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Anyone Ever Get Depress when dealing with Religion?

It seems for the latter part of my life. i have been searching and trying to find a meaning of it all, i read and analyze things but it get to the point where everything i see or hear about is something negative. I've been reading up on the Moors and its an interested to me, but it like a pendulum swinging back and forth between positive and negative.

anybody else feel like this and if so what do you do?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
It is difficult to give useful advice over the Internet. It is probably best if you can keep in touch with people you trust, though.

Personally I have benefitted from dealing with my own depressive tendencies with Buddhist meditation (Vipassana, Zazen, Shamata). It offers an useful opportunity to be well aware of my worries without being taken by then.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
You'd have to give some more specific examples?

To be honest, if all you're seeing is the negative when looking at various religions, I'd wager that means one of two things:
--- you're looking at ideas from specific religions that happen to have a negative focus (and need to look at religions that don't have this element instead)
--- you have clinical depression, which makes you put a negative spin on everything whether it is actually there or not (and need to get some help/treatment)

But it is really hard to say without a more specific example; the OP is kind of vague.


Hostis humani generis
I'm with Quint on this, FreeThinker. It sounds similar to me.
Have you been checked for depression?

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
You'd have to give some more specific examples?

To be honest, if all you're seeing is the negative when looking at various religions, I'd wager that means one of two things:
--- you're looking at ideas from specific religions that happen to have a negative focus (and need to look at religions that don't have this element instead)
--- you have clinical depression, which makes you put a negative spin on everything whether it is actually there or not (and need to get some help/treatment)

But it is really hard to say without a more specific example; the OP is kind of vague.
Third possiblities religons suck the beauty out of reality.

Edit how ever I agree with the other posters that the op should check to see if they suffer from clinical depression.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
It seems for the latter part of my life. i have been searching and trying to find a meaning of it all, i read and analyze things but it get to the point where everything i see or hear about is something negative. I've been reading up on the Moors and its an interested to me, but it like a pendulum swinging back and forth between positive and negative.

anybody else feel like this and if so what do you do?

I think Jesus words sum it nicely; "Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need."(Matthew 5:3) The true God wants us to know him and draw close to him. It stands to reason that he will help us do so, (Acts 17:27, James 4:8) It also seems reasonable to me that if we look to false gods (or false religions) for the truth, we will be disappointed. My study of the Bible convinced me it contains the truth. I know of but one religion today that truly follows and practices what the Bible teaches.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
It seems for the latter part of my life. i have been searching and trying to find a meaning of it all, i read and analyze things but it get to the point where everything i see or hear about is something negative. I've been reading up on the Moors and its an interested to me, but it like a pendulum swinging back and forth between positive and negative.

anybody else feel like this and if so what do you do?

If you get depressed when dealing with religion, then why deal with it? Go do something else which doesn't make you depressed.


I think Jesus words sum it nicely; "Happy are those conscious of their spiritual need."(Matthew 5:3) The true God wants us to know him and draw close to him. It stands to reason that he will help us do so, (Acts 17:27, James 4:8) It also seems reasonable to me that if we look to false gods (or false religions) for the truth, we will be disappointed. My study of the Bible convinced me it contains the truth. I know of but one religion today that truly follows and practices what the Bible teaches.



Active Member
When you try to exercise religion as a matter of mind rather than as a matter of heart it puts you in deppression. Still that deppression is not bad. After real stress there is great relief. In that search it is likely you ll turn it to your heart. First time a person begins zazen it is great stress to sit against a wall without a move.
But if it is really making you upset drop the issue of religion. All roads lead to Rome sooner or later.

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
If you get depressed when dealing with religion, then why deal with it? Go do something else which doesn't make you depressed.
Some times easier said then done. it can be a damned if you do damned if you don't kind of situation.

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
I'm not sure I understand the damned if you don't part of this.
IE studying religion makes you upset, but not studying religion also makes you upset, what happens if you miss finding god? I mean I understand you and I wouldn't have that feeling but many do. Perhaps fear or guilt or just simple curiosity drives discovery.
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Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
IE studying religion m,akes you upset, but not studying religion also makes you upset, what happens if you miss finding god? I mean I understand you and I wouldn't have that feeling but many do. Perhaps fear or guilt or just simple curiosity drives discovery.

Ah, I see. In that case, a little medication might do the trick.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
Third possiblities religons suck the beauty out of reality.

No, I pretty much hit that with the first thing I mentioned, except without the incorrect overgeneralizing found here.

My religion is a veritable celebration of the beauty of reality (aka, the gods), sir.


Oldest Heretic
When I read some people's beliefs on here, I can understand them getting depressed about them.
Some would try a Saint.

However, though My views are often some way from the "norm" I do not find them depressing in the least.

If you are trying to believe things, because other people do, It could well be depressing
when you find that they are not things that are believable to you.
Far better to follow your own road to God.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
It seems for the latter part of my life. i have been searching and trying to find a meaning of it all, i read and analyze things but it get to the point where everything i see or hear about is something negative. I've been reading up on the Moors and its an interested to me, but it like a pendulum swinging back and forth between positive and negative.

anybody else feel like this and if so what do you do?
Although certain religious ideas can certainly cause sadness, I think that the search for meaning is itself often a symptom of unhappiness.

If a person is satisfied, the meaning of life often seems self evident. Life then holds value in and of itself.

It's when people aren't enjoying life, that they start spending a lot of time asking, "what's the meaning of this all?"

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Can't say I ever had to deal with it, living in apathetic Iowa, and the discussions I hold of it are my choice.


Finding my own way
It seems for the latter part of my life. i have been searching and trying to find a meaning of it all, i read and analyze things but it get to the point where everything i see or hear about is something negative. I've been reading up on the Moors and its an interested to me, but it like a pendulum swinging back and forth between positive and negative.

anybody else feel like this and if so what do you do?
I do ... but then again, I deal with (and am in treatment for) depression.

If it's just getting discouraged when dealing with the specific topic, perhaps it would be best to take a break from that particular topic. But if you're feeling depressed on a regular basis, you may need to talk to your doctor about it.

One God

I have noticed that so many faiths or different believes in this forum. Everyone have their own theology on putting their ideas toagther regardless of topic (Based on whatever their basis may be). I think it's very important for one to find the right fit for oneself. And you are just trying to see where you fit the best.
Besides seeing negative in every faith you touch. Do you have any symptoms that leads to depression? If not, then in my view you are looking for a ground to a safe landing and you yet have not found that in yourself. Keep searching, you already have answers within you.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
anybody else feel like this and if so what do you do?

So far as I've seen, the desire for meaning in life is usually misdiagnosed horniness. It sounds like a joke, but I'm serious. Happens all the time -- especially to teens. They get horny, don't recognize their horniness for what it really is, and then conclude they have deep, profound yearning for meaning in life. To be sure, I wouldn't say horniness is always the cause of this sort of thing, but I think it's much more often the cause of it than is widely recognized.