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Are All Ten Commandments Binding on WHO?


Active Member
IDEA ~ There are million of people who are living on earth that have never heard of Jesus or the Hebrew bible and they lead normal moral lives. They have their own different religion not like Christianity. Will they have a different set of laws to be judged by??? arlan

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
IDEA ~ There are million of people who are living on earth that have never heard of Jesus or the Hebrew bible and they lead normal moral lives. They have their own different religion not like Christianity. Will they have a different set of laws to be judged by??? arlan
According to the book of Romans they will be judged by their own laws...and found wanting just like everyone else. All are guilty.


Question Everything
IDEA ~ There are million of people who are living on earth that have never heard of Jesus or the Hebrew bible and they lead normal moral lives. They have their own different religion not like Christianity. Will they have a different set of laws to be judged by??? arlan

Most people follow the same laws...
The conscious of all human beings is given by the same God. Some learn how to ignore their conscious… but if we stop rationalizing and justifying what we want to be right… and honestly admit what actually is right… everyone, regardless of upbringing, knows the same basics of right from wrong.

yes, we are only held accountable for what we know. We are only given what we are able to act upon. If we grow to a point where we can handle more info, we will be given more info...

Luke 12: 47 And that servant, which knew his lord's will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.
48 But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.


Well-Known Member
Biblically, there are three groups of mankind, the Jews say 1)Rightious 2)Unrightious 3) Itermidiates, the NT says 1) Godly 2) Ungodly 3) Those with a form of godliness.
The Jewish writings, the Rightious and the Unrightious are already judged and sealed in books, this leaves only the Intermidiates to be judged. Converted to NT, the Godly and Ungodly sealed in books, Those with a form of godliness left for judgement.

Since God is unchanging, only those who desire to serve the one true creator God need to obey the commandments.

The NT says that if you desire to walk the streets of the city(Rev.22:14) Keep the commandments.

So those folks who serve other gods and obey other commandments, would fit into the #3) Intermidiates or those with a form of godliness.

FYI; Salvation does not equate to Election.

Rev.22:12 "Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense, to repay everyone for what he has done."

IMHO, only those who want to become eligible to be a part of the Elect need to "Keep the Commandments."



Active Member
75% of the people in the poll said that they believe the 10 commandments are to be observed but I bet most of those do not attend a whole building on the 7th day of the week. arlan