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Are Playing Cards Evil ???


Meh, maybe he's at work. It's been less than a day, after all. He did mention having to work nine hours today. let's not give up hope yet.


Veteran Member
How about dice? Are children's board games evil too?
Yes, because of the dice, which are used for gambling...

I know this for a fact, the spirit has whispered this to my mind over and over and over, that's the only way I can describe it...

My family used to go to our cabin, which WE built from the ground up, and played board games to no end, as well as many other outdoor activities in a beautiful setting high in the mountains, gorgeous quaking aspens all around with a gorgeous view of a mountain across the way from us, simply gorgeous and peaceful paradisaical place...

I've never seen a more beautiful setting, we would spend nearly every weekend there, doing things like riding off road bikes all over and high into the tops of these gorgeous mountains, which we as kids purchased with our own money (the bikes) we worked hard for everything we had, very hard...

Later, after returning from my mission to Japan, I had some skirmishes with my parents. They became obsessed with their cabin.

I sold my bike to them and was not interested in going back there if ever, and haven't been back there since, in twenty years. I might go again some day, but for now no...

The cabin was broken into one winter, and our own shotguns and guns and BB guns were used to shoot out all the panoramic windows and they blew holes through the walls and the gorgeous thick wooden door and threw all the board games all over the cabin, for some reason and the TV they threw from the second floor down to the first destroying it...

They destroyed the windows, walls, door, board games and TV..

Why were these targets and not say for instance the piano or our off road bikes or our snowmobiles, which none were touched or our refrigerator or our beds or our stove or our couch or our carpet, why did they just not burn down the place ????

They targeted the board games and TV. Weird...simply weird....and the windows, walls and door... simply wierd..

They were later caught and on the news for having rampaged throughout that area...

Board games which use dice, I completely avoid.

Dice and Poker cards AND dominos are all on my target/hit list...

Try a game of trivia, for instance there are many wholesome trivia games, like Book of Mormon and Bible trivia games that are completely wholesome and learning experiences as are many other games of similar nature.


Resident Schizophrenic
In my hands they are.
Ever heard of a game called Persian Monarchs?
I once won $200 off of a guy who had a great system of doubling up each time he lost.

The Great Architect

Active Member
People with flaming monkey heads as their avatar also scare me...

Just kidding...

I laughed when I saw it..

Evil monkey..;)

Seriously I have totally rebelled against God in the past, many many times in my life, and I've felt the "flames" of hell in my being for doing so..which actually and ironically seemed to cleanse me.. The "flames" of hell seem to cleanse in a way that's undescribable.. I've definitely felt them in my spirit...

I've gone both ways...

God's way is peaceful/full of joy, Satan's way is disturbing/full of torment...
I'm curious,what did you do to give you such a feeling within yourself? It is probably too personal.
It felt like my head was on fire, that's why I laughed when I saw your avatar, I've spiritually been in that situation, where I felt my head and my being was in flames....

Hell is real.

Flames that do not consume, I've felt them on several occasions in my spirit....ironically they serve to cleanse one of all that is within them that is not so good.
Wow,that's full-on!


Veteran Member
I think you take that a bit too seriously. Stage magic represents no such thing unless you believe that magicians have supernatural powers.
No, just representations of those powers, which are real if you tap into them.

Satan, his angels and his followers on earth can perorm miracles...

This is a Biblical teaching...they have powers too, given to them temporarily by God...

We can use or abuse the powers of God given to us, but we are not free to suffer the consequencs of misusing those powers..

I also disagree that we have no power unto ourselves. My experiences have proved that to be very untrue.
We only think we have powers unto/within ourselves, but all power comes from God, ultimately.

God imparts to us certain powers to perform miracles, in order to test us to see how we'll use those powers, either for his glory, for good purposes, or for the glory of Satan and his evil purposes.


Obstructor of justice
No, just representations of those powers, which are real if you tap into them.

Satan, his angels and his followers on earth can perorm miracles...

This is a Biblical teaching...they have powers too, given to them temporarily by God...

We can use or abuse the powers of God given to us, but we are not free to suffer the consequencs of misusing those powers..

We only think we have powers unto/within ourselves, but all power comes from God, ultimately.

God imparts to us certain powers to perform miracles, in order to test us to see how we'll use those powers, either for his glory, for good purposes, or for the glory of Satan and his evil purposes.



Well-Known Member
Frankly, I've given up hope that this thread will produce anything worthwhile.

Don't give up so quickly! I've found an important article that needs to be thrown into the debate. It was published in the Salt Lake Tribune today, so this is obviously a current topic that needs to be discussed:

A gateway to sinning? Deal me in

When Leon's mom caught us playing cards, she snatched us sideways. Didn't Mormon boys who were almost deacons know that playing with face cards - even "go fish" - was a sin?

Because Leon, Duncan and I had taken the time to Magic Marker out the faces, we explained that they weren't technically face cards anymore. Also, "go fish" was a game for wieners. We were playing stud poker.

Sister Krygowski burned the deck in the fireplace. Then she called our parents, holding forth on the horrors associated with face cards, including gambling, fortunetelling, suicide kings and sloth. She quoted from Mormon Doctrine and everything.

Duncan's old man hung up on her. He said later that while he agreed with cards being a major waste of time, so was listening to a buckethead on the phone. And he didn't need an apostle to tell him that.

It was my first theological experience with the Mormon aversion to face cards. Since then I've heard a lot of reasons we're not supposed to touch them, play with them or allow them in our homes.


Veteran Member
What about card games that don't use regular poker cards, like Uno or Phase 10? Are they evil as well since they use cards?
I wouldn't go that far, and our family, growing up, used Uno cards, and it was a lot of fun...

Dice and Poker cards stand out, in my mind, as the biggest offenses....because they are associated with gambling and exclusively used in that industry, for that purpose...

They represent a huge money sucking inudustry which does no good for society, but rather degrades it...

It's sort of a tree hugger response to this corrupt industry, a mild protest if you will...