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Are atheists implying theists are delusional?


Well-Known Member
arielmessenger said:
Why is it that these religious talkboards forbid someone like me from telling people what God has taught me in spiritual revelation?
Feel free ..... just do it in the right place. Here you can post as much as you like about your spiritual revelations.

Any other questions or concerns you may PM me or another member of the Staff anytime you'd like.



The Lost One
NetDoc said:
As soon as you can prove that he DOESN'T exist, then we'll be delusional.

If there is no incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, than it is not delusional.
But there is no incontrovertiable evidence to God's existence. Can you provide any proof that he does exist? Can you provide something that more than just faith or imagination from one's person?

Have you seen any evidence in your daily life that God exist? So far, I have only seen either natural or artifical phenomena, but not a single divine or spiritual phenomena. To me, that proof that there are no existence of God....or even that of Satan. These only exist in writings, be they Bible, Tanakh or Qur'an, that seem no more credible than Babylonian, Egyptian or Greek myths.

What's in the bible?

You have a creation that said to be no more than 6000 years old. But there are many evidences to indicate the earth is older than that. And there are evidences of fossils, also older than 6000 years old.

You have a snake that can talk like a human in the Garden of Eden. In the Qur'an, you have a king that talk to and understand animals. How are any of these be more credible than Babylonian or Greek fables?

You have a number of early patriarchs who lived over 500 years old, with Methuselah being the oldest of them all, at 969. How is that any different from Sumerian king list, which listed the 2nd king (Alaljar) of Eridu, ruling for 36000 years. Whether they be under 1000 years as in the Bible or over 10000 years as list in Sumerian literature, those seem credible at all.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit

If you cannot agree to disagree civilly, please refrain from posting at all. Visit another thread- visit another forum- find me pictures of cute animals! Find anything to do to occupy yourself rather than attack one another!



Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Addendum! (As I've put down the Scary Red Font, that is.) Just wanted to make sure it was clear that I didn't direct the above mod post to anyone in particular in this thread. It was more the general tone I was responding to, and I'm sorry if it seemed otherwise.


The Lost One
Addendum! (As I've put down the Scary Red Font, that is.) Just wanted to make sure it was clear that I didn't direct the above mod post to anyone in particular in this thread. It was more the general tone I was responding to, and I'm sorry if it seemed otherwise.
*wipe sweat from forehead* :sad:

For a moment there, I thought you was responding to me. :eek:

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
First, we can start with the earth you are residing on. Once you prove it doesn't exist, we can move on to other pieces of evidence. Anyone have any popcorn?


Through the Looking Glass
NetDoc said:
First, we can start with the earth you are residing on.

How is that evidence that the construct that you are labeling "God" exists as a thing outside of your mind?

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
Now you want to change the discussion to include the interpretation of and conclusions drawn from my evidence? Your claim was that I have no evidence. Now, go ahead and make the earth disappear. I triple dog dare you.


Through the Looking Glass
NetDoc said:
Now you want to change the discussion to include the interpretation of and conclusions drawn from my evidence? Your claim was that I have no evidence. Now, go ahead and make the earth disappear. I triple dog dare you.
Not changing the debate at all. Go back and re-read the question I posed to which you responded that I was disregarding the evidence [#119]. The debate from my end hasn't changed at all.

Though I appreciate your need to change it. ;)


Just me
Premium Member
NetDoc said:
As soon as you can prove that he DOESN'T exist, then we'll be delusional.

If there is no incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, than it is not delusional.
Have you met god?


Through the Looking Glass
NetDoc said:
From the OP:[/i]Sorry, I am just sticking to the OP. You can change the nature of the OP if you want.

Okay. I did. So what "evidence" am I disregarding? You're the one that brought it up in response to my question.


Heretic and part-time (skinny) Santa impersonator
NetDoc said (indirectly to Pah):

Can we get back on topic?

There is no need to bludgeon Scott because he feels your arguments are "garbage".

I would not equate fair requests for requisite accountability and substantiation for unfortunate and ill-conceived impugnations/characterizations as a "bludgeoning", unless I was bereft of any sound rebuttal, and feeling particularly defensive about my apparent evinced incapacities in that regard. Blithe mischaracterizations do not serve either a cause, nor do they bolster any defense.

Asking someone to either "put up...or shut up" is neither bludgeoning or bullying. It's a demand for accountability and substantiation for a direct claim/allegation put forward. It may seem or feel unfair when a bout of impotence takes hold at the most inopportune time and situation, but hey; don't blame someone else for your own immediate inadequacies.

It's this type of action that makes theists avoid meaningful dialog.

If by "theists", you mean "Bible-believing", Evangelical Christians, my experience would tend to affirm your assertion. As to what qualifies as being "meaningful" in an exchange of ideas and opinions, you remain historically and evidentially biased in your own self-serving estimations of value and merit in invited contentious discourse.

However, if an atheist calls a theist's arguments "garbage" or "delusional", they are summarily applauded: no explanation is needed.

That's crap (and I can readily illustrate it to be so).

A big, steaming pile of odious excrement. Watch your own step, NetDoc.

I (and others of similar atheistic perspective) routinely challenge and rebut inane commentaries lent by other self-described atheists. You're welcome to either search for, or request at my own provision, referenced examples of such refutations/challenges (here within REF). I invite you to provide referenced substantion of your claim in fair order.

I remain foremost a skeptic--atheism is a mere subset of that personalized perspective. I no more abide an irrational atheist that I do an irrational theist. Period.

You may want to shop for more concealing clothing to wear when appearing online--your prejudice is showing, and it's not very appealing.

It's not a level playing field by any means.

Since WHEN must any playing field of ideas be LEVEL? How many times must it be reiterated, or shouted from the highest peak?


They never have been; they are not today; they never shall be.
The "right" to a freely expressed opinion is equally protected within a just society, but that should NEVER be construed to suggest that all or any expressed opinion is equal in merit, substance, or value. Until you can appreciate that VERY simple fact, you will (continue to) fail to appreciate the true value of open-ended discussion and debate.

So, it's OK for atheists to call us delusional, with no support, but it's not OK for a theist to dismiss your arguments as being garbage?

No, and no.

And you know it...so cut the crap.


Through the Looking Glass
s2a said:
I (and others of similar atheistic perspective) routinely challenge and rebut inane commentaries lent by other self-described atheists. You're welcome to either search for, or request at my own provision, referenced examples of such refutations/challenges (here within REF). I invite you to provide referenced substantion of your claim in fair order.

Heck, there's a subargument about "positive evidence" of non-existence between Pah and I in this very thread!

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
doppelgänger said:
Okay. I did. So what "evidence" am I disregarding? You're the one that brought it up in response to my question.
Again... the earth you are sitting on to begin with. There it is. The evidence you have requested.


The Lost One
NetDoc said:
Again... the earth you are sitting on to begin with. There it is. The evidence you have requested.
That's not evidence that God had a hand on the creation of our planet. If you are referring to the Genesis and that the Earth is less than 6000 years old, then the evidence, because there are many evidence that the Earth is far older than that of the biblical accounts, that there were humans and animals long before the time of Adam and Eve's supposed creation.

Can you provide Adam was made out of dust? Or that Eve was created from Adam's rib? Unless you are suggesting that god cloned Eve from Adam, I don't see that happening.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
gnostic said:
That's not evidence that God had a hand on the creation of our planet.
It either is evidence or it's not.

This is about delusions. The claim is that no evidence exists and so some are justified in their bias against the obviously inferior minds that embrace a created universe. Now, you want to debate the conclusions drawn by that evidence. The story changes because you believe in the science of the gaps.

I would suggest, that you can have your theory about the absence of God in this existence without the hostility shown towards those who believe in God. There is no need to vilify us, demean us, or otherwise act like we have sub standard minds. You can disagree without being biased against us. Or, if you find it impossible to do so, you will find us ignoring your diatribes. I feel no need to humor aggressive behavior here.

Scuba Pete

Le plongeur avec attitude...
Willamena said:
Indeed.. evidence that there is an earth.
An earth that was created somehow. You worship the god of Science and I worship another God. Either way, it had to be created or we are figments of our own imaginations.