So what your saying is that there were absolutely no influences in all of society and your circle of influence that may have contributed to your " choice " to be gay.
No, what I'm saying is that every influence in society tries to make us conform to the norm of heterosexuality.
There is no proof of gay genes, you might as well rule that out
The scanty evidence there is seems to favor a hereditary component to sexual preference
,a man has a male organ ,his purpose is self explanatory, likewise a woman.
The purpose of your nose is obviously to smell. That doesn't mean you can't use it to hold your glasses up if you wish.
Anything else ,as I have seen ,but not personally encountered in my past lifetsyle practices where perversions of what was meant to be natural where so apparent, please just read some stats on gay men and there quality of living.
You mean that the average gay man earns more than the average heterosexual man? Do you any gay men? Most of the ones I know seem to enjoy a rather pleasant quality of living.
It's intersting what some seem to exploit as natural ,evidence says differently regarding disease, certain conditions with gay men, such as, not to mention aids but also those who I have read about who have to wear diapers because they can't control the muscles around the , FOR lack of better terms. Sphincter .
Are you trying to say that natural behaviors cannot lead to disease? You know that there are many STDs that are transmitted heterosexually, right? Do you see the illogic in what you are arguing? btw, did you know that the sexual preference with the lowest incidence of STDs is lesbianism? Does that mean that it is more natural or in any way better than female heterosexuality? (Actually there are many ways that it is much better, but I acknowledge that heterosexual women are entitled to retain their unhealthy and often dangerous lifestyle, whether by choice or inborn nature.)
So what your saying is you were born to naturally have sex with men and therefore be gay,then you must also be saying the disease and aids and diaper thing is also natural ,you can't have it both ways.
Well, diseases are natural. Playing tennis can lead to elbow what? Obviously, the logical thing to do is to practice safe sexual practices, regardless of sexual preference. Or, for women, they may want to consider lesbianism. It's healthier, and perfectly permissible according to the Bible.
Talk to a doctor and you will see that everything about homosexuality is contrary to nature and bodily functions,but of course they have it wrong and your reason and logic have it right .
You mean like a member of
GLMA ? I did. They commended me on my good health and lifelong safe sex choices.
Listen , in the past I had a very indulgent lifestyle, where I lived quite vicariously and was involved with numerous activities that where vehemently opposed to the mainstream ,oh natuarl .!!! which by the way include women only, but not to say I never had homosexual thoughts, but that was rooted from the perversion that I was around and personally involved with ,just because I had the thoughts It did'nt mean that I was suppose to indulge in everything that I notioned in my thoughts.
Thank you for sharing, but what does this have to do with the price of tea in China? Listen, I've been a healthy, happy, lesbian for over 30 years and I highly recommend it. Best of all, I live with integrity, honesty, and a consistent and logical morality.
When I opened myself to such lifestlye practices many things followed that influenced my thought process ,but everything I did ,whether ,under the influence or sober ,was my choice,why ? because it either was my means of venting my deep anger and rage or me venting my pain through sexual and perverted practices ,all of these where choices and all of these where forms of escapisms, in hind sight looking back ,which is always 20/20
I made sexual choices ,as we all do, anthingelse would be denial, we are resposible for our choices ,someday ,somwhere ,somehow we will expereince the consequences
that's sad. I'm glad I never had any of these problems.
If logic should accept such reasoning then we are in trouble and have opened the door to an influx of sexual practices among other choices ,why should it stop at homosexuality, i was born to be a pedophile , I was born to have sex when and where and how I want. I was born to rob banks , use people etc.
I wouldn't worry about logic if I were you. You don't seem to be able to distinguish between actions that harm others and those that do not.