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Are theists happier then atheists?


Well-Known Member
A common argument for belief in gods is that it is fuzzy. Which is all well and good, but are theist really happier then atheist?

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
A common argument for belief in gods is that it is fuzzy. Which is all well and good, but are theist really happier then atheist?

Many have certainly convinced themselves that they are.

Then again, many have also convinced themselves that an invisible, logically impossible, super-being can hear their thoughts.
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I will say that a good friend of mine was a devout Christian for 28 years before she became an atheist, and she claims to be much happier now. I suspect it depends largely on the individual in question.


Well-Known Member
I will say that a good friend of mine was a devout Christian for 28 years before she became an atheist, and she claims to be much happier now. I suspect it depends largely on the individual in question.
Yeah, I think there are way more important factors then religion to this. Such as how one was treated as a child, how good one is with people, if anything bad or good has happened, and so on.


Tu Stultus Es
A common argument for belief in gods is that it is fuzzy. Which is all well and good, but are theist really happier then atheist?
This definitely gets brought up a lot but it seems really irrelevant as a factor in whether theism is correct or not. My being happy or miserable has no bearing either way, just like my mood has no relevance as to whether the age of the Earth is 4.5 billion years or not.

The fact that a believer is happier than a sceptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.
George Bernard Shaw


Well-Known Member
A common argument for belief in gods is that it is fuzzy. Which is all well and good, but are theist really happier then atheist?

It depends on the person and the deity. Mainstream deities don't make me any happier (in fact I was thoroughly miserable as a Christian) and neither does disbelief. If you want a god that makes you happy go for something like Dionysus, and revel in the pleasures of life.

Shia Islam

Quran and Ahlul-Bayt a.s.
Premium Member
With all respect,

In my opinion atheism by definition imply having a non happy life, for many reason, including:

1. It just teaches that there is no goal for life.

2. With no believe in judgment after this life...an atheist is more likely to commit mischief , and thus more likely to expect others to do the same...Hence atheists have a trust problem.

3. Atheism leads to Hedonism, which can only results in sadness.

In may opinion (and it's the opinion of Shia Islam), belief should start with reason. I mean God can be proved by reason...The problem with most atheist today is that they generally don't read the replies to their belief. Atheism is one of the oldest ideologies, and what current atheists repeat has in essence said thousands of years back...and has been falsified by theists...That's why religion has prevailed...to try to turn the clock back, you need to do your homework first ...understand you arguments, understand the replies , and come with something new.

That's why you don't find an atheist who is sure about his stance... On the contrary, true believers, have the internal piece and certainty of their beliefs which are built on reason...

In addition believers are on the safe side...let's support that there is no God...Believers have lived a happy life, anyway. However If an atheist will assume that there is God, he will just be in trouble.

Wish nobody will misunderstand what I wrote...I respect everybody...
As Imam Ali (a.s) who is the second man in Shia Islam said:

“People are of two categories: either brethren in faith, or peer in creation.”


Lucid Dreamer
With all respect,

In my opinion atheism by definition imply having a non happy life, for many reason, including:

1. It just teaches that there is no goal for life.

The individual finds their own goal in life. I'm sure most atheists have other things in their life to live for other than just being atheists.

2. With no believe in judgment after this life...an atheist is more likely to commit mischief , and thus more likely to expect others to do the same...Hence atheists have a trust problem.

I have not noticed this, at least not any more than religious people are likely to commit mischief. Many atheists believe in maintaining a safe and happy society.

3. Atheism leads to Hedonism, which can only results in sadness.

I don't see that atheism necessarily leads to hedonism. That depends on the individual and what they enjoy in life. Also, hedonism results in sadness? Maybe if you're not doing it right.

That's why you don't find an atheist who is sure about his stance... On the contrary, true believers, have the internal piece and certainty of their beliefs which are built on reason...

Well, some atheists are pretty sure about their stance. But I can see how believing you have THE answers can make you feel content.


Well-Known Member
1. It just teaches that there is no goal for life.
Only true if you need a deity to have a purpose.

2. With no believe in judgment after this life...an atheist is more likely to commit mischief , and thus more likely to expect others to do the same...Hence atheists have a trust problem.
Only if your morality is about escaping judgment, and not doing what is right because it is right. Besides, trusting issues has nothing to do with being an atheist or theist.

3. Atheism leads to Hedonism, which can only results in sadness.
I am a living proof that atheism does not lead to Hedonism.


Well-Known Member
In may opinion (and it's the opinion of Shia Islam), belief should start with reason. I mean God can be proved by reason...The problem with most atheist today is that they generally don't read the replies to their belief. Atheism is one of the oldest ideologies, and what current atheists repeat has in essence said thousands of years back...and has been falsified by theists...That's why religion has prevailed...to try to turn the clock back, you need to do your homework first ...understand you arguments, understand the replies , and come with something new.

That's why you don't find an atheist who is sure about his stance... On the contrary, true believers, have the internal piece and certainty of their beliefs which are built on reason...
One, atheism is not an ideology. Two, the reason atheists do not believe in God is reason (at last in the case of the other atheists I have met). Three, there are plenty of atheists that are sure on their stance.


Industrial Strength Linguist
1. It just teaches that there is no goal for life.

Atheism teaches nothing. It is not a doctrine. It is rejection of belief in gods. Atheists get their goals and principles from the same place that believers do: family, friends, school, group associations, etc.

2. With no believe in judgment after this life...an atheist is more likely to commit mischief , and thus more likely to expect others to do the same...Hence atheists have a trust problem.

This is demonstrably false. Muslim jails are filled with Muslims, not atheists. It is not atheists who have a trust problem. It is you who has a problem with trusting atheists. And that is likely because you have been taught to distrust them, since you appear not to know many.

3. Atheism leads to Hedonism, which can only results in sadness.

Again, you show your unfamiliarity with atheists. They are the same as believers with respect to hedonism. Having visited the Soviet Union, an atheist government, I can tell you that the atheistic Communist Party appeared to have few hedonists. Basically, the party members that I met were conservative and uptight in their behavior. They acted just like Republicans.

In may opinion (and it's the opinion of Shia Islam), belief should start with reason. I mean God can be proved by reason...The problem with most atheist today is that they generally don't read the replies to their belief. Atheism is one of the oldest ideologies, and what current atheists repeat has in essence said thousands of years back...and has been falsified by theists...That's why religion has prevailed...to try to turn the clock back, you need to do your homework first ...understand you arguments, understand the replies , and come with something new.

The record of religious oppression of atheists is also long. For example, it is a capital crime for a Muslim in Saudi Arabia to admit to atheism. It should be clear from this forum that atheists do listen very carefully to the "reasoned arguments" of believers. BTW, atheism is not an ideology. It is a rejection of belief in gods. When atheists subscribe to an ideology, it would be something like humanism or communism.

That's why you don't find an atheist who is sure about his stance... On the contrary, true believers, have the internal piece and certainty of their beliefs which are built on reason...

I am what you would call a "strong atheist". I am quite convinced that gods do not exist. I have never heard a good or compelling argument that any god exists. If you think that you can make such an argument, please start a thread in this forum and make it.

In addition believers are on the safe side...let's support that there is no God...Believers have lived a happy life, anyway. However If an atheist will assume that there is God, he will just be in trouble.

It is irrational to argue that a belief must be true because goodness will result if the belief is true. If this is what you mean by "reason", then I doubt that you can mount a compelling argument for the existence of God.

Wish nobody will misunderstand what I wrote...I respect everybody...
As Imam Ali (a.s) who is the second man in Shia Islam said:

“People are of two categories: either brethren in faith, or peer in creation.”

Is the Imam claiming that the categories are mutually exclusive? It sounds as if he may be trying to give you an excuse to behave in a civil manner towards atheists. I certainly applaud that sentiment. We should all be civil to each other for good, practical reasons. Such behavior tends to make life more pleasant for everyone. Making atheism a capital crime, as it is in some Muslim countries, strikes me as very uncivil behavior.


In addition believers are on the safe side...let's support that there is no God...Believers have lived a happy life, anyway. However If an atheist will assume that there is God, he will just be in trouble.

Pascal's wager is one of the worst arguments you can make. It might be those who blindly believe that get to burn in hell for all eternity. Heaven might be reserved for skeptics.


Even if I was somehow convinced that I would be happier as a theist, it wouldn't make the argument more believable.

I have my ups and downs, but it's not because of my beliefs about the Universe. I am totally secure and happy with being an atheist. I can't see how I'd be happy while believing that billions of people have and are going to eternal torment for having the wrong faith. If I became a theist again it would not be any religion.


A common argument for belief in gods is that it is fuzzy. Which is all well and good, but are theist really happier then atheist?
Seems unlikely. If it was true then it would be hard to explain the 60% divorce rate among Christians or the ever-increasing use of antidepressants by the same demographic.


1. It just teaches that there is no goal for life.
Atheism does have any dogmas to teach. Some religions teach that the utter rejection of the material world leads to enlightenment. That's a goal. But if we all end up in oblivion then not only do you have no eternal happiness but you have also wasted your one shot at it.

2. With no believe in judgment after this life...an atheist is more likely to commit mischief , and thus more likely to expect others to do the same...Hence atheists have a trust problem.
That's like saying that all Muslims are likely to become suicide bombers.

3. Atheism leads to Hedonism, which can only results in sadness.
You have stats to back that up? Don't knock it 'til you've tried it. :cool:


Well-Known Member

I've been both, and I can say that the kind of happiness I experienced when I was a theist is different to the kind of happiness I experience now as an atheist. Who wouldn't be happy if they believed that there was a God that loved them and other such theistic beliefs like a great afterlife?

However, I find that being an becoming atheist has led me spiritually to another path that I am happier with. I suppose the saying 'Ignorance is bliss' is very applicable in this situation.



Liebe ist für alle da
I don't think they are. Some might think that though. But I know that I am not happier because I'm a Theist.


Well-Known Member
A common argument for belief in gods is that it is fuzzy. Which is all well and good, but are theist really happier then atheist?

It's funny, some people turn to god when they have nothing else in thier life, and other's fall away from the god they were raised to give verbal bj's too (worship) when they lose everything.

All in all though if theism brings happiness what kind is it? I liken it to the kind of warm fuzzy's people get from doing drugs. You might feel happy, but it's not a happiness based on anything real, just a counter-productive drain of time.