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Are Playing Cards Evil ???


Veteran Member
I'll never forget, years ago I was delivering a pizza to an apartment and when the guy opened the door it was, how should I put it, amazing, no that's not the word, I was speechless. Crooked crosses everywhere, all types, colors, styles, etc. I was overwhelmed. Very neatly done, but literally everywhere, covering every inch of every wall...Probably about 500 Hitler oriented images and crooked crosses...


Do you ever know what the swatiska represents? In Hinduism it represents good luck. Unless they were shaped and used in the same exact color as the Nazi's they probably aren't 'Hitler Crosses', but I can see from you lack of historical knowledge that you couldn't care less (seeing as from you cite a website that can't get it facts straight). Hitler took the good luck symbol of the Hindu's.

When I look a Christmas tree, you know what the represents to me? Jesus Christ's birth. When I see a swatiska, it represents good luck to me. When I see playing cards it represent a fun game that I can play with my family.

You think other people want their activity (playing cards w/family) being called satanic and demonic because of what they are playing with?


Obstructor of justice
Are playing cards the only thing that's linked to the gambling industry that has "evil connotations"?


Veteran Member
But, if cards are linked to gambling, how do you account for people who use playing cards and aren't gambling, or playing games related to gambling at all?
it's best described as damaging to one's/my spirit, when using them for any innocent game or just having them in the house and of course when gambling, with or without money..

Call me supersitious, but that's not it AT ALL...

And, are you suggesting that a person can't be a magician and a Christian?
The two are contradictory to each other...

Or, are all magicians evil because the word "magic" is in their job description?
You answer that yourself, don't want to "push" anything on to you. Funny you don't want me to say anything here, yet you ask me questions, which could lead to trouble..

Don't instigate trouble..

And, do you judge who is and who isn't a Christian, or even a moral person by how much like you they are?
Becky I'm much more compassionate than you realize...but I refuse to be a part of certain things, especially those things I have no problems with myself.

Don't need to create problems where there are none..

If I hang out with people who have different values than my own, those values will eventually affect me in a negative or a positive way, depending on their values..


Veteran Member
Call me supersitious, but that's not it AT ALL... .

We will because you are. You put too much stock in objects that have no free will,, no life and no meaning unless you give it too them.

Becky I'm much more compassionate than you realize...but I refuse to be a part of certain things, especially those things I have no problems with myself.

That was not me, please realize who you are quoting before you quote it.


Obstructor of justice
The two are contradictory to each other...

How do you figure?

You answer that yourself, don't want to "push" anything on to you. Funny you don't want me to say anything here, yet you ask me questions, which could lead to trouble..

Don't instigate trouble..

How am I doing that? You implied that magicians are evil, for more than one reason, yet you haven't given me any reasons. I'm curious to know, since I apparently can start a list now of "reasons why FFH probably believes I'm evil".

If I hang out with people who have different values than my own, those values will eventually affect me in a negative way or positive, depending on their values..
Then, how do you explain hanging around here? This place is meant for people to hang around others and learn from people with different values.
Being around only people who agree with you all the time means you never learn anything. Then you stagnate, and become ignorant and short-sighted.


Veteran Member
Are playing cards the only thing that's linked to the gambling industry that has "evil connotations"?
If a person had poker chips in the home, would that be conducive to the spirit that should be in the home ???

Are not our homes sacred places ???

Should we not want to make them holy ???

Do we want anything in our homes which would bring a bad spirit into the home ????

I chuck anything and everything that could fascilitate a bad spirit entering into the home and there are many many many things which do this...

I chuck things until the spirit/spirit of Christ comes back...

I can literally feel it leave, and come back, and leave agian, if I do something wrong or have something contradictory to Christ's teachings in the home...

For instance if I borrow something from the library that turns out to be no good....


Veteran Member
We will because you are. You put too much stock in objects that have no free will,, no life and no meaning unless you give it too them.
Hello, it's what they represent, we've already established that, things not being evil in and of themelves...

I will concede to this much...


Veteran Member
Sorry about this MaddLlama, I literally forgot who I was talking too, was talking to my wife on the phone at the same time..

Oops !!!

Or, are all magicians evil because the word "magic" is in their job description?
You answer that yourself, don't want to "push" anything on to you. Funny you don't want me to say anything here, yet you ask me questions, which could lead to trouble..

Don't instigate trouble..

And, do you judge who is and who isn't a Christian, or even a moral person by how much like you they are?
Becky I'm much more compassionate than you realize...but I refuse to be a part of certain things, especially those things I have no problems with myself.

Don't need to create problems where there are none..

If I hang out with people who have different values than my own, those values will eventually affect me in a negative or a positive way, depending on their values..


Veteran Member
Hello, it's what they represent, we've already established that, things not being evil in and of themelves...


To you they represent evil, to me they represent fun and family. Just like the swatiska represents different things to different people, so can playing cards. Do you understand that yet? :rolleyes:


Veteran Member
Becky I'm much more compassionate than you realize...but I refuse to be a part of certain things, especially those things I have no problems with myself.

FFH, for the second time, I never said that. :sarcastic


It may not apply now, but the day may come when it will apply...
Yeah, that may be so, but I'm sure that when that time comes the prophet of the church will make it an actual commandment instead of just advice. Or, the day will come when I will play cards, think to myself, "Gee, this would be a lot funner if I bet money on it," in which instance I would stop playing because I cannot handle using cards without having unclean thoughts.


True, but when it comes from a past President of the LDS church it is to me...Christ is speaking through them...
That may be so, but he is not necessarily speaking in command. Look at the word of wisdom (something that you have been keen to bring up a number of times in this thread).

1 A Word of Wisdom, for the benefit of the council of high priests, assembled in Kirtland, and the church, and also the saints in Zion--

2 To be sent greeting; not by commandment or constraint, but by revelation and the word of wisdom, showing forth the order and will of God in the temporal salvation of all saints in the last days--

Notice, it says that, while revelatory in nature, it is not given as COMMANDMENT or CONSTRAINT, but just as a general word of wisdom. It was only later that it actually became a commandment. It was only about twenty years later that it became a commandment. In the same nature, while the admonition against playing cards may have been revelatory in nature, it is not a commandment - it is a peice of advice. Maybe some day LDS members will become so hazy in their definitions of good pastimes and bad ones that an actual commandment will be given about playing cards, but until then it is up to individual conscience.


Veteran Member
How do you figure?
Magicians of course are only performing tricks, but it's what they represent, which is the teaching 'philosophy that "the power is within one's self to perform miracles.

This is totally contradictory to Christ's teachings, plain and simple..

We have no powers in and of ourselves...no powers whatsoever, but we can draw upon the powers of Christ to perform miracles.

You implied that magicians are evil, for more than one reason, yet you haven't given me any reasons. I'm curious to know,
Same reason above, nothing complicated about that teaching, very straight forward and simple...

since I apparently can start a list now of "reasons why FFH probably believes I'm evil".
If I were to hang out at your place, I would see a lovely home, decorated the way I might have it decorated, from what you've just described in another one of your threads.

From your avatars you seem to display very very similar tastes in art as I also appreciate, especially your last oriental avatar, loved that one a lot...

You don't seem evil in any way, but very refined...

Most are innocent of evil and evil things....

God does not hold us accountable for what we don't know or understand...

I'm sure you would never push any of your beliefs onto myself... I know this for a fact, by the way you've conducted yourself here, and I don't want to push any of my beiiefs onto another here as well...

Just discussing/debating so we can both gain a better understanding of things..

I have learned so much here, much more than I had expected to.

That's why I keep coming back...

It's a very healthy addiction for me...

I can simply ignore anyone here who gets on my nerves, but if I was in the same room or same work space, it's nearly impossible.

If I'm getting to hot and bothered i Just close this site down until things calm down.. It's much much more difficult to do that in every day life. Can't just shut people down/turn them off, it would be nice if we could, but it of course just dows not work that way, that's the beauty of coming here, we can shut each other off if one or more of us gets too stuck on themselves..

Good checks and balances here.

Nice place...

Then, how do you explain hanging around here?
See above

This place is meant for people to hang around others and learn from people with different values.
Yes, and I've learned a great deal by hanging out here nearly all of my off/free time...

Being around only people who agree with you all the time means you never learn anything. Then you stagnate, and become ignorant and short-sighted.
In this type of setting it's great, but in real life it sucks...

Seriously I work in an industry that attracts ALL types. I've worked with the strangest of characters, two were definitely demon possessed and spoke jibberish often, it was sort of cool though to here a demon speak, then the person would come to and say do think I'm weird ??? wow, that was a trip, seriously, I learned a lot, because one person described what he felt while being possessed by a demon, he said he literally floated above his body, not being in control at all. He definitely checked out a couple of times and said some way off the wall unintelligable things, nothing of this earth...or that you could make up...

Have also worked with the finest of individuals, many I've learned a lot from. I've met all kinds, you would be very surprised. One of the girls I worked with I got along with the best, she is now married to another girl...well it was an unofficial wedding of course here in Utah.. She is cool, but obviously much different than myself, but we got along absolutely wonderfully, better than anyone I've known...

We totally respecte each other...she shared some horrible experiences growing up with me and I have never looked at another the same after hearing things about her father and her upringing and yet she pulled through it..


"When in doubt, do without" that's a really good rule to live by. i like it, and i don't play cards because of that rule (and the council of the prophets)
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Veteran Member
FFH said:
Should we all just talk about the weather ???
It's really hot here. It reached 102 degrees today (a new record!). Incidentally, I can provide compelling substantiation of my supplemental opinion that it was, in fact, really hot here today. In so doing, my "opinion" may be deemed by many as valuable/merited in further/subsequent estimations of daily observed temperatures. It's what some folks call "credibility".
True s2a style....


Obstructor of justice
If a person had poker chips in the home, would that be conducive to the spirit that should be in the home ???

Are not our homes sacred places ???

Should we not want to make them holy ???

Do we want anything in our homes which would bring a bad spirit into the home ????

I chuck anything and everything that could fascilitate a bad spirit entering into the home and there are many many many things which do this...

I chuck things until the spirit/spirit of Christ comes back...

I can literally feel it leave, and come back, and leave agian, if I do something wrong or have something contradictory to Christ's teachings in the home...

For instance if I borrow something from the library that turns out to be no good....

How about dice? Are children's board games evil too?


Obstructor of justice
Magicians of course are only performing tricks, but it's what they represent, which is the teaching 'philosophy that "the power is within one's self to perform miracles.

This is totally contradictory to Christ's teachings, plain and simple..

We have no powers in and of ourselves...no powers whatsoever, but we can draw upon the powers of Christ to perform miracles.

Same reason above, nothing complicated about that teaching, very straight forward and simple...

I think you take that a bit too seriously. Stage magic represents no such thing unless you believe that magicians have supernatural powers.

I also disagree that we have no power unto ourselves. My experiences have proved that to be very untrue.


Well-Known Member
What about card games that don't use regular poker cards, like Uno or Phase 10? Are they evil as well since they use cards?