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Are Satanists worshipping the lesser of two evils?


Ah.. well I'm sorry.. the history channel lied to me.... it was an interview... at one of their rituals.. again, sorry.. I haven't looked into it much..

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I'm curious. Could you link a transcript, or link a video clip from youtube or something? They've always seemed like a media conscious bunch. If it was someone officially representing their church they would've been careful about what they said.


uummm I can look... no it wasn't Thorogood ; ) umm i think it was LaVey himself.... geez.. lemme look..


Again.. i might be wrong.. i saw it on their a LONG time ago... or atleast long enough for me to forget most of it..

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
You might be mistakingly taking something out of context. I don't think they would be able to openly advocate theft and murder and last very long.


wait.. i cant post urls lol... i found it... i was wrong, said nothing about killing, but said to be the best sinner on the block sry... umm look up church of satan on history channel in youtube


i must have heard that murder thing from somewhere else.. probably lies anyway.. again sry for the incorrect info



Premium Member
But you were the one who posted these statements?

"I thought so, too, until learned from the RF that not all Satanists worship Satan.
There is very little about Satan in the Bible"

That's true and in all reality, I should not have responded about it at all. In a sort back hand way I was apologizing for stating things I know nothing about. :)

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
That's true and in all reality, I should not have responded about it at all. In a sort back hand way I was apologizing for stating things I know nothing about. :)

Don't mind him, Christine. You did fine. You answered with some accurate knowledge of the subject, but presented it with the disclaimer that it wasn't necessarily the absolute truth. Don't ever hesitate to answer a question. You are one of the nicest, most unassuming people on here, and we know that you're always just trying to be helpful. :)


To be honest, if the Abrahamic God was proven true beyond a doubt I would probably side with Satan. Perhaps Satan was only rebelling against evil tyranny when he was cast down.

Except Satan wanted to force everyone to do good. Under His rule we would have had no freedom to choose anything.


Well-Known Member
even lamer at least god still some sick dude that totaly f with peoples lifes without there permission

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I myself find the character of Satan to be a very honorable character, worthy of praise, and one who is not evil at all.


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
That's true and in all reality, I should not have responded about it at all. In a sort back hand way I was apologizing for stating things I know nothing about. :)
I didn't mean to come across antagonistic, I apologize if I did.

Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
Except Satan wanted to force everyone to do good. Under His rule we would have had no freedom to choose anything.
If the context is an eternal torture chamber Hell as a consequence of being unable to believe (Yes, I know this is not the LDS teaching), freedom of choice simply isn't worth the risk IMO. He would've been doing every person suffering eternal torture a favor.

But that's conditional on a particular yet popular interpretation different from yours.


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
Except Satan wanted to force everyone to do good. Under His rule we would have had no freedom to choose anything.

Huh? The Biblical story goes that God told Adam & Eve that if they eat from the Tree of Knowledge they will die, the Serpent (Satan, Lucifer) explained to them that God is a liar and you will not die. Lucifer is the Light Bearer, the bringer of knowledge and Free Will.
But of course these stories are just allegories for the True Inner Mysteries of existence.
Let me explain before you jump to conclusions.

If you read and believe what the bible has to say, then you will know about all the deaths that occur in this book.

If you look at the number of deaths of innocent people at the hand of the christian god, it totals over 30 million people. You then look at those at the hands of satan, and it is 10 (and even god had a hand in these!).

For a more detailed list, see here : Dwindling In Unbelief: How many has God killed? (Complete list and estimated total)

So, are satanists worshipping the lesser of the two evils?
You've obviously never read the Bible if you think those people were innocent. In all cases where God kills people it shows that they were exceedingly sinful. All of them. God told Abraham that if even 10 righteous people were found in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah combined he would spare them, yet there were not. He even rescued Lot and his family before destroying the city, so only the wicked perished. In Jeremiah 17 it describes the people as acting as though their sinful ways were laws to be obeyed, and that even the children worship pagan gods. The people were even sacrificing their sons and daughters to pagan gods. God certainly did not kill any innocent people, they were killed because of their numerous sins. The Bible is filled with numerous more examples of how God warned and forgave nations for their sin over and over again, yet they still refused to do what was right. Even Israel, God's chosen people, were killed when they repeatedly disobeyed and refused to obey God over and over again, he doesn't play favorites. Everyone is accountable for their actions.