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ar-rum28 saying god is 2 person


ofcourse cibril and mikal is angel but they are kings of angel and they are allah.listen.ar-rum 28 and az-zumer 29 saying ALLAH is 2 person.and also ALLAH say we.and ALLAH has beginning but not ending.
think over verses don't listen anyone.you have mind.and bakara97-99 also proof that cibril and mikal is allah


I want Khilafah back
ofcourse cibril and mikal is angel but they are kings of angel and they are allah.listen.ar-rum 28 and az-zumer 29 saying ALLAH is 2 person.and also ALLAH say we.and ALLAH has beginning but not ending.
think over verses don't listen anyone.you have mind.and bakara97-99 also proof that cibril and mikal is allah

Can you please stop with this crap. You've had both of us nicely replying to you and explaining the verses and the issue to you and to educate you better and all you can think of is ar rum this, az zumer that. Please educate yourself you are making muslims look like idiots with crap like this.

how ignorant do you have to be, you are not a scholar to comment on the verses, and they are very clear on their own, what do you get by twisting the meaning of the verses, do you wish to lead muslims astray? are you even a muslim yourself? Please stop with this stupidity and educate yourself.


who is scholar?are they prophet?and bring me the best scholar in the world.i will discuss with him.
also you explain me nothing.you are saying we is mean this..but we pronoun never used for that.and you are trying to correck ALLAH verses.don't ALLAH know what ar-rum 28 means.


Active Member
There is only one God. It's sure o/o 100, you don't see finger prints?
There is no two governor in one city
(Kardeşim nerden çıkardın 2 Allah'ı? Allah tektir kainatta teklik var parmak izlerine, insanın yüzüne bakman yeter bunu anlamak için)
Bir şehirde 2 vali bir köyde iki muhtar olmazzzzzzz!

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
ohhh man and we just establiahed Allah=God....and now this but but but then why do Arabic Christians pray to Allah?


neden olmasin kardes.dunyada bir suru ortak var.ayrica bak rum suresi 28 ve zumer suresinde ALLAH kendisi soyluyor 2 kisi oldugunu ben kafamdan uydurmuyorum.ve ALLAH kendisine biz diyor peki bu biz diyenler kim tabiyki cibril ve mikal.arastir kardes.

there is lots of partnership in the world also bosnia has 3 PM.and i am taking about verses.i am showing you verse and telling you this verse means this.but you people say no.so tell me why ALLAH revealed ar-rum 28 and az-zumer 29.what ALLAH trying to explain.


I want Khilafah back
neden olmasin kardes.dunyada bir suru ortak var.ayrica bak rum suresi 28 ve zumer suresinde ALLAH kendisi soyluyor 2 kisi oldugunu ben kafamdan uydurmuyorum.ve ALLAH kendisine biz diyor peki bu biz diyenler kim tabiyki cibril ve mikal.arastir kardes.

there is lots of partnership in the world also bosnia has 3 PM.and i am taking about verses.i am showing you verse and telling you this verse means this.but you people say no.so tell me why ALLAH revealed ar-rum 28 and az-zumer 29.what ALLAH trying to explain.

In the cave of Hira when the Prophet peace be upon him received the revelation he said that the Angel who revealed to him the first verses was Gabriel, he even saw him in his original Angel form and said that he had wings and covered the whole sky (horizon). He also used to come to the Prophet in the shape of a man and ask him questions in front of the Sahaba, look up in google "The hadith of Gabriel". Allah never turned into a human.
neden olmasin kardes.dunyada bir suru ortak var.ayrica bak rum suresi 28 ve zumer suresinde ALLAH kendisi soyluyor 2 kisi oldugunu ben kafamdan uydurmuyorum.ve ALLAH kendisine biz diyor peki bu biz diyenler kim tabiyki cibril ve mikal.arastir kardes.

there is lots of partnership in the world also bosnia has 3 PM.and i am taking about verses.i am showing you verse and telling you this verse means this.but you people say no.so tell me why ALLAH revealed ar-rum 28 and az-zumer 29.what ALLAH trying to explain.

What religion are you?

You ask what is the purpose of those verses.

{He presents to you an example from yourselves. Do you have among those whom your right hands possess any partners in what We have provided for you so that you are equal therein [and] would fear them as your fear of one another [within a partnership]? Thus do We detail the verses for a people who use reason.}

[ Surat Ar-Rum, v 28 ]
Sahih Intl translation of meaning

Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) is telling us here that there is nobody equal to Him in any way. The "who your right hands possess" means servants or slaves. And Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) is giving us an example from our own (or theirs at the time) situation as humans with servants to show us His relationship with His creation. Are the owner and slave equal partners? They're not.

Basically this whole verse is an example for us to see that Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) has no partners and none are equal to Him. We are just His servants.

If the "We" in their is confusing you then i repeat again that it is a "plural of majesty/respect", not of numbers. The Semitic languages have this and even other languages as well. Also used in English for example by Queen.

I tried Google translating what you said but that didn't go so well.. And I have no idea what the other random stuff about Bosnia, etc. was about.

And this is pretty funny cause Ar-Rum v 28 proves your theory wrong as well!!

Az Zumar v 29, same translation of meaning:

{Allah presents an example: a slave owned by quarreling partners and another belonging exclusively to one man - are they equal in comparison? Praise be to Allah ! But most of them do not know.}

Look! Look at this! Praise be to Allah, how He is making the signs clear for you!
Again, another verse disproves your theory!!
This verse is saying that a Muslim and a pagan or person who believes in multiple gods are not equal in comparison, and is implying that a Muslim is much greater/better.

See, Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) gives us examples and parables that could relate to us so that we better understand. In this example the Muslim is the slave of ONE man (representing a Muslim worshiping ONE God), the pagan is the slave owned by multiple men (representing pagans worshiping multiple gods).

Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) tells us in the Quran: "Say, He is Allah, The One and Only".
And you are teling me that Allah is TWO ANGELS.

Do you see how it does not fit?
ohhh man and we just establiahed Allah=God....and now this but but but then why do Arabic Christians pray to Allah?

Cause they pray to God too and 'technically' are monotheists b/c of the whole 3 in 1 deal. We believe that the True God is The One God and the "Father" that is mentioned in the Bible but that Jesus (peace be upon him) is not a god or that there is Holy Spirit that is God.

Just God....... No partners of any kind.....

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
Cause they pray to God too and 'technically' are monotheists b/c of the whole 3 in 1 deal. We believe that the True God is The One God and the "Father" that is mentioned in the Bible but that Jesus (peace be upon him) is not a god or that there is Holy Spirit that is God.

Just God....... No partners of any kind.....
i know that was my point i was responding to the silly op. but thank you for your reply


LaaIlahaIllAllah listen to me.firstly ar-rum 28 say you fear them like you fear each other(within partnership)
in this verse ALLAH speaking to 2 person.saying them you 2 partner do you have any partner from your slave over what we provided you and fear them like you fear each other.
in this verse ALLAH saying we are 2 we fear each other over what we have got but from our slave we dont have partner and we dont fear them.

az-zumer29.in this verse ALLAH say man (not a slave) and comparing a man has a partner with a man has lots of partner.
this is very very clear that ALLAH is 2 person so who are they they are(melaiala,king of the angels)cibril and mikal
LaaIlahaIllAllah listen to me.firstly ar-rum 28 say you fear them like you fear each other(within partnership)
in this verse ALLAH speaking to 2 person.saying them you 2 partner do you have any partner from your slave over what we provided you and fear them like you fear each other.
in this verse ALLAH saying we are 2 we fear each other over what we have got but from our slave we dont have partner and we dont fear them.

Lol, no sorry but your understanding is incorrect.

{He presents to you an example from yourselves. Do you have among those whom your right hands possess any partners in what We have provided for you so that you are equal therein [and] would fear them as your fear of one another [within a partnership]? Thus do We detail the verses for a people who use reason.}

[ Surat Ar-Rum, v 28 ]
Sahih Intl translation of meaning

Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) is telling us here that there is nobody equal to Him in any way. The "who your right hands possess" means servants or slaves. And Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) is giving us an example from our own (or theirs at the time) situation as humans with servants to show us His relationship with His creation. Are the owner and slave equal partners? They're not.

Basically this whole verse is an example for us to see that Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) has no partners and none are equal to Him. We are just His servants.

az-zumer29.in this verse ALLAH say man (not a slave) and comparing a man has a partner with a man has lots of partner.
this is very very clear that ALLAH is 2 person so who are they they are(melaiala,king of the angels)cibril and mikal

Az Zumar v 29, same translation of meaning:

{Allah presents an example: a slave owned by quarreling partners and another belonging exclusively to one man - are they equal in comparison? Praise be to Allah ! But most of them do not know.}

See, Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) gives us examples and parables that could relate to us so that we better understand.
In this example the Muslim is the slave of ONE man (representing a Muslim worshiping ONE God), the pagan is the slave owned by multiple men (representing pagans worshiping multiple gods).

It is like me and you. I worship Allah, The One and Only God. I am the slave of the 'one man' in this example.
You worship two angels so you are the slave of 'multiple men' in the example.
Allah is telling us that me and you are not equal in comparison.

I invite you to the True religion of Islam. Muslims worship One God.

If you find me an unequivocal, unambiguous verse which says Allah is Michael and Gabriel, I will convert to your religion.

But if you don't find that, and I find a verse which says Allah is One, will you revert to my religion?


LaaIlahaIllAllah you don't want to understand or you can't understand.ar-rum28.says fear each other within partnership.this verse is very open.ALLAH say we are 2 pertner.
why don't you want to understand.
allah say "we" and"i" even this is proof for partnership.
you need to follow verses not people.and ALLAH say in qoran follow anyone but verses.
allah say "we" and"i" even this is proof for partnership.

If the "We" in there is confusing you then i repeat again that it is a "plural of majesty/respect", not of numbers. The Semitic languages have this and even other languages as well. Also used in English for example by Queen. Ask any Arab who knows his language and you will see.

This is why you don't see Arab Christians saying the "We" is Trinity, b/c it is their language and they understand.

you need to follow verses not people.and ALLAH say in qoran follow anyone but verses.

Once again your lying is exposed. If you read the Quran you would see that Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala says to listen to Him, His messenger, and the people with knowledge such as scholars, imams, etc.

And ALL say "Allah is One". So should I stop listening to Allah and His messengers, and the righteous scholars and listen to you? Some lying fool on the internet thinking he's smart by trying to trick the Muslims?


LaaIlahaIllAllah you don't want to understand or you can't understand.ar-rum28.says fear each other within partnership.this verse is very open.ALLAH say we are 2 pertner.
why don't you want to understand.

Listen man, stop playing games.

{And of the people are some who say, "We believe in Allah and the Last Day," but they are not believers.
They [think to] deceive Allah and those who believe, but they deceive not except themselves and perceive [it] not.
In their hearts is disease, so Allah has increased their disease; and for them is a painful punishment because they [habitually] used to lie.
[ Suratul Baqarah, v. 8-10 ]

{And when they meet those who believe, they say, "We believe"; but when they are alone with their evil ones, they say, "Indeed, we are with you; we were only mockers."}
[ Suratul Baqarah v. 14 ]

Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) is saying that we should fear Him and that He has no partners. He is using an example and look this verse relates specifically to your situation:

{Indeed, Allah is not timid to present an example - that of a mosquito or what is smaller than it. And those who have believed know that it is the truth from their Lord. But as for those who disbelieve, they say, "What did Allah intend by this as an example?" He misleads many thereby and guides many thereby. And He misleads not except the defiantly disobedient,}
[ Suratul Baqarah v. 26 ]

You are either playing dumb or somehow are misguided and cannot understand the clear verses...

This is probably the stupidest attempt to try to refute or tarnish the Light of Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) that I have every seen in my life. And i have seen some pretty stupid stupid ones but this one is around the top of the list, granted it might not be the dumbest, the fools come up with foolish accusations.

{They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it.}
[ Surat As-Saf, v. 8 ]

Stop lying. You are not a Muslim. You are a pagan or something, a worshiper of angels.

{Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;}
[ Suratul Ikhlaas, v. 1 ]

See how foolish you look? The Qur'an exposes your lies.

Anybody with half a brain, be it an Atheist, Christian, or Muslim that reads the Quran can see that ALLAH IS ONE. Not two or 3 or 5 or 78 angels. Ok?

Read it son.


i don't care what imams say.and i am not playing game.ok?i beliave what i understand from quran.
sad69 say:i wasn't there when elmeleilala making decision(who is going to be prophet)
saffat 8;they can't listen to elmeleilala
necm 26.
all this verses show us el meleilala is ALLAH so who is elmelailala?they are cibril and mikal.
also ALLAH say in qoran only ALLAH will intercede for.but necm 26 say kings in high sky will intercede.so kings are ALLAH and they are cibril and mikal.
also pronouns used for names.if ALLAH saying we because cibril and mikal talking.
when they say i because they are partnership.
your problem is you dont want to understand.ar-rum 28 saying we are 2 partner that is why says with in partnership


i beliave muhammed and i beliave qoran and i beliave cibril and mikal is ALLAH in qoran.
there is a definition for "we" we is prulal who ever use it.it doent change it meaning we is we.we is never mean i.you say respect but when you say we you mean i and you.how ever we is prulal and means atleast 2 person.when you say we created you.you are meaning you and someone else created.
i beliave muhammed and i beliave qoran and i beliave cibril and mikal is ALLAH in qoran.
there is a definition for "we" we is prulal who ever use it.it doent change it meaning we is we.we is never mean i.you say respect but when you say we you mean i and you.how ever we is prulal and means atleast 2 person.when you say we created you.you are meaning you and someone else created.

There's no point of even debating with you on this, all I want to do is ask you about the verses which say 'Allah is One' and 'There is no god but He', how do you understand these?

And if you are a hypocrite, do not think you will fool any Muslims because this is just sad and totally wrong.
If you are being sincere then I apologize and will pray that Allah guides you to the Straight Path and the path of True Islam, worshiping One God.


Freedom Of Mind
i now understand how trinity came to our world,by such a person as turkish68.
But it seems that people nowadays are wiser and even many christians now are
thinking about the trinity as illogical aspect.

We have one god in both islam and Judaism,and 3 in christianity and now
turkish68 would like to make a new religion of 2 gods,lol

The problem is not with religion,but the problem with some people through
history who made such changes on the origin of faith which is to submit
yourself completely to the only one god.

Even we can see changes occured in the same religion through history,
so in christianity we can see Roman Catholic , Eastern Orthodox , Protestants,
Anglican/Episcopalian , Amish , Baptist , Lutheran , Presbyterian , Quakers ,
Seventh-day Adventists , Universalist

in islam,Sunni ,shi'ah ,khawarij and even each one got more branches

in Judaism , Orthodox Judaism , Conservative Judaism , Reform Judaism , Reconstructionist Judaism , Humanistic Judaism


in qoran ALLAH say ilah is one.vahidun.ok ilah is one.cibril and mikal is one ilah.ilah means creater.
suretul ihlas say.gulhu vallahu ehad.ehad doesn't means one person.you can say army is ehad.but there are lots of soldiers in army.
the point is who ever say "we" including other or others the job he or she have done.and in qoran ALLAH say we created you.so who is this "we" is ALLAH including someones aswell or ALLAH is 2 person that is why ALLAH say we.if ALLAH is including other this is agaist qoran.because ALLAH say ALLAH is only creater.
so definitly ALLaH is 2 person.and they are cibril and mikal.
in qoran ALLAH say ilah is one.vahidun.ok ilah is one.cibril and mikal is one ilah.ilah means creater.
suretul ihlas say.gulhu vallahu ehad.ehad doesn't means one person.you can say army is ehad.but there are lots of soldiers in army.
the point is who ever say "we" including other or others the job he or she have done.and in qoran ALLAH say we created you.so who is this "we" is ALLAH including someones aswell or ALLAH is 2 person that is why ALLAH say we.if ALLAH is including other this is agaist qoran.because ALLAH say ALLAH is only creater.
so definitly ALLaH is 2 person.and they are cibril and mikal.

What the?? No, I just googled this and look:

{Ahad (Arabic: أحد‎) is an Arabic word meaning "Single" or "One" and refers to God. It is also somewhat popular as a surname in some of the more traditional Islamic cultures.
Ahad means the One who is indivisible.
See also
Tawhid - from same root as Ahad}


Look it brings up "Tawhid" too and look what that means:


"Oneness of God" redirects here. For the concept of monotheism, see monotheism.

Taw&#7717;&#299;d (Arabic: &#1578;&#1608;&#1581;&#1610;&#1583;; also transliterated Tawheed and Tauheed; Turkish: Tevhid) is the Islamic conception of monotheism. Tawhid refers to the act of believing and affirming that God (Arabic: Allah) is one and unique (w&#257;&#7717;id). In Islam, recognition of this principle is achieved by the first of five pillars of Islam, the Shahadah (testification of faith). The opposite of Tawh&#299;d is Shirk (polytheism), which means "associating partners" or "making something as comparable" (to God) in Arabic, referring to idolatry.}


There!! It's in Turkish there too so I don't wanna see any excuses!!
But I don't know what to 'call' you because you don't relly associate partners with Allah, you just don't believe in Him at all!!!!

I already told you that the "We" is a plural of majesty......

How do you respond to the dictionary? Plus the other verse which says "Allah - there is no deity except Him," or "Allah! There is no god but He" as another translator puts it. This is in 2:255 at the very beginning, what is your response?

Oh and the last verse of Surah Ihlaas which says, "Nor is there to Him any equivalent." or "And there is none like unto Him." depending on which translation of meaning.

If Allah was two angels that would mean that there are MANY like Him(even though it should be 'them' in your case)!!!!!! And not NONE like Him, as He, Himself says!!!!

What is your response to these 3 things???