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Are all self professing Christians Believers of the same Biblical Christ?

Jesus Christ is the Only Begotten Son of God. He is unique in all the world, in that He actually was the creator of the world. He was the only perfect individual to have ever lived, and was therefore the only one capable of atoning for the sins of the rest of us. You, me, and every other person who has ever been born or will be born are the spirit offspring of God and He is the Father of our spirits. That goes for the wicked as well as the righteous. Osama bin Laden had the same Father in Heaven as Mother Teresa had. One of them was evil and the other was righteous. Lucifer was once a spirit son of our Father, but he rebelled against God and was cast out, disowned, and comdemned to eternal suffering. He is no longer considered one of God's children in any way, shape or form.

A couple of points if Jesus created the world that would make him a God as you believe only the father is God you must believe in two Gods and I guess the Holy spirit makes three.If Jesus is the "only begotten son" of the father how could he have the devil or anyone else for that matter as a brother.


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
A couple of points if Jesus created the world that would make him a God as you believe only the father is God you must believe in two Gods and I guess the Holy spirit makes three.
Come back and talk to me when you can learn to read and understand plain English, because I have clearly stated that we believe Jesus Christ to be God. I have also clearly stated the way in which we believe them to be "one." While you're at it, you might want to learn how to write a coherent sentence. The sentence I just quoted (above) doesn't make any sense at all. I don't even know what you're trying to accuse me of.

If Jesus is the "only begotten son" of the father how could he have the devil or anyone else for that matter as a brother.

Luke 11:2 says: And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.

John 20:17 states: "Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended tomy Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God."

Jesus Christ's Father is also the Father of our spirits and we are God's offspring. That is biblical. In that sense, Jesus Christ is our brother. He, unlike the rest of us, was begotten of our Father in Heaven. That is why He is said to be God's "only begotten Son." We, on the other hand, were begotten by our earthly parents. Truly, it's not rocket science.
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Come back and talk to me when you can learn to read and understand plain English, because I have clearly stated that we believe Jesus Christ to be God. I have also clearly stated the way in which we believe them to be "one." While you're at it, you might want to learn how to write a coherent sentence. The sentence I just quoted (above) doesn't make any sense at all. I don't even know what you're trying to accuse me of.

Luke 11:2 says: And he said unto them, When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.

John 20:17 states: "Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended tomy Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God."

Jesus Christ's Father is also the Father of our spirits and we are God's offspring. That is biblical. In that sense, Jesus Christ is our brother. He, unlike the rest of us, was begotten of our Father in Heaven. That is why He is said to be God's "only begotten Son." We, on the other hand, were begotten by our earthly parents. Truly, it's not rocket science.

again if you believe Jesus to be God then you believe in two gods, you don't believe in the trinity do you?but lucifer was an angel, not man or God so how could he be anyones brother.


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
again if you believe Jesus to be God then you believe in two gods, you don't believe in the trinity do you?
Nope, we don't believe in the Trinity and neither did any Christian prior to 325 A.D. Here's what we believe...

2 Nephi 21:31 And now, behold, my beloved brethren, this is the way; and there is none other way nor name given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God. And now, behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and the only and true doctrine of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which isone God, without end....

Mormon 7:7 And he hath brought to pass the redemption of the world, whereby he that is found guiltless before him at the judgment day hath it given unto him to dwell in the presence of God in his kingdom, to sing ceaseless praises with the choirs above, unto the Father, and unto the Son, and unto the Holy Ghost, which areone God, in a state of happiness which hath no end.

Now stop asking me to repeat myself. It's getting tiresome. If you didn't get it the first, second or third time, you're unlikely to get it the fourth.

but lucifer was an angel, not man or God so how could he be anyones brother.
I think the issue here is a difference of opinion as to what an angel is. We don't believe angels to be a different kind of being than humans. We just believe them to be in a different state of progression -- either human spirits who have not yet been born (as was the case with Lucifer) or a resurrected human that God is using as a messenger or for some other holy purpose. The Bible is not very explicit in explaining exactly what an angel is.
Nope, we don't believe in the Trinity and neither did any Christian prior to 325 A.D. Here's what we believe...

2 Nephi 21:31 And now, behold, my beloved brethren, this is the way; and there is none other way nor name given under heaven whereby man can be saved in the kingdom of God. And now, behold, this is the doctrine of Christ, and the only and true doctrine of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which isone God, without end....

Mormon 7:7 And he hath brought to pass the redemption of the world, whereby he that is found guiltless before him at the judgment day hath it given unto him to dwell in the presence of God in his kingdom, to sing ceaseless praises with the choirs above, unto the Father, and unto the Son, and unto the Holy Ghost, which areone God, in a state of happiness which hath no end.

Now stop asking me to repeat myself. It's getting tiresome. If you didn't get it the first, second or third time, you're unlikely to get it the fourth.

I think the issue here is a difference of opinion as to what an angel is. We don't believe angels to be a different kind of being than humans. We just believe them to be in a different state of progression -- either human spirits who have not yet been born (as was the case with Lucifer) or a resurrected human that God is using as a messenger or for some other holy purpose. The Bible is not very explicit in explaining exactly what an angel is.

so if you don't believe in the trinity yet you believe Jesus made the earth and everything you must believe Jesus is a god and there is God the father so you believe in more than one god.human spirits that have not been born yet?


When the bible say "thou shall not kill" it can never be interpreted as murder is allowed.

hence, if the Christ said "though shall not call anyone on earth father" how would you interpret that to mean its ok to call priests father?

Is it murder to kill someone in war?
Does it matter who does or doesn't interpret the war as just or unjust?

Do you call the man whose sperm produced you, "father"?
Does/did he live here on earth with the rest of us?


How many different intrpretations can one make with "thou shalt not make any graven image?

and, how can one interpret the verse that it is allowed?

Money is a graven image.

Do you go to work to make money?
Do you 'make money work', or 'make it real'
by actively participating in the (wide'spread) use of it?
Bringing the image's imagined power into being?

In objective reality...
this 'money' is nothing more than images (numerals & pictures)
engraved on paper and metal, and in the minds of men.

It is the oldest and most 'charged' talisman I know of.

It seems that anyone who makes money for a living
is reinterpretting the word 'any' in that verse.
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The bible talks about graven images "USED FOR RELIGION"

do you use coins as gods for your religion?

Do you use 'coins' to pay the mort'gage on your church?
(this BTW was the most mundane, unnuanced response that came to my mind,
though I suspect you're going to argue your own interpretations
no matter which way I go. nuanced and subtle, or not.)

Please may I have the EXACT PASSAGE that says
'graven images USED FOR RELIGION' ?
thank you.


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
Two can play this silly game as well as one, missy.

so if you don't believe in the trinity yet you believe Jesus made the earth and everything you must believe Jesus is a god and there is God the father so you believe in more than one god.
Don't you believe that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are all God? If you do, you must believe in more than one God, too. Either that, or you can't count past '1'. Or maybe you just believe that Jesus sent himself to earth, prayed to himself, called himself his own Father and his own God, asked himself to forgive his murderers, commended himself into his own hands, and is now sitting on his own right-hand side.

human spirits that have not been born yet?

So far, you have said nothing to to prove that Mormons don't worship the biblical Christ. We believe everything the Bible has to say about Jesus Christ...

1. He was with His Father in the beginning.
2. He created our universe and everything in it.
3. He was born to a virgin.
4. He lived a perfect life.
5. He began a three-year ministry at about the age of 30.
6. He chose and ordained twelve men to be His Apostles.
7. He built His church, using them as it's foundation.
8. He taught a gospel of love, mercy, forgiveness and charity.
9. He taught us to pray to "our Father in Heaven."
10. He performed many miracles, including raising the dead.
11. He was betrayed by one of His closest friends, and another denied even knowing Him.
12. He suffered excruciating pain at the hands of His enemies.
13. He paid the price for our sins, so that we might be reconciled to our Father in Heaven.
14. He rose from the dead on the third day after his crucifixion, conquering death.
15. He ascended into Heaven where He reigns today with His Father.
16. He will one day return to reign in glory on the earth.

If you think there is more than one individual who has ever lived who meets all of those qualifications, thereby providing us with a multiple choice option as to who the real Jesus Christ is, then I think you're the one who needs to reexamine her beliefs. If you agree that there isn't, then perhaps its time for you to gracefully bow out of this conversation and pretend that it never happened.
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A Follower of Christ
Here are four biblical verses saying graven images are prohibited, how can you interpret this as graven images are allowed?

You need to understand the context of what was being said. The prohibition against making graven images was clearly set in the context of worshiping idols. In other words, they were not to worship any other God or any image of any god (lower case ‘g’).


Church of Christ
No they all do not believe in the same Christ, the Jews are still waiting, the mormons belive Jesus was just a good man and the devils brother, the jw's believe Jesus was a good teacher, I don't know about other groups.both the mormons and jw's believe you are not saved by accepting Jesus as your saviour, there are works to do as well.

According to the Bible, people aren't saved by accepting Jesus as your savior either. Why would I say that?
Find any verse to support "accepting Jesus as personal savior". That's an invention of John Calvin and Billy Bright.
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Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
I thought I had replied to this but it must have disappeared, you believe but with a twist, God the father as you would say was a man who attaianed godhood and you believe mormons will do the same, you believe god has a physical body, you believe god with his physical body got Mary pregnant, Jesus is a good man but actually the arch angel Michael, your beliefs are all a twist of biblical beliefs.the trinity is three parts in one not three seperate gods, you know like body,spirit and soul all still one person.
Bearing false witness is breaking one of God's commandments, miss interpret. That doesn't seem to matter one bit to you, does it? Jesus doesn't need you to lie for Him, and if you think for one minute that He's okay with your intentionally misrepresenting someone else's beliefs, you've got another think coming.

God the father as you would say was a man who attaianed godhood
We have no doctrine on this matter.

you believe mormons will do the same
That's a gross oversimplification of a doctrine that can be supported biblically and which was believed by Christians at the time of Christ.

you believe god has a physical body
Yes, just like His Son's.

you believe god with his physical body got Mary pregnant
Get your mind out of the gutter. We believe Mary was a virgin when she conceived and when she gave birth to Jesus Christ. I would think that you'd know what a virgin was, but apparently not.

Jesus is a good man but actually the arch angel Michael
That's total BS. Jesus is God. He was never an archangel.

the trinity is three parts in one not three seperate gods...
Yeah, well seeing as the doctrine of the Trinity wasn't even conceived of until 325 A.D., I'm quite content knowing that my understanding of the relationship between the Father, Son and Holy Ghost is exactly as taught in the Bible.


Then How could they Worship the same Biblical Christ?

I think were most denominations come from is Majoring on Minors. I think the key fundamental doctrine are all agreed upon from Christian based denominations. With the exception of Oneness Pentecostals. As far as the scriptures are concerned i certainly agree that not every denomination agree upon what they are saying. But even the disciples did not realize what Jesus was saying most of the time. I do not however think that it is taking away from the person of Christ and God and His crucifixion and resurrection which is crucial for salvation. As long as the scriptures in question do not contradict what the Bible as a whole says.


Bearing false witness is breaking one of God's commandments, miss interpret. That doesn't seem to matter one bit to you, does it? Jesus doesn't need you to lie for Him, and if you think for one minute that He's okay with your intentionally misrepresenting someone else's beliefs, you've got another think coming.

We have no doctrine on this matter.

That's a gross oversimplification of a doctrine that can be supported biblically and which was believed by Christians at the time of Christ.

Yes, just like His Son's.

Get your mind out of the gutter. We believe Mary was a virgin when she conceived and when she gave birth to Jesus Christ. I would think that you'd know what a virgin was, but apparently not.

So you are Mormon i presume?

That's total BS. Jesus is God. He was never an archangel.

Yeah, well seeing as the doctrine of the Trinity wasn't even conceived of until 325 A.D., I'm quite content knowing that my understanding of the relationship between the Father, Son and Holy Ghost is exactly as taught in the Bible.
So you are Mormon i presume?


Agnostic Pantheist
No they all do not believe in the same Christ, the Jews are still waiting, the mormons belive Jesus was just a good man and the devils brother, the jw's believe Jesus was a good teacher, I don't know about other groups.both the mormons and jw's believe you are not saved by accepting Jesus as your saviour, there are works to do as well.
And when did the Jews become Christians all of a sudden?
Do you realize that Judaism and Christianity are different religions entierly? and that the New Testament is not part of the Hebrew Bible? of course Jews do not believe in the same Biblical Christ as the Christian denominations.


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
Do you believe that you are a cult?
Of course not. We are no more a cult than first-century Christianity was. I'll tell you what a cult is... It's the church down the street from yours that you don't like. The word "cult" has little use outside of religious mudslinging.