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Antichrist Discussions ~ FFH ~


Veteran Member
I John 2:18 Little children, it is the last time; and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

I John 2:22 Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, who denieth the Father and the Son.

I John 4:3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God; and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now it is already in the world.

II John 1:7 For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

Edit: Who will be the final antichrist, the "beast" of Revelation 13 and 17 and what organization or nation will he come out of ???


Flaming Queer
and what do you believe will happen to all the anti-christs who are living in the world today and don't believe in Jesus?


Veteran Member
and what do you believe will happen to all the anti-christs who are living in the world today and don't believe in Jesus?
Those who profess Christ has not come in the flesh will need to rethink their position, in order to live with Christ on this newly renewed paradisaical earth, when he comes and sets up his kingdom....

How can a kingdom stand if it's not united ???

Division must happen between those who are Christ's and those who are not, otherwise his (Christ's) kingdom will not stand..


Flaming Queer
Those who profess Christ has not come in the flesh will need to rethink their position, in order to live with Christ on this newly renewed paradisaical earth, when he comes and sets up his kingdom....

How can a kingdom stand if it's not united ???

Division must happen between those who are Christ's and those who are not..

the question was, what will happen to those people...


Veteran Member
the question was, what will happen to those people...
Are you trying to shut this thread down also ???

If I am at liberty to say then I will state what scriptures have said concerning those who oppose Christ and deny him and the Father..

...but someone will invariably twist my words...

Scriptures are very clear concerning those who deny Christ and the Father but who do not deny the Holy Ghost, but this thread is not about that.

Don't derail this thread and cause it to be shut down...


Flaming Queer
Are you trying to shut this thread down also ???
if i was trying to shut this thread down i would be editing the options of the thread, not posting questions related to the material in the thread's op.
If I am at liberty to say then I will state what scriptures have said concerning those who oppose Christ and deny him and the Father..

...but someone will invariably twist my words...

Scriptures are very clear concerning those who deny Christ and the Father but who do not deny the Holy Ghost, but this thread is not about that.

Don't derail this thread...

this thread is about the anti-christ, the verses you have posted show that there are many anti-christs, and anyone who denies the truths of Christianity is an anti-christ. i fail to see how asking what happens to those people is derailing the thread, bearing in mind also that in your OP, you posted the verses and gave no specific subject to discuss or debate.

what do you mean by "at liberty" to post? do you mean via the forum rules?


Veteran Member
this thread is about the anti-christ, the verses you have posted show that there are many anti-christs, and anyone who denies the truths of Christianity is an anti-christ. i fail to see how asking what happens to those people is derailing the thread, bearing in mind also that in your OP, you posted the verses and gave no specific subject to discuss or debate.
Okay, fair enough, since many seem to fall into the catagory of having the "spirit" of antichrist (I John 4:3) by "confessing not that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh".

what do you mean by "at liberty" to post? do you mean via the forum rules?


Flaming Queer
Okay, fair enough ,since many seem to fall into the catagory of having the "spirit" of antichrist (I John 4:3) by denying Christ has not already come in the flesh.
so again i will ask my question: what do you believe will happen to them?
you can post and discuss anything that is not insulting to others. if your scriptures say something, you can post it and discuss it, but if you go outside of the scriptures and start insulting other peoples' religions and religious figures the staff will intervene.

i will happily discuss that further via PM if you have any questions.


The cake is a lie
Who will be the final antichrist, the "beast" of Revelation 13 and 17 and what organization or nation will he come out of ???
Does it matter? If all this is set in stone anyway what will trying to figure it out accomplish?


Veteran Member
so again i will ask my question: what do you believe will happen to them?
Still hesitating..
you can post and discuss anything that is not insulting to others. if your scriptures say something, you can post it and discuss it, but if you go outside of the scriptures and start insulting other peoples' religions and religious figures the staff will intervene.
It seems that if anyone posts anything here that's in opposition to another's faith then it's seen as hateful and in opposition to forum rules.

I still hesitate to answer your question because it will offend, even though it's found in scripture..

There is salvation for all to a certain degree, except those sons of perdition, who wil be redeemed from hell, but will be cast into "outer darkness".

Many will suffer for for their own sins, for a thousand years, during Christ's reign on earth, unless they turn from them and lay them at the feet of Jesus Christ who has already paid the price for them.

It's not a pretty picture.

Hell is a place in which we are cleansed of sin, because we either refused to turn from sin or refused to accept Jesus Christ as our Messiah and God the Father.

So those who have the "spirit" of antichrist will have to suffer for their own sins in hell for a thousand years during the time of Christ's reign on earth, at which time all will be redeemed from hell, which is prepared for the devil and his angels for eternity, not for humanity, who chose to come to earth and be born, unlike the devil and his fallen angels who chose not to come to earth and be tested.

Christ truly will save all from hell, to one degree or another, in three different worlds, much greater than this one, in which there is no more suffering...

Except for those "son's of perdition," people like the final antichrist and other extremely evil people like Hitler who have denied the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost and have completely rebelled against all that is good and refused all light given to them from God, hence the reason they are redeemed from hell and then cast into "outer darkness".


Veteran Member
Does it matter?
Christ personally spoke of the final antichrist who is the "beast" of Revelation 13 and 17 so obviously it was important for us to know about it in order to oppose him...

How can we fight an enemy who is not exposed for who he really is ???

If the "beast" were to come out of a religious organization, then it would be much harder to expose him unless we were informed by Christ by the many clues he's provided us with.

Christ does not want us in the dark concerning final end time events which will indirectly affect all of us to one degree or another..

We cannot be saved in ignorance...

Should we allow the final antichrist to just have his way ???

We are commanded by Christ to "watch" and "pray"...

I have seen and will pray that we all escape the things that will surely come upon this world..

Christ will deliver those who put their trust and faith in him and the Father...

We know Christ's coming is soon because of these events. His coming is "even at the doors"..

If all this is set in stone anyway what will trying to figure it out accomplish?
The final antichrist will cause all to be unable to buy and sell unless they profess to worship him.

How widespread this will be I don't know. I just know the scriptures say "all". Whether that means "all" within his jurisdiction or "all" in the world, it's hard to tell.

At any rate if we find ourselves in that particular scenario, we are commanded to refuse the "mark" of the "beast," whatever that may be, even if it means we will be killed for refusing this "mark" in order to buy and sell..

I plan on leaving this planet (being a part of the first resurrection) before things get out of hand, but for those still on earth during this time the scriptures warn against taking upon themselves the "mark," whatever it will be.

Hopefully none of us will be here during that time...


Veteran Member
and what do you believe will happen to all the anti-christs who are living in the world today and don't believe in Jesus?
Scripture is clear, these will spend the thousand years of Christ's reign on earth in hell suffering for their own sins, but will be redeemed from hell at the end of this thousand year period of Christ's reign on earth...

I just came across this last night and it seems to fit with your question.

This is a message from the mother of Jesus Christ, Mary, through a very well known visionary named Mirjana (Myrna), from Medjugorje, Bosnia.

She communes with Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, on a daily basis, but is given public messages for all to see, twice a month.

Three days ago, on August 2, 2007, she received this message, which will answer your question in simple terms..

Our Lady's (Mary's) Message to Mirjana (the visionary) - August 02, 2007

[FONT=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]"Dear children! Today I look in your hearts and looking at them my heart seizes with pain. My children! I ask of you unconditional, pure love for God. You will know that you are on the right path when you will be on earth with your body and with your soul always with God. Through this unconditional and pure love you will see my Son in every person. You will feel oneness in God. As a Mother I will be happy because I will have your holy and unified hearts. My children, I will have your salvation. Thank you."[/FONT]

The visionaries response to this vision is as follows. Her name is Mirjana, pronounced or spelled Myrna in our tongue.

Mirjana (Myrna) was said to have been shown by Our Lady this day what awaits those who do not feel the holiness and brotherly union in Christ her apparent response was "It was not very nice at all" pray for our shepherds because without them "there is no unity." she said

From this page

Also see this page: Story of Medjugorje visonaries, June 24, 1981


In regards to the Question of what will happen to the Jews? when christ comes, the jews will be the first to know because christ will manifest himself unto them.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
Let us not forget the wailing wall and the two profit's. Let us not forget that this one world leader will be assassinated and come back to life. Let us not forget the temple being rebuilt and yes, the one world currency and the mark of the beast.

Mark my words, the first three and a half years, you will think highly of this man.

Mark my words, there will be a seven year peace treaty signed with Israel.


And in regards to FFH's posts. IF you look at RCC doctrine VS. LDS Doctrine, you will see polar opposites when you compare. the LDS church has no official stance on this. but i know alot of members who would agree, and then there are the ones who agree but refuse to admit it. especially reading the book of mormon. It contains some very harsh content regarding certain practices that the RCC does indeed do. and in the book of mormon it describes how it happens especially in Alma and Moroni.

In Alma, when the church was organized, all members, teachers, and church leaders all labored side by side together and then when sunday came they all went to church together. there was no paid clergy, it was all service. And because of this practice the members and leaders became more wealthy than thier counterparts. Then came a man thinking that clergy should be paid and that the church leaders should profit, and his followers wasted thier monies, clothed themselves in fancy outfits, and exalted thier leaders and paid them which was against church pincipals and a very big battle ensued later because the guy that wanted riches and fame kiled someone who told him he was wrong.

If you look at what christ Actually Did, he labored with his fellow men as he taught them and taught in the temple. he didn't wear a fancy hat and fine robes and ornated himself with bright things of that nature. he gave to the people all he had, including himself. He NEVER told them to pay him for his "services." That is where it gets seriosuly messed up.

In moroni, it speaks out very harshly regarding baptising infants and u can read that chapter in my post here:

IF you want to take a look at it from a completely unbias position, the antichrist will come from one of the two churches seeing as they are polar opposites.

The LDS Church does not sign deals with other nations, they do not own businesses to make themselves more profitable. they do not ever accept money for services rendered. They are not invloved in political matters, they are the ONLY mainstream church to never accept any kind of federal funding. And they don't have to, they are the wealthiest religion ever: (according to Time magazine)


and what do you believe will happen to all the anti-christs who are living in the world today and don't believe in Jesus?

As he said prevously, he would answer the question but he would end up offending people. if you want an answer, PM him. because i know if i post it his thread will get locked and/or i get banned.

Also you have to realize there is no church stance on this, this is only people who want to speculate and form thier won opinions.


Veteran Member
Let us not forget the wailing wall and the two prophets.
Yeah, probably Grant Jeffrey and Hal Lindsey (two prophecy scholars specializing in Jewish prophecies) just a thought... don't take all I say too seriously...

Let us not forget that this one world leader will be assassinated and come back to life.
Jean-Marie Lustiger has just died today.

The cause of death is not known yet..
Let us not forget the temple being rebuilt and yes, the one world currency and the mark of the beast.
Yes, of course and who better to set up his image in the newly built temple than Jean-Marie Lustiger, formerly known as Aaron Lustiger, a Jew who converted to Catholicism, or someone like him..

Mark my words, the first three and a half years, you will think highly of this man.
We are probably already in that first 3 1/2 year period. I believe it started in the fall of 2006...

Mark my words, there will be a seven year peace treaty signed with Israel.
I believe this has already happened and half way through this final 7 year period...
...The treaty will be broken
Which may happen in 2010, when we will see things start to escalate and the two prophets killed in the streets of Jerusalem and their dead bodies lay for three days and then rise again as a sign that the first resurrection/rapture will happen very very soon at that point.

So Yeah, nothings gonna happen until the Jews build a temple, which could start to happen very very soon...

An announcement should be made soon on it''s construction, but we I could be way off..

We'll see how things play out.

The antichrist is killed and then comes back to life.

Let's examine that part of scripture and see if we're thinking of the same scripture.

So I have a question for you Rick.

Is this the one you're thiking of ????

Revelation 13: 3, 12

3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

• • •

12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.

It would be weird if Jean-Marie (Aaron) Lustiger, who died today, were to come back to life on Wednesday at noon. 3 1/2 days later, signifying that he will be the beast of the second half of the tribulation for 42 months (3 1/2 years).

Again, just throwing things out to see what fits in with prophecy..


Veteran Member
He didn't answer my question in the last thread either, I'm starting to notice a trend.
I did answer his question after he reassured me it was not breaking any rule...read further...as you probably already have by this point.

Ask me a direct straight answer and I will give an answer as best I can..

I guess I don't understand what it is you want to know...

Not following you...