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Are Playing Cards Evil ???


you knwo what this thread reminds me of?

two chiwawas in two different windows that face eachother barking and barking and yipping away......



How is it possible to overlook four Prophet's teachings concerning this and one very well known apostle ???
i'm not overloooking them - I'm accepting as them as what they are - advice, concern, etc, but not revelation. Remember what the Bible says? THINGS are clean. But the prophets saw that certain THINGS (namely cards) were causing large numbers of members to have unclean thoughts or actions. So, they warned the general populace against increasing their likelyhood of unclean thoughts or actions, specifically through the use of cards. For me, though, using cards does not increase the likelyhood that I will commit unclean thoughts or actions, so this ADVICE does not apply.


Just wondering, FFH, if you have any kind of response to my posts about legalism, prefering each other in love, and I Corinthians 8 and 10. So far you have not addressed these issues.


Admiral Obvious
Just wondering, FFH, if you have any kind of response to my posts about legalism, prefering each other in love, and I Corinthians 8 and 10. So far you have not addressed these issues.
Don't feel to bad.
FFH tends to ignore most posts that directly refute and show potential problems with his position unless he has a site to parrot in reply.


when i mis-spelled it in google it corrected me to chiwawas. :drool:

That's because the internet is peopled with those who can't spell. Google just itemises the most popular sites, not the most correct ones. After all, if you google "Love is Like Oxygen" lyrics, it tells you it's by ELO, when any self-respecting music fan would know it's by Sweet.


Veteran Member
Sorry, have worked like 52 hours this week and still have another 9 o go tomorrow, so sorry if I didnt get to everyones questions/comments


Veteran Member
i'm not overloooking them - I'm accepting as them as what they are - advice, concern, etc, but not revelation. Remember what the Bible says? THINGS are clean. But the prophets saw that certain THINGS (namely cards) were causing large numbers of members to have unclean thoughts or actions. So, they warned the general populace against increasing their likelyhood of unclean thoughts or actions, specifically through the use of cards. For me, though, using cards does not increase the likelyhood that I will commit unclean thoughts or actions, so this ADVICE does not apply.
It may not apply now, but the day may come when it will apply...

The figure of a cross is not evil, but because it's associated with a horrible form of human torture, the LDS church does not use it as a symbol of Christianity on their churches, as other Christian churches do..

The samw applies with poker cards, because they're associated with gambling the LDS church leaders do not want them in our homes...

Plain and simple...

So you may be correct in saying the cards are not evil in and of themselves, assuming none of the symbols/indices or artwork depict any evil images...

But the symbols I'm sure were assigned evil things, and for this purpose, to grip the hearts of men to use them and gamble with them as well as many other uses....

What evil things were these images assigned, we can research and find out, but all will say these images are not evil, in and of themselves...

But it's what they represent, in the minds of men, which makes them evil, just as the cross has an evil connotaion to it, so much so that the LDS church does not want to use that particular symbol on any of their churches...

To me a cross is evil/represents an evil form of torture, and I don't like having them around either, at all...

Symbols are very powerful mind contollers, just look at the "crooked cross"...

Would it be cool to wear a T-shirt with this symbol on it in public ???? Or how about showing up to church with a tie adorning this symbol..

In and of itself it's not evil, but it has been assigned an evil connotation.


Veteran Member
There's absolutely no difference whatsoever...

There is a huge difference, and being a latter-day Saint you should know that. Your bishop may give you advice, but it certainly isn't a revelation. If you've had the personal revelation to stop playing cards, then good for you. That hasn't stopped the rest of us. Some people may need to stay from playing cards because it can become an addiction, but some don't.

Cards are not inherently evil in themselves, just like the swatiska is not inherently evil. The Nazi's and Hitler turned the symbol evil. Unless you give it evil, it's just an object.

Please stop treating it like this advice applies to everyone. You needed, that's good, stop trying to pass it off on everyone else.


Veteran Member
Nutshell said:
But the cards, beer, cigarettes aren't inherently evil - it's a matter of the personality and behavioral traits of the person that's the problem.
So all the followers of Hitler were inherantly evil, nothing to do with mind control, by reinforcing certain symbols and ideas with emotions...

We rally around and American Flag, which is nothing but a few red and white stripes and a few white stars set to a blue background...

Don't tell me there's no power in a symbol, if certain ideas, good or bad, are assigned to them.

Poker cards are used in the same way, to control week minds...

Laugh all you want, you may be hypnotized by them, no one seems to be able to give them up, they fight here just to defend a bunch of plasitic cards. Throw them out and free yourself from their evil grip...:angel2:

No seriously people need to do whatever they want, again, just posting this stuff so people can see them for what they really are, a representation of an evil evil industry, that being the gambling industry...

Makes me sick, like I said. just to look at them, because of what they represent, and because of all I've gone through, here at work, for the last 15 years or so, working with managers who have these addictions.

Like I said before, thank God they're all gone now...

The main manager and I run this store and we are prospering beyond what we can handle, with a number one competitor just about a 1000 feet from us


Veteran Member
MaddLlama said:
If you're busy telling people that they're doing something evil simply because you personally had bad experiences with it, then it's no wonder.
No, I don't say a thing, all I say is thanks, but I'm not interested in sitting around drinking beer and playing cards while watching sports. This is Mormon country but it makes no difference, it still goes on here just like any other state in the union, just behind closed doors if you don't want your neighbor to find out...

Many drink, go to church and go through the temple, my step grandfather being one of those LDS members who did just that. A really really really good guy. All have their personal vices/problems..

I'm not exempt either, just not interested in Poker or playing card or board games...

I don't own any games or video games or hardly any DVD's or CD's, and rarely go to movies, just spend my time and money elsewhere.

So if someone else's idea of fun is to just sit around and chat and drink and play games, that's just not my thing at all...

Would rather be on an off road bike in the hills or on the road on a bullet bike or have been contemplating parasailing/paragliding. I have flown radio controlled gliders and they are a bunch of fun, but need more than that...

I sometimes wish I lived near an ocean for the surfing...

I'm 41 but by no means look my age and most think I'm 25 and just a kid, I refuse to get old and cranky like other people my age...

Live a little get outside and smell the fresh air. I ride a bullet bike to work every day and have been for a year now and it's an absolute rush every day....


Veteran Member
What about magicians? Are they in the evil grip of the gambling industry?
Most, if not all, use poker cards in their acts/tricks...

I posted a few things concerning Chriss Angel in my thread "antichrist discussions".

Is this, the use of cards by magicians, not an outward sign of inward allegiances to a certain belief/religions or otherwise ???

To me it's an outward sign of a person's inward belief/philosophy of some sort...

It shows me they really are not interested in the same things I'm interested in...

Christ said, "By their fruits shall ye know them".

Magicians and cards go together, do they not ???

Is there any magician who doesn't use poker cards in their act ???

Okay maybe Sigfried and Roy...


Obstructor of justice
Most, if not all, use poker cards in their acts/tricks...

I posted a few things concerning Chriss Angel in my thread "antichrist discussions".

Is this, the use of cards by magicians, not an outward sign of inward allegiances to a certain belief/religions or otherwise ???

To me it's an outward sign of a person's inward belief/philosophy of some sort...

It shows me they really are not interested in the same things I'm interested in...

Christ said, "By their fruits shall ye know them".

Magicians and cards go together, do they not ???

Is there any magician who doesn't use poker cards in their act ???

Okay maybe Sigfried and Roy...

But, if cards are linked to gambling, how do you account for people who use playing cards and aren't gambling, or playing games related to gambling at all?

And, are you suggesting that a person can't be a magician and a Christian? Or, are all magicians evil because the word "magic" is in their job description?

And, do you judge who is and who isn't a Christian, or even a moral person by how much like you they are?


Obstructor of justice
No, I don't say a thing, all I say is thanks, but I'm not interested in sitting around drinking beer and playing cards while watching sports. This is Mormon country but it makes no difference, it still goes on here just like any other state in the union, just behind closed doors if you don't want your neighbor to find out...

Yet, you have no problem coming on here and telling everyone what they should do.

Many drink, go to church and go through the temple, my step grandfather being one of those LDS members who did just that. A really really really good guy. All have their personal vices/problems..

I'm not exempt either, just not interested in Poker or playing card or board games...

I don't own any games or video games or hardly any DVD's or CD's, and rarely go to movies, just spend my time and money elsewhere.

So if someone else's idea of fun is to just sit around and chat and drink and play games, that's just not my thing at all...

Would rather be on an off road bike in the hills or on the road on a bullet bike or have been contemplating parasailing/paragliding. I have flown radio controlled gliders and they are a bunch of fun, but need more than that...

I sometimes wish I lived near an ocean for the surfing...

I'm 41 but by no means look my age and most think I'm 25 and just a kid, I refuse to get old and cranky like other people my age...

Live a little get outside and smell the fresh air. I ride a bullet bike to work every day and have been for a year now and it's an absolute rush every day....

Yet again, proof that this is your own personal problem and not a requirement for everyone, not even all Mormons.

Do you think everyone who has a "poker night", or plays hearts or solitaire is a lazy, worthless person who never does anything but play cards? If not, I can't see any reason for you to bring up your own personal hobbies in this thread.


Veteran Member
There is a huge difference, and being a latter-day Saint you should know that. Your bishop may give you advice, but it certainly isn't a revelation.
True, but when it comes from a past President of the LDS church it is to me...Christ is speaking through them...

Remember it's impossible for them to mislead us in any way, so anything our current or past President says is revelation to me as a member of this church...especially if it's spoken in an LDS conference setting...

I haven't read anything said in conference I disagree with, ever...

If you've had the personal revelation to stop playing cards, then good for you That hasn't stopped the rest of us. .
Not interested in taking away anyone's free agency to do whatever they please, just informing that's all. What good would it do me to force another to do somehing they don't want to do, I also gain nothing from it, but rather lose the spirit in my own life, which helps me make decissions. My wife does whatever she pleases, no one hinders her in any way...

We allow each other our free agency to explore whatever we need to in this life so we can make our own decisions as far as how we choose to live our lives. Hopefully we meet each other in the end, if one of us drifts away...

The only satisfaction I gain here, is by stating things the way they are and not how we want to see them....

In other words, I feel at peace when I speak the things of my heart onto this forum, because they are important issues, ones that affect us all. I only look to see what others are interested in talking about, not what I want to talk about.

Some people may need to stay away from playing cards because it can become an addiction, but some don't.
I understand what you're saying and some are more weak than others concerning certain vices, I have my own weaknesses, this is just no one of them, so it has nothing to do with that, it has to do with what they represent and what I've seen happen to other people's lives when they get into this money sucking industry...

It ruins their lives..

Money lost can never be regained, unless God miraculously restores it to you, which I don't see happening very often, especially with someone who has gambled their money away...

If I had a million deck of cards in my possession not one of them would tampt me to use them, but would hate to be in the same room with a million deck of cards...hehe...because of what they represent...

Cards are not inherently evil in themselves, just like the swatiska is not inherently evil. The Nazi's and Hitler turned the symbol evil. Unless you give it evil, it's just an object.
Right, we've pretty much determined that, but they still have evil connotations so we should avoid them and keep them out of our homes.

I'll never forget, years ago I was delivering a pizza to an apartment and when the guy opened the door it was, how should I put it, amazing, no that's not the word, I was speechless. Crooked crosses everywhere, all types, colors, styles, etc. I was overwhelmed. Very neatly done, but literally everywhere, covering every inch of every wall...Probably about 500 Hitler oriented images and crooked crosses...

I was awe struck, I guess that would be the best way to describe it...

Did evil emminate from this young man's apartment ??? It was just sort of a weird feeling, definitely would not want to stay there too long, if you know what I mean...

Very alarming, everything was red and white, it seemed..

Please stop treating it like this advice applies to everyone. You needed, that's good, stop trying to pass it off on everyone else.
This is a religious forum, just discussing/debating, ignore me if you want, it makes no difference to me, but I still see people interested in discussing so I'll discuss until no one's interested in this subject, just like all the other threads I've started..

Don't tell me not to discuss things that are important to me, just as I don't tell you not to discuss what you're interested in..

Not pushing only discussing/debating... If it seems that way to you, then there's nothing I can do about that perception of me..

I live and let live, ignore me if you want, it makes absolutely no difference to me..


Veteran Member
Alung said:
advice, concern, etc, but not revelation

if those addresses, given by four prophets and one apostle, were spoken in an LDS General Conference, would that not be considered doctrine/revelation???

I don't have the reference to where those words were spoken, but chances are they were spoken in a General Conference and my wife says that President Kimball's words were, in fact, spoken in General Conference.

Will have to look that up...

A prophet's address in General Conference is said to be "living" scripture...