I believe that our lives are on record with the Creator...so yes, and all that happens in life is taken into our own memory and recorded. There is no edit or delete button. We are the directors of our own movie....yet the life you have is totally taken for granted. You don't care how it began...only how it changed...I find that rather a stunted exercise.
Try these.....
Now tell me how this mindless plant designed this clever mechanism called pollination.
The plant did not.
Tell me this is not designed.
OK ... this is not designed, it is selected for.
Then tell me how those butterflies and birds migrate thousands of miles to places they have never been.
To put it most simply, those that couldn't make the trip did not do as well as those that could.
Everything in me screams praise to the Designer.
That just exposes the falacy of your claim to understand evolution, BTW, how about that test?
What makes you think I haven't?
The fact that your questions are singularly ignorant.
When blind Freddy can see what is obvious...it takes someone pretty brainwashed to go against their common sense.
You are having trouble telling the difference between your cognitive bias and common sense, it is a typical psychiatric problem with people who share you belief system.
Jim Taylor of the Univ. of San Francisco suggests, "We need to engage in 'reasoned sense' that includes both extensive direct experience and critical thinking. Taking steps that include the informal use of the scientific method can help us make better decisions."
You are way short on direct experience, critical thinking and use of the scientific method ... three strikes and you're out.
Here is one of those computer animations that take imagination to whole new level....if you didn't know better, you would find this very convincing. Certain species of lizards that can glide are presented as proof that this is how birds evolved from reptiles.....yet we have possums that glide...? What is that proof of?
You embedded link does not work. Anyway, much as I enjoy David Attenboro, that's entertainment not science.
They were two entirely different breeds and they adapted quite quickly to the change in their environment. It was a program instilled by the Creator. They did not develop this ability over millenniums of evolution.
Most all furred animals are capable of responding to warmth by thinning their fur and to cold by thickening it. That is hardly surprising, if you had a better biological background you'd know that ... it's not a miracle, god did not do it.
You yourselves are missing so much by denying the works of the greatest scientist in existence. You are spiritually blind and yet you have no idea how sad your condition is and ultimately where it will lead you.
As previously noted that is an unsupported claim.
None of your "evidence" is proof of anything. It is only meaningful to those who accept the guesswork of evolutionary science....I don't, and never will because I see through the assumptions masquerading as facts.
Actually you fail to see reality because of your cognitive bias.
You know what's funny...you can't see past your own bias. If you are convinced that a never ending string of fortunate accidents created all we see on this planet, then you are welcome to that. I believe what I see with my own eyes and all my instincts tell me that life is no accident and that all we see has a purpose. The Bible tells us what that purpose is.
The bible is just mythology. You need to learn more about bias:
List of cognitive biases - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yes, families of animals designed and created for specific habitat and food supply. Beautifully adapted and programmed for small changes to facilitate an environmental differences affecting food supply and climate change.
Taxonomic groupings are also mythological, they have no more reality basis that your "kinds." You need to study cladistics to understand evolution and speciation. If you do not understand cladistics you do not, as you claim, understand evolution.
Anyone who denies the existence of the one who is responsible for our being here and the planet we call home is the victim of a conspiracy, which is also explained in the Bible...long before evolution was even thought about.
Got any support for that concept besides fallacious circular reasoning concerning the bible?
"Therefore God, in keeping with the desires of their hearts, gave them up to uncleanness.....even those who exchanged the truth of God for the lie and venerated and rendered sacred service to the creation rather than the One who created, who is blessed forever".(Rom 1:25) You give creation the credit for its own existence.
There you go with that circular reasoning again ... doesn't cut it.
Funny, but that is the way evolutionists paint those who believe in God. Are we supposed to not feel insulted as well?
Is stating facts insulting to you? Too bad. I gave you a chance to show your stuff and you failed.
We are not uneducated morons either.
Prove it.
We simply choose to believe what the Bible says over what fallible humans, who could change their minds with tomorrow's discovery. The Bible has not changed its stance on creation since it was written.
and the bible was no more correct when it was written then it is today ... mythology is just mythology .
Evolution is a baby compared with the Bible.
Evolution goes back over 3.5 billion years, as a theory it predates the bible by about 500 years. Get yourself and education.
Yes, so don't call your drawings "facts" OK? They are as accurate as evolution wants to paint them.
The illustrations are as accurate as inference can make them, only the colors are imaginative.
All life comes from pre-existing life...we all know that....but the process of reproduction, regardless of the species, is miraculous, none the less. A human embryo would be rejected as foreign tissue if it were not for trophoblast cells allowing implantation. You all take these amazing processes for granted as products of mindless evolution...giving praise to the creation rather than to the master designer behind it. I just don't know how you do that. That is way more of a fairy story than what you think we believe.
You still have yet to show any support for your "master designer." It nice that you have an invisible friend, my daughter gave hers up at age eight.
There is no "proof" of expanded speciation as evolutionists want us to believe. There is no evidence to confirm that as fact...there is supposition and assumptions but no solid facts.
The is ream after ream of evidence, you simple don't know that. You who claim to "know all about evolution." You don't know jack.
This is something that evolutionists gloss over with their "might haves" and "could haves". It is dishonest to say it is fact when it is not. How hard is it to admit that? You have a belief system based on the writings of those who interpret the evidence. You trust what they say. Why do you howl us down for the same thing?
No one claims "facts" that not science, we deal in probabilities and likelihoods. You deal in lies and misunderstandings.
We trust the Creator and his word. You can downgrade religion and the nonsense it has taught over the centuries...but don't throw the baby out with the very muddy bathwater.
We have strained the water through a fine filter, there's no baby there, it's all in your imagination. Must have been a hysterical pregnancy.
Everything about the process changes when you add a Creator who has told us about the way he brought life into existence on this planet. There are genetic roadblocks that of necessity mean that evolution is a clever lie.....perpetrated by God's enemy to take humankind away from belief in him. Thankfully he hasn't succeeded with all of us.
Everything would change if you could add a creator, but there are none available.
I will take God's word, that has been around for thousands of years,
You are assuming that there is a god, a point that has yet to be demonstrated.
over the assumptions of godless men who only sprang up relatively recently....
Actually your theology is only 19 years older than I am, about the same age as my mom.
and often so full of themselves. They have become 'gods' to those who hang off their every word.
I hang on no ones words and none hang on mine.
We all have choices and we will all feel the consequences of our choices one day. Believe it or not.....
I feel the consequences my choices every day.