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Are Playing Cards Evil ???


Veteran Member
So, how exactly is it the cards fault? Did the cards somehow magically force him to be addicted to gambling? Does everyone who plays poker, solitaire, bridge, rummy, go fish etc etc get addicted to gambling? Does the gambling industry somehow psychologically force people to gamble when they buy a pack of bicycle cards?
It starts from there yes.

My last manager I worked under played cards on the net and neglected his work, which made it harder on the rest of us. We covered for him too, just to be nice, he finally quit just 3 weeks ago. He made it hell for the rest of us and we, the main manager and I are exstatic he finally left..

I've never been in a work environment where the boss has not been addicted to gambling in some form or another.

Gotta head to Wenodver for my gambling fix.. That's the popular thing to do here in Utah, or at least it used to be, now they just go on the net and gamble from home.

I finally am working under someone who's not addicted in any way to this vice and there is great peace at my work now and am making a lot more money and working a lot less.

Some people in this world do not give, but only take, because of their personal addictions, cigarettes, drugs and alcohol seem to be big money suckers as well. It all goes so well together, beer, cigarettes, cards, drugs, etc...

Money sucking industries that take from society instead of give back to it and cause others to suffer because of these evil vices...

Those nearest to those having these addictions suffer greatly, whether they are participants or not. I know I have suffered a lot, working with people who have addictions to these vices...


Well-Known Member
It starts from there yes.

My last manager I worked under played cards on the net and neglected his work, which made it harder on the rest of us. We covered for him too, just to be nice, he finally quit just 3 weeks ago. He made it hell for the rest of us..

I've never been in a work environment where the boss has not been addicted to gambling.

I finally am working under someone who's not addicted in any way to this vice and there is great peace at my work now and am making a lot more money and working a lot less.

Some people in this world do not give, but only take, because of their personal addictions, cigarettes, drugs and alcohol seem to be big money suckers as well. It all goes so well together, beer, cigarettes, cards, drugs, etc...

Money sucking industries that take from society instead of give back to it and cause others to suffer because of these evil vices...

Those nearest to those having these addictions suffer greatly, whether they are participants or not. I know I have suffered a lot, working with people who have addictions to these vices...

But the cards, beer, cigarettes aren't inherently evil - it's a matter of the personality and behavioral traits of the person that's the problem.


Well-Known Member
"Is there anything in your conduct that's not in harmony with the teachings of the church?"

"Do you sustain/support all church leaders?"

And yet playing an occassional game for fun should not impact the answer to these questions and prevent a person from attending the temple.


Veteran Member
MaddLlama said:
Just because you personally don't have the ability to handle something doesn't mean it's "evil".
Not interested in playing cards, it's not my thing.

The majority of people on this earth would think me no fun at all..

I was surprised, while growing up that so few people in Utah actually skied Utah, most were from out of state...less than 10 percent of Utahns actually "ski Utah" a slogan/saying on our license plates we've had for years.

My point being most people would rather sit home and watch a movie, play a game or whatever..

What's the deal, no one wants to get out of the house anymore ??? or if they do it's just to go to a movie or Wendover, Nevada ??? That's the Utah mentality here it seems...


Obstructor of justice
It starts from there yes.

So, if my husband does a card trick for me, should I be worried that the evil in the cards will force him to start playing online poker and never want to take me out to dinner?

I'm sorry, but you're going to have to explain to me how exactly playing cards psychologically make everyone want to gamble and then get addicted to gambling. Or, you're going to have to explain to me at what part of the manufacturing process to they infuse the "evil powder" into the cards. Do they mix it with the ink?

Nutshell is 100% right, BTW

But the cards, beer, cigarettes aren't inherently evil - it's a matter of the personality and behavioral traits of the person that's the problem.


Obstructor of justice
Not interested in playing cards, it's not my thing.

The majority of people on this earth would think me no fun at all..

If you're busy telling people that they're doing something evil simply because you personally had bad experiences with it, then it's no wonder.

I think this is the point where you need to start looking beyond your front porch, and consider that not everyone in the world has the same experiences you do.

Then explain to me why playing cards are inherently evil. Because, we've already been over the worth of the idea that they're evil because they're connected to Tarot cards, and the history you choose to accept is atrociously misinformed.


The cake is a lie
What are you wanting to accomplish here, FFH? Get all of us to stop playing cards? To look for some boogey man in every day objects?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
First, anyone who plays solitaire at home is not playing cards within the gambling industry.

Second, the gambling industry uses cards--and dice, and wheels, and cages, and sporting events, political events, horse racing, athletic events,and even races cockroaches in some settings.
I'd personally wager (whoops - maybe the wrong choice of word ;) ) that there is a closer correlation between felt and casino gambling than there is between cards and casino gambling.

Think about it: people play cards without gambling, but a casino is the only place you're surrounded by felt. The only logical conclusion is that felt is the root cause of all this gambling. Felt is evil.

I think I'll get my sign ready so I can picket my local arts and crafts store. :D


Veteran Member
But the cards, beer, cigarettes aren't inherently evil - it's a matter of the personality and behavioral traits of the person that's the problem.
I think the manufacturers of poker cards, beer, cigarettes, etc. will be in much much worse shape in the life to come than those who use/consume these products...

I see the innocense of those I work with every day who are addicted to these things, it rules their life, it's what they spend their money on above food, clothes, housing, car, etc..

It's horrible to see this happen time and time again to the people I work with every day...

I can only stand by and watch them destory themselves, some pull out of it some don't.


The cake is a lie
I think the manufacturers of poker cards, beer, cigarettes, etc. will be in much much worse shape in the life to come than those who use/consume these products...
Wow, do Mormons not believe in that whole "judge not" thing? Or is guessing at the spiritual faith of others somehow different?


Obstructor of justice
I think the manufacturers of poker cards, beer, cigarettes, etc. will be in much much worse shape in the life to come than those who use/consume these products...

How do you figure? The people who make the product aren't responsible for the personal choices made by other people.

Your managers that were addicted to gambling, it was their own fault for doing so, and not getting help (and, frankly it's partially your fault for covering for him and not helping him get help). The cards are not made with the ability to hypnotize someone into having a gambling addiction. Why do you want to put the blame on everything other than the person responsible? Do you have a problem with personal responsibility? If you do something wrong, is it your fault, or do you blame something else?


Veteran Member
Poker cards are evil because of what they're used for in the gambling industry...

This is a religious forum, if you don't want to hear from me about this sort of thing then don't participate in this thead, if it bothers you so much..

Here's a clue for ya all, we enter heaven individually and what I say here may be of benefit to another, but of no benefit to me whatsoever. If I din't care about anyone else but myself I wouldn't bother posting on this subject..

God feels the same way about us, if he didn't care about us he wouldn't tell us the rules we need to follow to be happy..

Just the rules folks, that's all, take it or leave it, ignore me or listen to me, it makes no difference to me.

Should we all just go back to chatting about nothing ????

That's why I say most would think me no fun, ironically, because I'm not interested in sitting around practically doing nothing, like watching cable or playing games, I'm more interested in actually experiencing life...

When was the last time you actually went river rafting, if ever ???

My idea of a good time is being inverted on a pair of skis, jumping the wake on water skis or wake board, although I haven't been in a while, or going over 100 on a bullet bike or riding a dirt bike, golfing yeah, okay, but surfing is more my style, although have only tried that once, living in the desert just does not allow that you know, but water skiing yes, how can cards be more fun than that...

That's why I say most think me no fun, they would rather play video game, listen to music, watch a movie, go to a movie, play board or card games, yuck, not my thing...

My wife hated me at first then with the money we saved, we went to Europe twice, which beats watching the same movie or tons of movies several times in the theaters or just sitting around playing cards. This shows no imagination whatsoever of what fun really is...

I had to drag my friends to go skiing rather than the amusement park and pretty much gave up on that and just went with my brother most of the time, so didn't hang out much with anyone but him..

Now that I'm married and my wife and I have done what we've wanted to do, we both just sort of chill and don't do much now though..

I work 60 hours and don't have much time for anything else..


Obstructor of justice
Poker cards are evil because of what they're used for in the gambling industry...

Are they evil for what they're used for in the magic industry? Or in the old ladies church group game industry?
Dice are associated with gambling too. Does that mean that every kid who plays a board game with dice is actually playing with evil and risking developing a gambling addiction?

This is a religious forum, if you don't want to hear from me about this sort of thing then don't participate in this thead, if it bothers you so much..

Yes, and this is the religious debates section of the forum. If it bothers you so much to have people disagree with you, tell you that you're wrong, and expect you to explain your position, then you should think twice about posting threads like this.

Here's a clue for ya all, we enter heaven individually and what I say here may be of benefit to another, but of no benefit to me whatsoever. If I din't care about anyone else but myself I wouldn't bother posting on this subject..

Most of us believe in the concept of personal responsibility. I don't think anyone here needs you as a guide to tell them what is and isn't ok. Christians have the Bible to do that for them don't they?

God feels the same way about us, if he didn't care about us he wouldn't tell us the rules we need to follow to be happy..

Just the rules folks, that's all, take it or leave it, ignore me or listen to me, it makes no difference to me.

It's already been pointed out numerous times that the Bible doesn't say using playing cards is evil. Gambling may be evil, but playing solitaire isn't.

That's why I say most would think me no fun, ironically, because I'm not interested in sitting around practically doing nothing, like watching cable or playing games, I'm more interested in actually experiencing life...

Sounds to me more like you're interested in ruining everyone elses fun.

When was the last time you actually went river rafting, if ever ???

My idea of a good time is being inverted on a pair of skis, jumpin the wake on water skis or wake board, although I haven't been in a while, or going over 100 on a bullet bike or riding a dirt bike, golfing yeah, okay, but surfing is more my style, although have only tried that once, living in the desert just does not allow that you know, but water skiing yes, how can cards be more fun than that...

I don't go river rafting, but I go hiking in the summer, often play tennis, and spend the whole winter skiing. Just because people disagree with you doesn't mean they do nothing all day.

That's why I say most think me no fun, they would rather play video game, listen to music, watch a movie, go to a movie, play board or card games, yuck, not my thing...

My wife hated me at first then with the money we saved, we went to Europe twice, which beats watching the same movie or tons of movies several times in the theaters..

Maybe you ought to spend more time enjoying yourself instead of spending it here telling everyone else how to live their lives and have fun. It would probably save frustration and money on your internet bill.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Poker cards are evil because of what they're used for in the gambling industry...
Just like felt, right?

This is a religious forum, if you don't want to hear from me about this sort of thing then don't participate in this thead, if it bothers you so much..
And if you don't want to hear opposing views, don't post your opinions in the "debate" sections. ;)

My idea of a good time is being inverted on a pair of skis, jumping the wake on water skis or wake board, although I haven't been in a while, or going over 100 on a bullet bike or riding a dirt bike, golfing yeah, okay, but surfing is more my style, although have only tried that once, living in the desert just does not allow that you know, but water skiing yes, how can cards be more fun than that...
Personally, my idea of fun is chasing after flying racecars with a fire extinguisher. I can't understand at all the appeal of sitting in front of a slot machine.

However, "boring" does not equal "immoral".


Veteran Member
Wow, do Mormons not believe in that whole "judge not" thing? Or is guessing at the spiritual faith of others somehow different?
Again, not judging those who use/consume these products, but rather feel sorry for them, that's why I cover for them at work and do extra work for them and cover for their stealing habits, which support their gambling, drinking, drug and smoking habits, in hopes they might change their lives, but most never do, but some do. I've seen miracles happen in the worst of offenders.

The manufacturers of these products will surely be accountable for their actions, there's really no excuse for them...


Obstructor of justice
Again, not judging those who use/consume these products, but rather feel sorry for them, that's why I cover for them at work and do extra work for them and cover for their stealing habits, in hopes they might change their lives, but most never do, but some do. I've seen miracles happen in the worst of offenders.

The manufacturers of these products will surely be accountable for their actions, there's really no excuse for them...

Maybe because you're busy enabling their behavior instead of helping them get help?

What are the manufacturers of these products doing wrong, exactly? I'm personally interested in this since my husband works in the beer and liquor industry. I'm very curious as to what it is he's doing wrong, and why it's his fault if people can't be responsible with his product.

If a toddler is left unattended and sticks a rock up his nose, is it the parents fault for not watching him and letting him play around small rocks, or is it mother nature's fault for making rocks that small in the first place? Seriously, I want an answer to that.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
If it did, watching the fishing network would be a one way ticket to hell! :D

*dons legalistic Buddhist evangelistic cap*

YES! Watching any outdoorsman sports program is undoubtably a one-way ticket to hell. Part of the definition of karmic "completion" or especially "throwing" karma is any celebration or indulgence in the more weighty negative karmic actions..........like killing sentient beings! Do you not see the evil behind such recreational activities? REPENT! REPENT! REPENT!!

*takes cap off*

That just made me feel like such a dirty girl. :angel2:



Veteran Member
Again, the ones that seem to steal the most from work, are the ones who gamble, much more than those who drink, smoke and do drugs I've never seen anyone freak out as much as those who are addicted to gambling, drug users seem mildly addicted compared to gamblers, from my experience with working with all types...

Most gamblers end up losing their jobs, they're looking for a way out of working, which is a commandment, "Six days shalt thou labor". There's no way around that commandment, or it's off to jail, unless you've inherited enough to afford a lifestyle of doing nothing, but such a person will not stand gultless...


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
What are the manufacturers of these products doing wrong, exactly? I'm personally interested in this since my husband works in the beer and liquor industry. I'm very curious as to what it is he's doing wrong, and why it's his fault if people can't be responsible with his product.
IMO (and definitely not from a Mormon point of view), alcohol can be used responsibly; I don't believe that there is any harm caused by moderate alcohol consumption for most adults (alcoholics being a notable exception). Like most consumer products, it may be marketed in a way that appeals to a person for reasons other than the product itself, but in general, it's marketed to adults who are in a position to make a rational decision about whether or not to consume it.

Tobacco, on the other hand, is fundamentally different. Its marketing, IMO, is based on getting people addicted as minors. The rationality of the consumer's choice is diminished if not absent, because the people who generally choose to purchase it are either:

1. minors who are not necessarily properly prepared to be responsible for all their own actions, or
2. adults whose capacity for rational choice has been compromised by a coercive addiction (which was developed while they still fell into category 1).

Because, IMO, the marketing strategy of cigarettes purposely seeks to undermine personal responsibility, I consider those who employ it to be acting unethically and immorally.