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Archaeology and the Bible


Veteran Member
Why, thank you! :) <3 But archaeology has corrected itself none-the-less.

here is the latest:

My position has been that when YHWY said "Write this down to rehearse it in Joshua's ears" - that's what He meant. People were saying that they didn't write back then but now...

Bible Possibly Written Centuries Earlier, Text Suggests

You can call that "pathetic" -- I call it "justification". :D

That is grasping at straws as the shard is not solely Biblical Hebew only 1 word is claimed to be and this claim is contested. The article only mentioned the 4 source hypothesis (6th century complication) yet this is hardly mainstream anymore. You saw a click bait title and didn't read nor research what it contained.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
That is grasping at straws as the shard is not solely Biblical Hebew only 1 word is claimed to be and this claim is contested. The article only mentioned the 4 source hypothesis (6th century complication) yet this is hardly mainstream anymore. You saw a click bait title and didn't read nor research what it contained.
Artifact suggests Bible written centuries earlier

I disagree... and I did read it. And it also changed the perspective of when writing was available to the Hebraic people.
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Ohhhh... you want me to say that if someone is healed it is Satan's doing and if someone dies it is God's doing. Man, is your thinking religious.

Name me ONE time when Jesus, who did the perfect will of God, EVER went to someone and said "I'm just going to take your life!" No, the times that someone young died, he came are raised them from the dead.

He didn't. It would be like you giving a car to your son or daughter who then went 100 mph and destroyed the car and got injured and then said to you "Dad/mom why did you make me suffer?"

Parents do it all the time as the let their children go into the armed forces and you need to read Genesis instead of just making statements. (Or ask questions for understanding)
Stay with me here...

God, who is supposed to be all powerful, can do or prevent ANYTHING and also knows EVERYTHING even before it happens. So I say again. Why would he have made us the way he did if he knew things would go so wrong. If he knew of all the innocence to suffer in such ways. Life was supposed to be perfect, without disease, death, etc until we "sinned". God could have prevented all of this from the very beginning.

By the way, I have a cousin who's son has battled cancer his whole life and almost died last year and I also have a very close friend that had a son who developed cancer at age 1 and he died at age 3.

God also obviously would have known that he would have needed to drown almost all of us in the Arc story. How about a little preventive maintenance at the bare minimum. Nope, just let it ride till it gets so bad that we need mass genocide. Such sweet love.

Your attempt at an example with the parents and a car is not a good one. How many parents have the ability to see into the future and know the outcome, AND have the power to change that outcome?

Let me ask you some questions and see what kinda world you are describing...

If a car accident is about to happen, God should wave a wand and stop it. Therefore,
If someone is about to break a bone, God should wave a wand and stop it. Therefore,
Someone is about to fall off their skate board and God should wave a wand and stop it.
Someone is about to scrape their knee He should wave a wand and stop it.

And while He is at it, He should prevent us from driving to fast, playing sports, stop us from having a skateboard and stop us from running.

That is the world you just described by the "wave of a wand".

You would NEVER live under your parents roof if they exerted that type of control.

Umm.... no, not what I was saying at all... What I am trying to get across is that the whole story is a farce. Clearly written and made up by man, that wants us to believe we were created to be perfect but we messed it up, so now because of our "sin" we can only redeem ourselves by worshiping him. The problem with this is that an all knowing all powerful being would have known all along that we would have broken his sacred rules. I could even go as far as to say that it was his plan all along. How could it not be? He knew it was going to happen. For that matter why even have a tree with forbidden fruit to tempt us with if he didn't want us to break the rule. God of the bible is a manipulative, egomaniac not worthy of worship and I wake up every single morning with great joy knowing that he doesn't exist.

Ok, I've disrupted the topic enough. Back to topic.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
Stay with me here...

God, who is supposed to be all powerful, can do or prevent ANYTHING and also knows EVERYTHING even before it happens. So I say again. Why would he have made us the way he did if he knew things would go so wrong. If he knew of all the innocence to suffer in such ways. Life was supposed to be perfect, without disease, death, etc until we "sinned". God could have prevented all of this from the very beginning.

By the way, I have a cousin who's son has battled cancer his whole life and almost died last year and I also have a very close friend that had a son who developed cancer at age 1 and he died at age 3.

God also obviously would have known that he would have needed to drown almost all of us in the Arc story. How about a little preventive maintenance at the bare minimum. Nope, just let it ride till it gets so bad that we need mass genocide. Such sweet love.

Your attempt at an example with the parents and a car is not a good one. How many parents have the ability to see into the future and know the outcome, AND have the power to change that outcome?

Umm.... no, not what I was saying at all... What I am trying to get across is that the whole story is a farce. Clearly written and made up by man, that wants us to believe we were created to be perfect but we messed it up, so now because of our "sin" we can only redeem ourselves by worshiping him. The problem with this is that an all knowing all powerful being would have known all along that we would have broken his sacred rules. I could even go as far as to say that it was his plan all along. How could it not be? He knew it was going to happen. For that matter why even have a tree with forbidden fruit to tempt us with if he didn't want us to break the rule. God of the bible is a manipulative, egomaniac not worthy of worship and I wake up every single morning with great joy knowing that he doesn't exist.

Ok, I've disrupted the topic enough. Back to topic.
Obviously, I don't agree... but staying on topic.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
Stay with me here...

God, who is supposed to be all powerful, can do or prevent ANYTHING and also knows EVERYTHING even before it happens. So I say again. Why would he have made us the way he did if he knew things would go so wrong. If he knew of all the innocence to suffer in such ways. Life was supposed to be perfect, without disease, death, etc until we "sinned". God could have prevented all of this from the very beginning.


Veteran Member
Artifact suggests Bible written centuries earlier

I disagree... and I did read it. And it also changed the perspective of when writing was available to the Hebraic people.

Then I can only conclude you have comprehension issues with thinking speculation based on one word which is disputed is justification.

It does nothing to change when writing was available as evidence of writing predates this shard. The shard's claim is about when Hebrew separated from proto-Canaanite. You didn't understand the article.


A found city doesn't prove the bible or any other scripture to be true. In the vampire series Twilight, the author mentions various locations in the pacific northwest that are dead accurate and can actually be experienced by anyone who has the financial resources to go see these places for themselves. Does this now prove that vampires really exist? Does this prove the story of Twilight to be factually true? Of course it doesn't. This is an old trick argument religionists use to try and persuade the gullible, including themselves that their particular set of beliefs are true. Biblical archaeology is now defunct to where it is now referred to as post palestinian archaeology. There is -0- evidence for a garden of eden; there is -0- evidence of a mass exodus as well as -0- evidence that the jews were Egyptian slaves. There is -0- evidence of a worldwide flood and there is -0- evidence of a tower of babel. It's strange that archeologists have dug up and found remains of small huts that contained as little as six members who had lived their lives predating the biblical exodus, yet the exodus itself with all its immensity, has never provided archaeologists with a single piece of evidence as having ever existed or occurred.