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Are all Religions the Same ?- Dr. David Frawley

I was browsing youtube looking for different content related to Dharma and came across this video. I thought it was pretty interesting and might be something worth sharing. What do you guys think about the content of the video?



Veteran Member
I was browsing youtube looking for different content related to Dharma and came across this video. I thought it was pretty interesting and might be something worth sharing. What do you guys think about the content of the video?

What points does the video make, then?


Veteran Member
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Pretty standard dharmic exegesis. Some interesting points. Some interesting historical facts. Some interesting points I'd like more information on.


Well-Known Member
I agree, all religions are the same. :)

Now, cults, on the other hand, are different and silly. o_O


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All rivers may empty to the sea, but the are most certainly not the same river.
But they all do the same thing, which is carry water to the sea. In that sense then yes, all rivers are the same. In the same sense, all religions are the same as they are all pathways up the side of the mountain towards its peak. But obviously, the path on the western slope is a different path than that on the eastern slope as they navigate over different terrain. But at the peak, 'we all gaze at the single bright moon', as the zen poet put it.
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अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
But they all do the same thing, which is carry water to the sea. In that sense then yes, all rivers are the same. In the same sense, all religions are the same as they are all pathways up the side of the mountain towards its peak. But obviously, the path on the western slope is a different path than that on the eastern slope as they navigate over different terrain. But at the peak, 'we all gaze at the single bright moon', as the zen poet put it.

I wasn't disagreeing that they serve the same purpose, but just because something serves the same purpose doesn't make it the same. The paths on the northern slope of your mountain are cool, slick, and covered in moss, while the paths on the southern slope are warm, dry, and have good traction. While all of these paths lead to the peak, they are not the same path. They are quite different.


Veteran Member
I was browsing youtube looking for different content related to Dharma and came across this video. I thought it was pretty interesting and might be something worth sharing. What do you guys think about the content of the video?

I don't have time to watch that whole video right now, but I do not believe that all religions are the same.
Religions are different because the requirements of humanity differ in every age.

I believe that the principles and laws of God come to us from religions.

“These principles and laws, these firmly-established and mighty systems, have proceeded from one Source, and are the rays of one Light. That they differ one from another is to be attributed to the varying requirements of the ages in which they were promulgated.”
Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, pp. 287-288

I believe that all the true religions come from one Source, the one true God. Religions are established by the Messengers of God who are sent in every age. The Messenger is an All-Knowing physician who perceives what humanity needs and prescribes the remedy accordingly. That Messenger brings a message from God that humanity needs in the age in which he appeared but it is not the same message that was needed in past ages, nor will it be the message that humanity will need in a future age.

“The All-Knowing Physician hath His finger on the pulse of mankind. He perceiveth the disease, and prescribeth, in His unerring wisdom, the remedy. Every age hath its own problem, and every soul its particular aspiration. The remedy the world needeth in its present-day afflictions can never be the same as that which a subsequent age may require. Be anxiously concerned with the needs of the age ye live in, and center your deliberations on its exigencies and requirements.” Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 213


Veteran Member
But they all do the same thing, which is carry water to the sea. In that sense then yes, all rivers are the same.
I believe all religions are the same in that they all reveal the same spiritual teachings, but religions are different because the primary message of each religion is different and the social teachings and laws of each religion are different.


Veteran Member
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I wasn't disagreeing that they serve the same purpose, but just because something serves the same purpose doesn't make it the same. The paths on the northern slope of your mountain are cool, slick, and covered in moss, while the paths on the southern slope are warm, dry, and have good traction. While all of these paths lead to the peak, they are not the same path. They are quite different.
Yes, they are all different, but serve the same purposes. I agree.


Veteran Member
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I believe all religions are the same in that they all reveal the same spiritual teachings, but religions are different because the primary message of each religion is different and the social teachings and laws of each religion are different.
I say they are all different because they speak to different audiences with different needs. I see it as essentially the same message, just tailored to fit the different culture's needs. But they are different approaches, such as the path of devotion, the path of service, the path of love, etc.


Veteran Member
Yes, they are all different, but serve the same purposes. I agree.
I agree.

“The purpose underlying the revelation of every heavenly Book, nay, of every divinely-revealed verse, is to endue all men with righteousness and understanding, so that peace and tranquillity may be firmly established amongst them. Whatsoever instilleth assurance into the hearts of men, whatsoever exalteth their station or promoteth their contentment, is acceptable in the sight of God.” Gleanings, p. 206


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I agree, all religions are the same. :)
No. Religions can be very different, in form, function, beliefs, purpose and goals.
You didn'twatch the video.
Now, cults, on the other hand, are different and silly. o_O
How is a cult different from a small sect that hasn't become popular yet?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
But they all do the same thing, which is carry water to the sea. In that sense then yes, all rivers are the same. In the same sense, all religions are the same as they are all pathways up the side of the mountain towards its peak. But obviously, the path on the western slope is a different path than that on the eastern slope as they navigate over different terrain. But at the peak, 'we all gaze at the single bright moon', as the zen poet put it.
Yes, they are all different, but serve the same purposes. I agree.
But they're not all climbing to the same peak. Their goals, as well as their purposes, can be very different,
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Veteran Member
Premium Member
But they're not all climbing to the same peak. Their goals, as well as their purposes, can be very different,
What would that be for instance? Some are seeing to dominate others? Some are seeking for self-pleasure? I'd say those are not considered religious goals.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I don't have time to watch that whole video right now, but I do not believe that all religions are the same.
Religions are different because the requirements of humanity differ in every age.

I believe that the principles and laws of God come to us from religions.
But not all religions believe in or involve a god. In those that do, not all gods are lawgivers, creators or judges. Not all gods are involved in the affairs of man.
God as a lawgiver or rulemaker, or judge is an Abrahamic thing.
I believe that all the true religions come from one Source, the one true God.
That would rule out most religions as "true religions."
Religions are established by the Messengers of God who are sent in every age.
That is a belief unique to your religion. Do you have any evidence supporting it?
The Messenger is an All-Knowing physician who perceives what humanity needs and prescribes the remedy accordingly. That Messenger brings a message from God that humanity needs in the age in which he appeared but it is not the same message that was needed in past ages, nor will it be the message that humanity will need in a future age.
Trailblazer, you're preaching.
If you'd watched the video you'd know that not all religions are organized social institutions. Not all are concerned with 'huamanity', or with communicating a message.