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Are atheists arrogant? immoral? angry?

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
How is that particular statement antisemitic?
Wikipedia > Antisemitic trope

According to the record of a 1984 hearing before the Subcommittee on Human Rights and International Organizations in the US Congress concerning Soviet Jewry:

This vicious anti-Semitic canard, frequently repeated by other Soviet writers and officials, is based upon the malicious notion that the "Chosen People" of the Torah and Talmud preaches "superiority over other peoples", as well as exclusivity. This was, of course, the principal theme of the notorious Tsarist Protocols of the Elders of Zion.[130]

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
How about this for a thought experiment - are you, @Shadow Wolf prejudiced towards Nazis/Fascists?
For one, that's a question, not a thought experiment. For two it's irrelevant and I don't jump through these absurd hoops.
And I never made the claim that atheism is inherently prejudiced - stop making **** up or learn to read more carefully.
You did say "a lot of atheism is a form of severe prejudice." That's rubbish.


For one, that's a question, not a thought experiment. For two it's irrelevant and I don't jump through these absurd hoops.

You did say "a lot of atheism is a form of severe prejudice." That's rubbish.

LOL Your posts are a hoot!

You're reasonably okay at dodging, I'll give you that.

1. It's entirely relevant - we're unpacking the meaning of what prejudice is.

Are you prejudiced against Nazis or not? ANSWER THE QUESTION.

I'm not afraid to say it: I'm prejudiced against Nazis.

2. Apart from just simply calling my statement "rubbish" - can you explain why it's rubbish?

Or is that too difficult for you to do?

I asked you two direct questions and you couldn't answer either one - you just dodged, deflected and attempted to bury valid, relevant questions to this discussion - a conversation if you will. Didn't you say that you liked conversations? Why the attempts to shut it down?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Are you prejudiced against Nazis or not? ANSWER THE QUESTION.
Make me.
2. Apart from just simply calling my statement "rubbish" - can you explain why it's rubbish?

Or is that too difficult for you to do?
Because it's a nonsense fantasy mostly believed by American Evangelics to go on about how atheists hate religion and god and hate people who believe. The same Christians themselves are the worst offenders when it comes to hating gods and religions and especially the godless.
I'm not afraid to say it: I'm prejudiced against Nazis.
You wanna cookie?
LOL Your posts are a hoot!
Amd yours are giving me tell tale signs of a puppet account. Like misusing academic terms and how you demand people answer your absurd questions.


Make me.

Because it's a nonsense fantasy mostly believed by American Evangelics to go on about how atheists hate religion and god and hate people who believe. The same Christians themselves are the worst offenders when it comes to hating gods and religions and especially the godless.

You wanna cookie?

Amd yours are giving me tell tale signs of a puppet account. Like misusing academic terms and how you demand people answer your absurd questions.

Yeah I see now that your posts aren't really worth much.

"MAKE ME!!!!" - Okay, so yet another concession on your part. And no points for style - really childish on your part.

I don't know why you have so much hostility towards me. All I've done is offer good faith arguments that you seem to completely flip out about.

That drivel about "a nonsense fantasy mostly believed by American Evangelics to go on about how atheists hate religion and god and hate people who believe" is nothing more than a straw man. And a poorly thrown together one at that.

I'll throw you a bone - which academic term did I misuse?

If my content upsets you as much as it seems to, I suggest you use the ignore feature so you stop embarrassing yourself - and the weak "puppet account" accusation is a pretty sappy and pathetic attempt to get me thrown off the board because you have no ability to engage in a debate with me.

It's an online forum - no one's going to hurt you.

Just try to do better so we can actually have fruitful conversations in the future rather than you just squabbling and venting anger towards me.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
A lot of atheism is a form of severe prejudice.
And I never made the claim that atheism is inherently prejudiced - stop making **** up or learn to read more carefully.
I'm afraid that I've lost the thread of the thread.

Would the two quotes above be equally valid if one were to replace the word "atheism" with the phrase "ontological naturalism"?


Well-Known Member
As far as who is angry, immoral, arrogance and by the way dishonest are the fundamental Christians extreme opposition to atheists and science. They also make the false association between science and atheism.
Solid statement. Why would christians be against science? A puzzle!
Actually the motivation for this is likely the insecurity of fundamentalist Christians concerning the foundation of their belief in a literal or mostly literal Bible which is threatened by academic history and science. This is the motivation for associating atheism with science and academic history. For these believers the paranoid threat on the historicity of the Bible and also the Quran particularly the Pentateuch is foremost in their minds concerning non-believers in general.
It's weird that being honest is so scary to the fundamentalists. No matter the theology.


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
It's kind of a wild concept to examine the "pathology" of someone's inability to acknowledge a scientific negative - considering that atheism is simply the belief that there isn't any god. The whole thing kind of assumes that god definitely exists and that if you don't believe god exists, that there must be something seriously wrong with you. Not a great premise. But it is an interesting and informative post.
Hello flowerpower. Love the nick you fellow hippy dippy girl :)

Your description above is of hard atheism, which professes that there is no God/gods. But a LOT of atheists are soft atheists, who do not claim that there is no god. They simply do not have a belief in God. It's a subtle but important distinction.
I mean, it's possible that human beings are hardwired to believe that something greater than themselves exists and that thing is god. So atheism would mean, on that hypothesis alone, presents itself as a kind of deficiency or disorder.
I agree with you. I think we are hardwired for religion. When we look at creation in all its awe, we intuit that there is agency, what I would call the Divine. Now, how we interpret the Divine varies from culture to culture, whether it be monotheism, or polytheism, or your basic animism. But not every single person is wired that way -- some people have no God radar.

However, I would not classify this as a disorder. For something to be a mental disorder, it has to cause you problems in your life, such as difficulty holding down your job or your ability to take care of yourself. I see no evidence of dysfunctionality in atheists -- they live perfectly responsible lives.
That list is interesting.

And I think a lot of "learned atheism" definitely comes from places of enormous discontentment, resentment or arrogance
The whole POINT of this thread is that the research debunks these myths. Did you even watch the video before replying?
it still leaves a vacuum that can lead a lot of atheists to severe existential crises or psychological issues.
If you want to make these claims, you need to support them. Please find some valid scientific research that supports your idea.
A lot of atheism is a form of severe prejudice.
Prejudice against what? Atheists are quite a range, from "Live and let live" sorts who have no problems with others being religious, to real jerks who work towards eliminating religion from society.
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Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
I'll explain myself if you can explain why that comment upset you so much.
It bothers people because it makes a sweeping horrible generalization about a group without a shred of evidence to back it up. You are engaging in a logical fallacy of generalizing from too small a sampling. This is why anecdotes are never evidence. If you and your friends were prejudiced, that's you. You cannot assume that all atheists are the way you were. To make a fair generalization, you have to survey a sizable number of atheists, and show that statistically they are more likely to be prejudiced than your control group.

The only prejudice I'm seeing is YOURS against atheists. (And no, I'm not an atheist.) It seems you simply traded one bigotry for another. If I were you, I would be asking myself, why is it that I'm so willing to disparage those that disagree with me, and how can I stop doing that?
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Veteran Member
LOL Your posts are a hoot!

You're reasonably okay at dodging, I'll give you that.

1. It's entirely relevant - we're unpacking the meaning of what prejudice is.

Are you prejudiced against Nazis or not? ANSWER THE QUESTION.

I'm not afraid to say it: I'm prejudiced against Nazis.

I think it's an unfair question, if not an invalid one.
Prejudice definition: an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason.

We DO have knowledge of what Nazi ideology is. We HAVE thought about it. There IS reason to be against it.
To be against nazi's because of what nazi ideology is about is not the same as being "prejudiced".


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
A lot of atheism is a form of severe prejudice.
In short, to judge without facts.

With no objective evidence for gods, I don't believe in them.

With only feelings as a basis, I believe in god(s).

Which one fits the definition?


Premium Member
LOL Your posts are a hoot!

You're reasonably okay at dodging, I'll give you that.

1. It's entirely relevant - we're unpacking the meaning of what prejudice is.

Are you prejudiced against Nazis or not? ANSWER THE QUESTION.

I'm not afraid to say it: I'm prejudiced against Nazis.

2. Apart from just simply calling my statement "rubbish" - can you explain why it's rubbish?

Or is that too difficult for you to do?

I asked you two direct questions and you couldn't answer either one - you just dodged, deflected and attempted to bury valid, relevant questions to this discussion - a conversation if you will. Didn't you say that you liked conversations? Why the attempts to shut it down?
This post reflects a distinct problem with the English language where prejudice is not defined in the many your are using it,


Premium Member
I wouldn’t say that is a one way street.
I did not say it was a one way street. This statement is ambiguous
Doesn’t matter.. in any group you can find those types of people. I’m sure there are some in the Bahai too.

This is not what can be found in any group, but what Fundamentalist Christians believe and promote toward science and atheism.

I’m sure you have a point… somewhere.
In the actual documented beliefs promoted by fundamentalist Christians in terms of opposition to the sciences of evolution, and equating atheism with science, secularism in government, promoting a Christian Theonomy behind the Christian Republican Party as Mike Johnson proposes and the ongoing heavy rhetoric against atheists

Mike Johnson's paranoid view towards atheists is very typical of fundamentalist Christians that promote Christian Nationalism:

Wouldn’t know.
Pleading ignorance does not help your case.
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Premium Member
It's kind of a wild concept to examine the "pathology" of someone's inability to acknowledge a scientific negative - considering that atheism is simply the belief that there isn't any god. The whole thing kind of assumes that god definitely exists and that if you don't believe god exists, that there must be something seriously wrong with you. Not a great premise. But it is an interesting and informative post.

I mean, it's possible that human beings are hardwired to believe that something greater than themselves exists and that thing is god. So atheism would mean, on that hypothesis alone, presents itself as a kind of deficiency or disorder.

That list is interesting.

And I think a lot of "learned atheism" definitely comes from places of enormous discontentment, resentment or arrogance - the last one, arrogance, being interesting because it is actually rooted in the presumption that the scientific method and ability for humans to perceive their surroundings is all that exists in the entire universe, which is pretty crazy when you think about it and enormously arrogant. Lotta atheists out there get off on the feeling of being right or the smartest person in the room and actually get off on bashing god, religion and religious people when it's really an incredibly petty thing to be thinking and doing.

Bottom line as far as I'm concerned is that, while there isn't necessarily anything wrong with atheism or atheists (and secular public society is definitely preferrable to any conceivable alternative), it still leaves a vacuum that can lead a lot of atheists to severe existential crises or psychological issues.

When I wore atheism like a badge of honor, I was definitely arrogant, immoral, angry and even almost suicidally resentful.
That is your problem which you still exhibit now toward your aggressive negative attitude toward atheists. Atheism is not the problem.
Opening my mind to the possibility that there is something beyond just what human beings can observe and measure did wonders for my mental health and the way in which I decided to approach life and interact with people.
Everyone should open their mind to possibilities beyond their own beliefs, but few do.
A lot of atheism is a form of severe prejudice.

This reflects your anger, arrogance, prejudice, hostility toward atheists,.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member