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Antichrist Discussions ~ FFH ~


Veteran Member
Prophecies concerning the final antichrist may be so subtle that we may not even realize they are being, or have been, fulfilled..

We build up prophecy bigger than life when it may be happening right under our noses almost undetected..

Prophecy is very subtle and does not scream out "here I am". You have to look closely and examine almost unnoticeable and unreported world events.


Also to Annex my comparasin of polar opposites:
The LDS Church does practice what we teach down to the very letter, in no way do we retract what we say or apologize for our views. we have never backed down or tried to change the way the church worked from the very beginning (You may try to throw poligamy at me here, but i assure you it was a legal practice when it happened, and as soon as it became illgeal it was abolished, See the 12th article of faith:
We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law)

in the RCC they believe man can do as they wish as long as they confess to a local minister and say "Hail Marys." then the latin to english translation of what the priests say after a confession actually states they will still have all thier sins to be accountable for at the last day of judgement. (Wow) and believe that man is "saved by the cross"

In the LDS church we believe Repentance is done at a personal level between you and God. Only when you have comitted major acts (such as adultery) are you recommended to see the bishop as he can help you along the path of repentance. We believe in a total remission of sins through the atonement which transipred in the garden of Gethsemene. (before christ was crusified)

there are no politics in the church leadership (i.e. Apostles, first presidency, after one has passed on, the Prophet is not elected , the apostles all pray together and God appoints a new prophet and then of course the apostles unanimously accept.) I had the privledge of meeting Thomas S. Monson (1st Councelor of the Presidency of the church and possibly next in line for the presidency) at the San Diego Temple Dedication in the early 90's. He is a man just like you and me, is full of happiness and love, and he wears a nice suit from J.C. Penny's.

You will see alot of political game-playing when it comes to the RCC church's leadership. Vatican II ect... they change things, try to get rid of practices (i.e. Latin Spoken Masses) Add new practices. If you read an outline of the Books they have distributed to thier professional clergy, there is one that indicates to the pastors that they are to put the Church's interests first above all else. and also how to protect themsleves against the local laws to allow them to do whatever they want.

As opposed to Doctrine given to EVERY MAN in the LDS church - 1st priority is thier eternal companion (Wife), thier families (children, parents). The church's interest fall way down below all others on the list.

RCC - 1st priority is the church
LDS - 1st priority is the family

RCC - As you advance in ministry you are then allowed to see and read certain writings they keep secret and away from public eye.
LDS - Everything is given to every member and non-member of the church, for free as a gift to allow you the same privledge to understand and know the truth just as well as even the prophets.

RCC - Prays to God, Christ, Holy Spirit, saints (too many to name here), and the mother mary.
LDS - Only prays to God, in the name of Jesus Christ

I could go on and on all day about RCC v. LDS and how they are polar opposites.

people say that the LDS church believes in some "Funky Stuff" but we have actual scripture backing everything that we do/say/believe.
"oral Apostolic traditions" which are not written down or shared with anyone except the "initiated" is what the RCC is based off of



Disciple of Chaos
No secret. I myself am a proud anti-Christ.

I also really don't care about what the Bible says about people like me, as I say with confidence the Bible is nothing more than words penned by greedy men.


Veteran Member
Madhatter said:
We believe in a total remission of sins through the atonement which transipred in the garden of Gethsemene. (before christ was crusified)
wow, yeah, that's something we all need to be reminded of from time to time, hardly anyone ever mentions this here, but it's so true


Flaming Queer
As he said prevously, he would answer the question but he would end up offending people. if you want an answer, PM him. because i know if i post it his thread will get locked and/or i get banned.
FFH has answered my question though. he says that those who deny Jesus as the Christ will spend 1000 years in hell while Jesus reigns on earth, then he will let us out because we will have paid the price for our sins. there, that didn't offend anyone or get moderated :)

Also you have to realize there is no church stance on this, this is only people who want to speculate and form thier won opinions.

duly noted, thanks for that!


White Crow
I think the ultimate Antichrist will be an alien from the Dagobah system, who will awaken Cthulhu and perform an insiduous Vulcan mind-meld on the current President, who will be Paris Hilton.

What? My speculations are as valid as anyone else's.


White Crow
RCC - 1st priority is the church
LDS - 1st priority is the family

RCC - As you advance in ministry you are then allowed to see and read certain writings they keep secret and away from public eye.
LDS - Everything is given to every member and non-member of the church, for free as a gift to allow you the same privledge to understand and know the truth just as well as even the prophets.

RCC - Prays to God, Christ, Holy Spirit, saints (too many to name here), and the mother mary.
LDS - Only prays to God, in the name of Jesus Christ

Don't let not knowing what you're talking about stop you...

I could go on and on all day about RCC v. LDS and how they are polar opposites.

Please don't. My brain is already hurting.

people say that the LDS church believes in some "Funky Stuff" but we have actual scripture backing everything that we do/say/believe.
"oral Apostolic traditions" which are not written down or shared with anyone except the "initiated" is what the RCC is based off of

Hogwash. Our church is based on personal revelation from God. Are you telling me I can pray to know if the Book of Mormon is true, but I can't pray to find out whether an apostolic tradition is true? Why on earth not? Pot? Kettle? Black?


Well, that should help a lot. Thank you for that much at least.


Well-Known Member
Prophecies concerning the final antichrist may be so subtle that we may not even realize they are being, or have been, fulfilled..

We build up prophecy bigger than life when it may be happening right under our noses almost undetected..

Prophecy is very subtle and does not scream out "here I am". You have to look closely and examine almost unnoticeable and unreported world events.
very true indeed


Well-Known Member
Yes, glad someone agrees. We seem to have some of the same thought patterns...
Regarding the antichrist , ................ Jesus is giving spiritual food to his slaves matthew 24;45-47 and inturn these slaves are feeding others . and in this time of the end many things have been revealed especially regarding the book of revelation . and the uncovering goes on .Daniel 12;4
"Antichrist" means "against (or instead of) Christ." So in its broadest sense, the term refers to all who oppose or lyingly claim to be the Christ or his representatives. Jesus himself said: "He that is not on my side is against me [or is antichrist], and he that does not gather with me scatters."—Luke 11:23.
Jesus warned his followers that the world in general would hate them. He said: "People will deliver you up to tribulation and will kill you, and you will be objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name. And many false prophets will arise and mislead many."—Matthew 24:9, 11.
Because Jesus’ disciples are persecuted "on account of [Jesus’] name," the persecutors are clearly antichrist, against Christ. The "false prophets," some of whom were once Christians, are also in that category. (2 John 7) These "many antichrists," wrote John, "went out from us, but they were not of our sort; for if they had been of our sort, they would have remained with us."—1 John 2:18, 19.


Don't let not knowing what you're talking about stop you...

Please don't. My brain is already hurting.

Hogwash. Our church is based on personal revelation from God. Are you telling me I can pray to know if the Book of Mormon is true, but I can't pray to find out whether an apostolic tradition is true? Why on earth not? Pot? Kettle? Black?

Well, that should help a lot. Thank you for that much at least.

You know just as well as i do the truth. You can pray abotu whatever you want and find out the truth for yourself. Too bad the RCC discourages asking God what is true, look it up. they claim thier pope to be "infalliable." Questioning the pope is basically an act of Heresy to them. you should look at what's going on around you before defending what you don't know about.


Veteran Member
You know just as well as i do the truth. You can pray abotu whatever you want and find out the truth for yourself. Too bad the RCC discourages asking God what is true, look it up. they claim thier pope to be "infalliable." Questioning the pope is basically an act of Heresy to them. you should look at what's going on around you before defending what you don't know about.

It is very sad that you know nothing about the Roman Catholic Church. I've heard these rumors circulating in the LDS Church for years and all they are is hate. Instead of accusing them, ask them what they believe, they will be more then happy to tell you.


It is very sad that you know nothing about the Roman Catholic Church. I've heard these rumors circulating in the LDS Church for years and all they are is hate. Instead of accusing them, ask them what they believe, they will be more then happy to tell you.
my wife's family is Roman Catholic, i go to church with them on occasion, i hear what they talk about, i know what they believe. I see it first hand. thank you.


The Feisty Penguin
my wife's family is Roman Catholic, i go to church with them on occasion, i hear what they talk about, i know what they believe. I see it first hand. thank you.

Be careful to not assume that because one (or a few) churches do something that they all do it too.


Be careful to not assume that because one (or a few) churches do something that they all do it too.
To be clear we are just talking about the RCC here.

Then here's a question, why is each Parish different? why isn't there one doctrine, one set way of doing things? maybe because they all have different ways they want things done? isn't it explicit how it is not the will of man to be done but the will of God? Is god a changeable god? is he a respecter of persons? Does he allow the wishes of man to change his work to come forth(if it is truely his work)?

hmm..... somethign to think about


Well-Known Member
To be clear we are just talking about the RCC here.

Then here's a question, why is each Parish different? why isn't there one doctrine, one set way of doing things? maybe because they all have different ways they want things done? isn't it explicit how it is not the will of man to be done but the will of God? Is god a changeable god? is he a respecter of persons? Does he allow the wishes of man to change his work to come forth(if it is truely his work)?

hmm..... somethign to think about

I wouldn't spout off on the "change" argument. The Mormons have had plenty of changes themselves.