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Are Atheists treated fairly?

Im an Atheist

I am an Atheist myself, (Hence the name), However, i have always come across some abuse over the years becuase of it; and i'm sure others would agree with me.

So the question i put forward is:

Are Atheists treated fairly?

All views welcome......


It ultimately depends by whom is with you. Many Theists revile Atheists and many revile Theists.


Premium Member
I don't think atheists are any more abused that theists or agnostics. At least, not from what I have seen. You might be if you went into a religious service and jumped onto the pulpit to scream out "there is no God", but I have never seen anyone do that, either (and I rather doubt I ever will). :D

Im an Atheist

I believe it is just people of religious aspects being nieve about other peoples views and beliefs, and just considering there faith over others. Leading to the abusive and insultive comments i have recieved over the years.

Obviously i'm not one to jump into a pulpit and shout, "There is no God". This is because i respect all religions and beliefs. I wish people would do the same for us!


Well-Known Member

I've not had a massive problem revealing that i'm an atheist. When I reveal that im a satanist, people usually get a bit more riled up. But for being an atheist? No, not really.

In fact, there's only a few times when i've been confronted with any sort of opposition from theists. Often when I go to christian services, they go on about how evil atheism and paganism is. I expect it though, and im never really bothered.
Also when I speak to people outside of churches and have a vague attempt at trying to discuss religion with me, they sort of stop at 'Your a satanist so you're going hell' kind of thing...But again, i'm not really bothered.
Should I be?

I wish everyone could just be more tolerent of other people's religions. As long as they're not harming anybody.
Obviously, christianity (to name the example im most familiar with) doesn't seem to like it regardless of whether i'm affecting them. And I expect if they knew more about my religion they'd dislike me even less.

But i'm not really bothered. It's more of a control thing for some of them.


Im an Atheist


However, when you respect other peoples views and beliefs and all you get in abuse back off nieve people, it does start to get annoying after a while. Hence i made this thread, becuase i am fed up of the people who think only of their beliefs and never take anyone elses into consideration.


Well-Known Member

However, when you respect other peoples views and beliefs and all you get in abuse back off nieve people, it does start to get annoying after a while. Hence i made this thread, becuase i am fed up of the people who think only of their beliefs and never take anyone elses into consideration.

Oh I agree entirely. It annoys me when people are so certain of their beliefs that everyone else's beliefs are 'ignorant' and, for the most part, either 'mislead' or 'satanic'

But, although I am incredibly interested in religion, I care very little when religious people start saying i'm going to hell and im gonna burn with satan and his homies fo'ever...I'd like to think im a lot more mature than the 'Im getting ice-cream and your getting a good seeing too' attitude.


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I think it just depends on where you are, and the circumstances. But it's not just athiest, but anyone who is not Christian. Myself, I've only had one instance of any real discrimanation for being Pagan, but the issue was quickly resolved.


Lord of the Badgers
I'm surprised you've received abuse for being atheist in the UK, from my own experience I would say atheism, or at least a non-religious attitude, is the norm.


Well-Known Member
I'm surprised you've received abuse for being atheist in the UK, from my own experience I would say atheism, or at least a non-religious attitude, is the norm.

I've never received abuse just out and about in the UK. If I go to church or something, atheism in general usually receives a beating, but nobody attacks me directly for being an atheist because I keep it quiet if im in church out of respect. Other aspects of my religion are less accepted, but with regards to atheism, I have said i've received very little abuse.

I would also be very surprised if anybody received abuse pertaining to their religious beliefs if they were just minding their own business. But it doesn't matter where you are in the world; if you are talking with a theist and you are an atheist the chances are you're not going to have the same beliefs.



ThrUU the Looking Glass
I am an Atheist myself, (Hence the name), However, i have always come across some abuse over the years becuase of it; and i'm sure others would agree with me.
If it's not too personal, I invite you to share your experience in this thread. :)

Are Atheists treated fairly?
I've only seen discrimination once. So, while it's out there, I'd wouldn't say it's bad.


The Lost One
There seemed to be an unwritten code or rule that to become president of the US, you have to be a Christian, or at least you got to mention God, or even Jesus, in some of your speeches.

I am very doubtful that Americans would vote for an atheist to be president, regardless if he has the dedication, intelligence and the American-know-how. If don't say something like "God blesses America", then you get the boot.

Take George Bush Junior, for example. Dumb as doorknob, but because he is a Christian who loved guns, he get a lot of votes from that alone.


Glass half Panda'd
It would be hard to find atheists and treat them unfairly. It's not like you can tell someone is an atheist by what they look like. Atheists look just like everyone else. The only time you know someone is an atheist is when it comes up in conversation, or they have an enormous amount of bumper stickers to say it. Anyway, I think this fact makes it harder for someone to actually identify and treat atheists badly.


The Lost One
Well, I would agree with you that you can't tell a person being religious or non-religious by look.

However, candidates for presidency, senate or congress are all public figures, so all the people need to do is jump on the net, to find out about their religious belief as well other stats.

In Australia, religious belief is irrelevant when running for public offices. The US is quite different.


Glass half Panda'd
Well, I would agree with you that you can't tell a person being religious or non-religious by look.

However, candidates for presidency, senate or congress are all public figures, so all the people need to do is jump on the net, to find out about their religious belief as well other stats.

In Australia, religious belief is irrelevant when running for public offices. The US is quite different.
It's only different if you're honest. :p Most people in office aren't religious at all. Cocaine, prostitutes.... and the like - not the actions of real religious men ;)