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Archeaological evidence for the Bible


The Lost One
To Hope:

When do you think the Noah's Flood occurred?

The problem with the Noah's Flood, if it was to cover the entire earth, including the highest mountain, it would have taken centuries before civilisations could recover. Depending on when you think Noah's Flood occur, whether it would be as early as 2350 BCE or 2100 BCE, Egypt and Mesopotamia would be underwater for centuries, but there are no evidences whatsoever of long break in civilisations in any of those times.

The biggest occurrence of the Flood in Mesopotamia, which we do have real evidence, happened in around 2900 BCE, which is far too early for Noah's Flood. Also archaeological evidence of this flood didn't cover the whole world, but did cover the a large part of southern Mesopotamia. This was possibly the Flood that the Sumerians/Akkadians remembered, which Ziusudra was the hero.


Well-Known Member
Unscubscribe to the idea of uniformitarianism. The Bible warns that in the last days men will be willingly igorant of Noah's Flood. Only in the last hundred years have people been duped by this. Time is short, friends.


Intentionally Blank
Unscubscribe to the idea of uniformitarianism. The Bible warns that in the last days men will be willingly igorant of Noah's Flood. Only in the last hundred years have people been duped by this. Time is short, friends.
Shouldn't you be encouraging people to be willingly ignorant? After all, don't you want to hasten those last days here? btw, can you cite that prophecy for me?


Well-Known Member
Shouldn't you be encouraging people to be willingly ignorant? After all, don't you want to hasten those last days here? btw, can you cite that prophecy for me?
While I look forward to Christ's return for the church at the Rapture, the Lord will tarry to save all that may be saved. I absolutely wish all men to know the truth and be saved. The prophecy is in 2 Peter 3:

3First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. 4They will say, "Where is this 'coming' he promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation." (uniformitarianism) 5But they deliberately forget that long ago by God's word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water. 6By these waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed. 7By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.


So as a way of making people fearful of doubting the bible they make up a "prophecy" which says it will mark the beginning of the end! Ingenious way to make sure we keep blindly believing. Ingenious!


Intentionally Blank
In general, do you think science is a good way or a bad way to learn about the natural world? Do you think it works? Do you think it is a good approach to learning about disease and medicine, weather, rocks, plants and animals, the stars, developing new technology, and the material world in general?


The Lost One
To Joeboonda:

joeboonda said:
Unscubscribe to the idea of uniformitarianism. The Bible warns that in the last days men will be willingly igorant of Noah's Flood. Only in the last hundred years have people been duped by this. Time is short, friends.

Can you provide at least the time of when the Flood happened?

Do you believe that Flood cover the whole earth or do you think it was more localised?

If localised, then in which region did it occur?


Well-Known Member
To Joeboonda:

Can you provide at least the time of when the Flood happened?

Do you believe that Flood cover the whole earth or do you think it was more localised?

If localised, then in which region did it occur?
There are many scriptures talking about a catastrophic flood.

But there are also civilizations that were undisturbed during the supposed time during the flood. Assuming Joe believes in a worldwide flood, how can he explain this?


But there are also civilizations that were undisturbed during the supposed time during the flood. Assuming Joe believes in a worldwide flood, how can he explain this?

A date would help. :D


Intentionally Blank
Alright, I'm quite sure that nothing I would say will have any impact on Joeboonda's views, but I did want to point out that his worldview is entirely magical, derived solely from a set of books compiled 2000-3000 years ago, and disregards all scientific progress and knowledge acquired in the last 200 years. Ironically, he advocates this anti-enlightenment position on a computer.


The Lost One
UnTheist said:
There are many scriptures talking about a catastrophic flood.

But there are also civilizations that were undisturbed during the supposed time during the flood. Assuming Joe believes in a worldwide flood, how can he explain this?
Like angellous_evangellous said.
angellous_evangellous said:
A date would help.
Yes, indeed, a date could help, UnTheist. That's why I ask joeboonda to give me a time period. If he can do that I can show him if it could happen at that time.

Even if the date is general, I can still find evidence if such flood had devastated a particular location and a particular time, whether it be historically or archaeologically. The bible does give a number of years, but that's depending on when the creation of the earth began.

I put the date to 2104 BCE, because I used the Jewish Era (JE). The current Jewish Era for the year 2007, today would be 5767 JE (for the year 2007 CE or AD). 5767 being the year of Creation, according to the Jewish calendar, which is calculated to be 3760 BCE.

For the flood, 2104 BCE would be 1656 JE according to the Jewish calendar.

Joeboonda may not agree with this date of 2104. Joeboonda may prefer an earlier date, so I am asking for him to give me a date that I work on. He may prefer 2348 BCE, which is the date some people may prefer.

To Joeboonda:

I still waiting for you to give me some sort of time-frame of when you believe the flood happened. Consider this as a challenge, to see if the Flood happened.


Done here.
Alright, I'm quite sure that nothing I would say will have any impact on Joeboonda's views, but I did want to point out that his worldview is entirely magical, derived solely from a set of books compiled 2000-3000 years ago, and disregards all scientific progress and knowledge acquired in the last 200 years. Ironically, he advocates this anti-enlightenment position on a computer.
Good point, except that the holy books he revers were more likely compiled 1600-2200 years ago. ;)


RF Addict
So what if there are many separate myths about floods, or even if there is some similarity between them? It is a common natural event, and most major civilisations have been based either on a river or on a seashore. A river often floods it's banks, and tsunamis do occur.

Considering that no one is able to present a concrete date for this, nor show any worldwide sedimentation buildup due to catastrophic flooding, I am disinclined to believe in such a theory until there is proof otherwise.

There are many myths that talk about dragons, and there is much more similarity in these recounts (big, breathes fire, scaly, terrorises everyone, killed by a hero, etc.) than the story of these floods. Does this mean I should also believe in dragons?

And if a God was so fed up with his main creation (us) that he flooded the entire world to remove them, killing all but two or seven pairs of each species in friendly fire casualties, I don't see why anyone would like to worship something like that.


The Lost One
UnTheist said:
~2300 BC is what I always remembered.
Yes. I will wait until I know Joeboonda's theory on the date. Then I will present valid argument and evidences against those dates.

2300 BC would put the creation to 3956 years (which is 5963 years ago or 5963 Jewish Era). There are irrefutable archaeological evidences all over the world that the earth existed long before that time, and that modern human (homo sapiens sapiens) existed at least couple hundreds of thousand of years earlier than this. Perhaps as much as 400,000 years ago. Fossils from dinosaurs and other primeval reptiles, mammals, birds and marine life refuted the biblical claims of animals having only existed less than 6000 years ago.