Videos of police brutality. (And yes, I included some nice coppers at the end
*Some 14 year olds are tackled, choked and arrested by an ******* cop.......FOR SKATEBOARDING. (One of the kids ran which was kinda stupid but that in NO WAY justifies the actions of this policeman).
YouTube - police brutality - go skateboarding day: cop vs skaters
*A bicyclist is straight up shoved off his bike by a cop. FOR WHAT REASON??????
YouTube - Critical Mass Bicyclist Assaulted by NYPD
*UCLA student was attacked, arrested and tasered for not either having or showing his STUDENT ID in the library I guess it was? Incredibly disturbing.
Cops just can't leave well enough alone.
YouTube - UCLA Police Taser Student in Powell
*Cop harasses kids at Inner Harbor in Baltimore for SKATEBOARDING. The cop is a complete douche. He was actually suspended (WITH pay:cover
for this.
YouTube - Baltimore cops V.S. skateboarder
*This is really sad. Cops beat up an elderly man (AND THEN CHARGE HIM FOR POLICE BATTERY among other things). Another cop pins a member of the press to a car for videotaping it. Finally a little justice, though. The cops were suspended without pay. :clap
YouTube - Police beat down an old man...
*Young teen arrested for "SKATEBOARDING" The cop was letting them leave then just decides to grab one of em.
YouTube - 13 Year Old Skater Attacked, Arrested!
*(The title is misleading, she doesn't beat him up). Woman cop pushes a teenager into the bushes for SKATEBOARDING. She should be charged how a civilian would if we did that to a cop. BATTERY AND ASSAULT.
YouTube - Lady Police Officer Beats up Skater
Ok that's definitely enough for now.
I think the two most important questions are:
WHY DO COPS CARE SO MUCH ABOUT SKATEBOARDERS????? (honestly, what the hell?!) Yea, maybe it's against the rules or even the law somewhere but DAMN, dude!!!!!!!! It's a chunk of wood on wheels. WHO OR WHAT is being hurt by people skateboarding and WHAT on Earth justifies their attitudes and actions towards skaters?
Why do cops demand SO much respect without giving it in the first place? The one officer at the Inner Harbor in Baltimore says the kid is disrespecting him, his badge and his department.
And you're not doing the same by acting like a COMPLETE lunatic and abusing your authority???????? RESPECT someone no matter what their age is and ASK NICELY then maybe, just maybe, you'll get what you're asking for.
On the flip side, some GOOD COPS!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to them for honoring their duty to keep us safe, uphold our rights and give US respect.
*This cop is so nice I just wanna give him a big, fat hug!!!!!!!
YouTube - LAPD at March 15 Hollywood Anonymous Scientology Protest
*This is kinda boring, it's a conversation between a VERY NICE (and hot!!) cop and some guy who was trespassing or something. But worth watching to see how cops SHOULD handle their job.
And that's honestly the only two I found. Doesn't mean there's not a lot, people just prolly don't post that as much as the bad ones.
So what do you guys think of these?