm of the mindset that provocation or not, attacking someone is something to avoid. Attack an idea, not resort to character assassination. I understand not everybody holds the same ethics that I do, but as long as I resort to mockery of ideas and concepts and positions, and not the people themselves, I've found myself settling in my ways and finding peace of mind and various life successes.


Depends Upon My Mood..
It would have to be called "inbred, illiterate, unwashed rednecks of Walmart" to be the equivalent of festival sluts, and the majority of comments would have to be related to their presumed sexual history .

Right..bet that woman just got through sucking 50 dicks in the Wal Mart bathroom...hello...this person is a walking STD waiting to happen..


Mother Heathen
It wasn't a dedicated site to make fun of fat people.They also were making fun of a woman with long long long finger nails..submitting stories about shopping trips there..a dog left in a car and someone called the police..a photo of a dedicated parking spot for wounded soldiers...a retried man posting about how his wife now wants him to go to Wal Mart with him .. etc etc..

But if the intention is to make fun of people, including women, don't you take issue with it?


You are inviting comment if you submitted a picture to this type of website.

Otherwise, my answer is no, you're not asking for such assumptions and as I've stated more than once, you should be able to request that your photographs be removed.

None of the women you see on that site submitted pictures of themselves. The administrator himself or herself says on the site that you're an idiot if you believe women are submitting their own pictures. Did you see that comment?

Now that that's clear, are we in agreement that the women whose photos were stolen for that page were not "asking for it", just as I'm not "asking for it" when I go to the beach and take photos with my friends?


With all due respect, there is a photograph of a woman bending over with her full **** in the camera. Additionally, there is a photo of a woman spread full eagle and nude. You may not perceive such photos as having any sexual connotation but others might.

Matter of opinion.

An individual invites comment if they submit a picture to this type of website.

Otherwise, my answer is no, no one is asking for such assumptions and as I've stated more than once, they should be able to request that photos be removed.

The naked girl is obviously in a place where she feels it is safe and appropriate to be naked, like a nude beach or nudist colony. Nothing about that photo is lewd or suggestive except the fact that she's not wearing any clothes, and being undressed can only be perceived as inherently lewd behavior if you've got other psychological issues.

As for the other picture, that's only one out of hundreds, and I did say "the majority".


Depends Upon My Mood..
I find the exaggeration of the content of the pictures fascinating. Showing off genitals, flipping up their shirts, showing all their girl parts, etc...

With maybe one or two exceptions, virtually all of the pictures are just of women who aren't wearing much having fun. The pictures don't look overtly sexualized to me. I can easily imagine dressing in a similar way at an appropriate event (pride, for example, or festival or beach party) and goofing around with my friends, resulting in similar pictures. Heck, sometimes I do burlesque shows and the whole thing is video taped and photographed. You know how much this tells you about my sexual and medical history and personal hygiene? Nothing at all.

Am I "asking" for people to make such assumptions when I goof around playing dress-up with my friends or dress provocatively for a fundraiser? Most decidedly, no. It's ludicrous to me to suggest that I should expect verbal harassment every time I go to the beach.

Exactly..I have gotten "wild" before ..but I can't imagine based on a sexy picture of me..someone taking that and remarking how dirty and smelly my vagina must be..how many people I must have had sex with ..how many people Im GOING to have sex with..that I must like to have anal sex.. I probably have many STD's AND I have low IQ.


Mother Heathen
None of the women you see on that site submitted pictures of themselves. The administrator himself or herself says on the site that you're an idiot if you believe women are submitting their own pictures. Did you see that comment?

Now that that's clear, are we in agreement that the women whose photos were stolen for that page were not "asking for it", just as I'm not "asking for it" when I go to the beach and take photos with my friends?

I already explained to you that I haven't seen the administrator's comments and I have also stated that I assumed that many women did not submit their own pictures. If your're telling me that no one submitted their own photograph, fine. I GET THAT.

I'm of the opinion that those women who are featured on this site without providing a release form to have their photos featured, should be able to request removal of their photos and if any laws have been violated - pursue legal action.

If this translates to everyone...fine. Take the damn site down.


Mother Heathen
The naked girl is obviously in a place where she feels it is safe and appropriate to be naked, like a nude beach or nudist colony. Nothing about that photo is lewd or suggestive except the fact that she's not wearing any clothes, and being undressed can only be perceived as inherently lewd behavior if you've got other psychological issues.

As for the other picture, that's only one out of hundreds, and I did say "the majority".

You are making unfair generalizations about anyone who might view such a photograph and draw different conclusions when evaluating it. That's bull ****.

You are only in a position to make assumptions about her, as I am. We're forming opinions.

Neither of us can control how someone REACTS to such a photograph. And viewing such a position as "lewd" doesn't translate to "psychological issues", unless you'd like to produce your degree and explain in detail as to how such a thought translates to a psychological issue.

I applaud you for taking the taking the time to look through hundreds of photographs on the site. I couldn't bother.
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But if the intention is to make fun of people, including women, don't you take issue with it?

**** shaming is not "making fun of people". I'm all for making fun of people, and entirely opposed to **** shaming. There's nothing fun about it. The people making the lewd comments are titillated, and the victims are humiliated. Nobody is having what I would describe as "fun".


Well-Known Member
It would have to be called "inbred, illiterate, unwashed rednecks of Walmart" to be the equivalent of festival sluts, and the majority of comments would have to be related to their presumed sexual history .

I was responding to this post:

I liked the analogy that i think Mystic mentioned of fat shaming.It would be like saying by being over weight you have invited anyone and everyone who feels like it to start a FB page called Festival Fat A*** to post photos of over weight people.And hundreds of lewd /mocking comments.And if you have an issue with that you are told "what else would you expect?"Obviously you were looking for attention and you got it.Its freedom of speech and if you don't like it don't go to the site.

People of walmart is exactly the kind of page this post is talking about.


You are making unfair generalizations about anyone who might view such a photograph and draw different conclusions when evaluating it. That's bull ****.

You are only in a position to make assumptions about her, as I am.

Neither of us can control how someone REACTS to such a photograph.

I applaud you for taking the taking the time to look through hundreds of these photographs. :clap I couldn't bother.

So now it's not OK to comment about other people's character based on their behavior, all of a sudden?

Obviously we looked at the same pictures, Dawny. You brought those two pictures up yourself, for heaven's sake. Now you're pretending you didn't even look? Seriously?


Mother Heathen
**** shaming is not "making fun of people". I'm all for making fun of people, and entirely opposed to **** shaming. There's nothing fun about it. The people making the lewd comments are titillated, and the victims are humiliated. Nobody is having what I would describe as "fun".

If making fun of people further perpetuates unfair stigmas and disriminatory actions, you are as guilty as those who ****-shame, just in another arena.


Mother Heathen
So now it's not OK to comment about other people's character based on their behavior, all of a sudden?

Obviously we looked at the same pictures, Dawny. You brought those two pictures up yourself, for heaven's sake. Now you're pretending you didn't even look? Seriously?

It's okay to have an opinion about someone's character. It's okay to express your opinion as long as you're not infringing upon that person's rights.

It's not okay to post photos of people without their authorization. I view this as an infringement of someone's rights.

Show me where I've been inconsistent, Alceste.

I told you that I didn't go through HUNDREDS of pictures like you did. I don't really think that you and I are in disagreeance.


Depends Upon My Mood..
But if the intention is to make fun of people, including women, don't you take issue with it?

I don't think its "nice" to publically pick on people.Its mean spirited and can hurt the feelings of that person.Having said that to me there is a line.And there is a difference in dedicating an entire site for the sole purpose of targeting one specific gender with humiliating degrading and defaming comments.That can feed into an already hatred of that group and support harmful myths.Joking around about someone who looks like they might have pooped in their pants at Wal-Mart.Is a little different than singling out and tearing down an entire gender in a manner again that can feed into something as serious as rape myth acceptance or the shaming of that genders sexual being.


Mother Heathen
I don't think its "nice" to publically pick on people.Its mean spirited and can hurt the feelings of that person.Having said that to me there is a line.And there is a difference in dedicating an entire site for the sole purpose of targeting one specific gender with humiliating degrading and defaming comments.That can feed into an already hatred of that group and support harmful myths.Joking around about someone who looks like they might have pooped in their pants at Wal-Mart.Is a little different than singling out and tearing down an entire gender in a manner again that can feed into something as serious as rape myth acceptance or the shaming of that genders sexual being.

I think this is hypocritical as hell. I think you should be able to say what you want. If you want to be a meannie, go for it!

But, I think it's wrong to pretend like what you're doing by making fun of these people is any less counterproductive and hurtful than what people do when they ****-shame.

You undermine the pain of certain groups of people in the name of your folly, but elevate the pain of others.

Some people view ****-shaming as merely calling a woman a **** for dressing provacatively.

Think about the original post. How is this really different? We're talkinga bout pictures of people taken at Walmart, people minding their own business, people who are likely not even aware that pictures have been taken and circulating them around the internet - picking fun in the name of folly. Yet, we're stereotyping. We're feeding stereotypes:


Circulating this crap around the internet is problematic and further perpetuates discrimination and unfair stereotypes. It's also the VERY SAME type of situation as is the Facebook page. Pictures are being used without the express permission of people and people are being ridiculed.

The context is just different - but the application is the same. It's not nice to pick on people who go to WalMart, but it's okay, because we're just having fun.

Well, why don't you stop and apply your same logic to the damn Facebook page? What if some of the comments made on this page are just in fun and not intended to offend women, degrade them or sexualize them?

So, does intent make the difference here? Should we consider intention before labeling?
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Depends Upon My Mood..
**** shaming is not "making fun of people". I'm all for making fun of people, and entirely opposed to **** shaming. There's nothing fun about it. The people making the lewd comments are titillated, and the victims are humiliated. Nobody is having what I would describe as "fun".

Right.Just like if you had a web page dedicated to degrading and humiliating a specific race it wouldn't be characterized as merely 'making fun of them>"


Depends Upon My Mood..
I think this is hypocritical as hell. I think you should be able to say what you want. If you want to be a meannie, go for it!

But, I think it's wrong to pretend like what you're doing by making fun of these people is any less counterproductive and hurtful than what people do when they ****-shame.

You undermine the pain of certain groups of people in the name of your folly, but elevate the pain of others.

Some people view ****-shaming as merely calling a woman a **** for dressing provacatively. How is this really differently than taking pictures of people at Walmart, who are likely not even aware that pictures have been taken and circulating them around the internet - bashing the hell out of them for stereotypes:


I've seen some horrible stuff.

Circulating this crap around the internet is problematic and further perpetuates discrimination and unfair stereotypes. It's also the VERY SAME type of situation as is the Facebook page. Pictures are being used without the express permission of people and people are being ridiculed.

The context is just different - but the application is the same. It's not nice to pick on people who go to WalMart, but it's okay, because we're just having fun.

You don't stop for a minute and apply your same logic to the damn Facebook page. What if some of the comments made on this page are just in fun and not intended to offend women, degrade them or sexualize them?

I would agree that photos should not be used without a persons permission.

What if some of the comments made on this page are just in fun and not intended to offend women, degrade them or sexualize them?

Because its OBVIOUS that its degrading.Based on YOUR logic if my husband has an affair and i find out and it hurts me him saying his intent was not to hurt me would make it NOT hurtful.