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Anybody: What do you think about extra-terrestrials?

What do you think about extra-terrestrials?

  • Total voters


I'm doubtful of the existence of ET's but would like to be proven wrong.

If ET's exist and know about us, it's fairly obvious we don't interest them much. Or, perhaps they are so advanced they have made contact but we have no clue they've even been here.

Just because we haven't made contact with them doesn't refute there existence. Given the chance of our existence and the fact that space is limitless we can easily conclude that ET's are too far away for us to ever contact, but just as we are real, they are real.


And, your proof for this sentence is where?

I find it funny how you cut out the rest of my message.

First I must ask you, do you believe in Evolution or Creationism? If you believe in Creationism then you will either not accept what I try to explain to you, or....well lets just say our conversation will go nowhere. Unless you believe in science and probability over belief.


Veteran Member
I find it funny how you cut out the rest of my message.
I quoted the part of your sentence I thought was relevant to what I wanted to ask you.

First I must ask you, do you believe in Evolution or Creationism?
Used to be creationism but now it's evolution.

If you believe in Creationism then you will either not accept what I try to explain to you, or....well lets just say our conversation will go nowhere. Unless you believe in science and probability over belief.
I don't see how this statement ties in with belief in evolution and ET's. Where's the science concerning the statistical probability of the existence of ET's?

At this point in time, I see belief in ET's pretty much the same as belief in a deity...it's all about faith because there's zero proof.


Heres where I base my belief in ET's buttercup, this should answer your other questions. (if you feel I do not address anything, or do not address it well enough, feel free to call me on it)

Well we all evolved from pre-existing things and the chances of our creation are so amazingly low to happen in one place (this is where probability comes into play) this also starts to support the...I'd call it a fact that space is limitless.

Since space is limitless that means that the same events (or similar events) MUST of happened several billions...screw billions, a number not even invented is more accurate...well lets just go with infinity times over.

Do you understand what I'm try to explain to you? or have any objections to this? (I want to be as clear as I can to you as I can) Sorry if I sound bitter, if I do then that is in no way my intention.


Veteran Member
Well we all evolved from pre-existing things and the chances of our creation are so amazingly low to happen in one place (this is where probability comes into play) this also starts to support the...I'd call it a fact that space is limitless.
Are you talking about the theory of panspermia here? I'm not really getting your direction with the first part of the sentence.
Since space is limitless that means that the same events (or similar events) MUST of happened several billions...screw billions, a number not even invented is more accurate...well lets just go with infinity times over.
Is this your theory or do you have science links to back it up perhaps?


I'm not well acquainted enough with panspermia to say for sure if thats what I mean. I'm basically saying that the chances of what we have today are very slim, despite which specific theory you would like to use.

Well, do you believe that space isn't endless? I fail to see why I need to bring specific science links into the matter unless you believe that space is some how contained (and if its contained then whats on the other side?)

Unless of course your asking if I read about this, or concluded this myself. If that is what your asking, then yes I did conclude it myself through basic logic.


Well-Known Member
How is a different form of life a mockery of God's creation? No offense FFH but you're starting to remind me of a New Morality member from Ben Bova's Grand Tour books.


Veteran Member
Well, do you believe that space isn't endless? I fail to see why I need to bring specific science links into the matter unless you believe that space is some how contained (and if its contained then whats on the other side?)
What I was referring to was this comment regarding the assumption that "life" has occurred throughout the universe an unestimatable amount of times.....
Since space is limitless that means that the same events (or similar events) MUST of happened several billions...screw billions, a number not even invented is more accurate...well lets just go with infinity times over.
We don't know this fact as of yet although the discovery of water in any form on a planet is a start, at least for the possibility of life as we know it here on earth.

I definitely hold out hope for life on other planets, I just don't like to conjecture about the prospect.


RF Addict
I voted:
- that extraterrestials exist
- it's unlikely that any human has ever had an encounter with an extra-terrestrial
- we have not made contact, but we will
- it is unlikely that we will ever make contact

Although I do believe that extraterrestrials exist, I do not think that they have already come here merely to probe us in uncomfortable ways. As for contact, although we have not made contact, I do not know whether contact will be achievable, due to the limits of our current communication systems and what little we understand of spacecraft.


RF Addict
How do we define contact? Are we after physical contact, as in an encounter with a live alien? Them sending us signals? Perhaps a siting of a dead alien civilisation? Merely proof that aliens exist?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I think there is a very good chance they exists. On Naked Science, it was pointed out that if we received a message from them today, from the closest possible planet/star/whatever, it would have been sent back when the Neanderthal walked the earth.
The universe is just too big to say with certainty that they do or do not exists. Hell, I'm sure on some distant planet, they too wonder if life on other planets exist.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
Just because we haven't made contact with them doesn't refute there existence. Given the chance of our existence and the fact that space is limitless we can easily conclude that ET's are too far away for us to ever contact, but just as we are real, they are real.
That is a non sequitur.

Melissa G

Non Veritas Verba Amanda
What do you think about extra-terrestrial, intelligent life forms? Do they exist? Have they visited earth? Can we hope to visit them?
Note that you can check as many answers as you like.

It's not very credible. Given that the distances bewteen galaxies are so vast, it is highly improbable that any ET's vist this minor planet in a minor part of the Milky Way. That's if ET's even exist with advanced technology.

The Nearest Galaxy to us, Andromeda (m31) is two million light years away. As relativity says you cannot approach light speed, increasing velocity means increased mass. Then it is quite of of the question. Even if you could travel at light speed, it would take 4 million light years to make the return trip.

Melissa G


i agree melissa G.

While it's highly probable that other life forms exist in the universe and even arrogant to think it does not, i do not believe it has visited earth and part of me hopes it does not.

Are we to believe that an organism that is able to travel so far through space as to reach earth would come here to dissect our cows, leave patterns in our corn fields, stick a probe up someones *** and then fly home?


Well-Known Member
Since the earth (and universe) are billions of years old, if intelligent life capable of communication and/or travel to other star systems were common, we probably would have seen some evidence of it. So either intelligent aliens are going to some lengths to hide their existence, or intelligent aliens are uncommon, maybe very uncommon.

Melissa G

Non Veritas Verba Amanda
It's possible that other life forms exist of course, given the vastness of the universe. As to what form that life may take, completely speculative. I don't buy any ET visting Earth theories.

Melissa G


So Roswell was a weather balloon, as far as you are concerned. And you are convinced that in the entire universe has no other life forms are intelligent enough to travel to our tiny little blue world. After all it was only 400 years ago Nicolaus Copernicus figured out we were not the center of the solar system let alone the universe.
Well, first they'd either have to have very long life-spans or figure out how to travel faster then light in order to even make such a trip possible. Then they'd have to figure out that we are here. Then they'd have to have a reason to come.

I don't see any of those things happening, so I don't think that we have been visited by ETs.


It's not very credible. Given that the distances bewteen galaxies are so vast, it is highly improbable that any ET's vist this minor planet in a minor part of the Milky Way. That's if ET's even exist with advanced technology.

The Nearest Galaxy to us, Andromeda (m31) is two million light years away. As relativity says you cannot approach light speed, increasing velocity means increased mass. Then it is quite of of the question. Even if you could travel at light speed, it would take 4 million light years to make the return trip.

Melissa G
It's likely that there could be other inteligent life in the Milky Way, though. That trip would be a lot shorter (how much depending on where in the Mily Way), but probably still prohibitive.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
booo hooo......wannn wannnnn....!!!!!:sad4:

I guess my biblical approach to Aliens Among Us...didn't work.

Well, it's nice to read some of your posts.....interesting...:)

Realistically, I have no idea what is out there....to think that we are the only intelligent lifeforms in the universe is a sad thought...... (just my opinnion).....