Mother Heathen
yes they are trying to spread the word of Jesus, but at the same time they are spreading fallacies, which shouldn't be accepted either way
Maybe or maybe not.
My point was that people, especially Christians are so quick to label JW and LDS as being members of a cult or being inferior to the "typical" Protestant YET it all boils down to different biblical interpretation. I may not agree with all of the viewpoints of the above said religious groups but my disagreeance doesn't necessarily make their religious beliefs complete fallacies. In fact...Trinity belief aside...LDS and JW believe as I do that Christ Jesus is THE ONLY way to our Heavenly Father.
There's much that I don't agree with and that is reciprocated but there's also MUCH that IS VERY similar in our belief systems and I can't comfortably say that they're spreading complete fallacies. And it is now rubbing me the wrong way, when these people are accused of being part of a cult.
I stand firm on the belief that we should be sharing the gospel, not "selling" our religion (in terms of denomination) but when one's focus is ON Christ...I don't this is an issue...whether you're a JW, a Mormon, a Baptist...whatever.
the texts of offshoot churches are not in way similar to the New Test.
Jesus was the Messiah,
Most of the LDS that I've encountered read from the same Bible that I do. And although I know that many JW read from the New World Translation which I would agree isn't the BEST translation...it's still very much the Word of God. The greatest clash of views I encounter is the lack of belief in the Trinity but you know...I still believe with all of my heart that if Christ is in the driver's seat of your life...you're saved...period. ANd BOTH JW and LDS believe that Christ is THE Messiah. They believe that Christ and God are one in PURPOSE, not One in the SAME as I do and as most protestants do. Our NT texts are not SO far off that God's message for our salvation is lost. The message is very much the same. CHRIST is OUR Salvation.
yes we are supposed to be helping spread the word but the way they go about it is not the right way, by coming up to peoples houses, they are crossing boundaries that most people are comfortable with, and Ive spoken to many door to door JWs And Mormons and I know their techniques, which their church teaches them. And it is not the best way to approach people, or try to communicate with them. People dont want to feel like they are being encountered by a spawn of a corporate entiity, or basisically a wandering salesman. they want to spoken to in a heartfelt sincere manner.
On one token I understand where you're coming from but you know you can always refrain and decline from speaking to them if they come to your home.
Christ commissioned us to GET OUT and spread the gospel. That is the greatest responsibility of each and every Christian is to live as Christ-like as possible...to get out into the world and shine, so that others will DESIRE to know Christ. LDS and JW do this. And I commend them for doing so.
Now, again...if one comes to my door trying to convert me...trying to SELL a religion...then like you, I don't want to hear it. I can't say with certainty though that this is the underlying "agenda". If the intent on their hearts & minds (which I don't know, somehow I think it is) is to SHARE the message of Christ...then they ARE doing as Christ instructed...getting out and spreading the Word.
You have to get to know people before you approach them in such a manner about such a topic.
Ask yourself what Christ would do in ANY situation. We are supposed to reach out to complete strangers. Christ tells us that HE IS the begger on the street. He IS the sick. He IS the poor. He IS the broken. Would we walk away from Christ?
We ARE his hands and feet. We should ALWAYS be willing to approach people and spread the Word. It's our primary purpose as Christians.
Anyways the practices of offshoot churches are in some ways oppressive and should not be spread. For example JWs fashion of excommunication, it is an unfair practice and by doing so they cause families to slpit up and endure years of pain.
I'm not a JW...so I don't know what the rules are pertaining to excommunication.
Doensn't sound fair to me but I'm not really in the position to accurately ascertain what does or doesn't occur in a church that I've never stepped foot in.
How is this Godly?
I don't really have an answer for you. I'm not a JW. If it was too terribly opressing, I doubt they'd have the number of followers that they do.
Further, in this country, we each have the right to freedom of religion. If a particular religion is far too opressive for one's liking...there's always the option to explore another religious avenue. And I'm not sure how much of the whole "brainwashing" concept I buy.
Jesus came to earth to free the spirit of mankind, and to stop the perpetuating practices of religious oppression, to set us free, yet here we are in modern times still allowing ourselves to be enslaved by our own mandmade rules.
I agree. I am 100% about the PERSONAL relationship with Christ. I attend a Pentecostal church because it's the place of worship that suits my worship style. I am a Christian, first and foremost and I can establish a relationship with Christ...if church is completely erased from my Sunday morning routine.
I do not see this as Godly, and I want no affiliation whatsoever with any entity that perpetuates oppression, whether they believe in jesus or not.
And it's your right to feel this way. I would agree.
I'm stating that although I don't agree with EVERYTHING that the LDS and JW believe...I choose not to label them as cults or label them as being any LESS Christian than I am.
I choose to take another religious avenue. I STILL consider them my brothers and sisters in Christ.
This is where my oppinion differs from yours,
when I go out to save people Iam trying to save them and set them free from the silly ideals of THIS world, not to enslave them or oppress them in any way.
I'm Pentecostal. Your views and mine are incredibly similar when it comes to establishing a free and liberating style of worship.
It's all about Christ for me. I'm bound to Christ...not my religion.
My entire point was to illustrate that although our views may differ from other religious denominations...it doesn't mean that those who DO think differently are any less Christian than you and I.
And I've found a beautiful liberation in loving my brother and sister, regardless. And I believe this is what I was instructed in the Word to do.
When we're patient and understanding of one another...we can UNITE. And I think that's where the "church" needs to be headed...focusing on the SINGULAR body...because all who are in Christ are part of not many different bodies of Christ but ONE Body...ONE Kingdom.