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Are theists happier then atheists?


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
All the articles I've read, from Time to peer reviewed, seem to concur that believers tend to be happier people. Various reasons are given for this but the ones I see most often include: they have a feeling of contentment and purpose, they feel more safe and secure, and they have a built in social network.

A couple articles found in a quick Google search:
Does Religion Make People Happier?
Harris Poll


All the articles I've read, from Time to peer reviewed, seem to concur that believers tend to be happier people. Various reasons are given for this but the ones I see most often include: they have a feeling of contentment and purpose, they feel more safe and secure, and they have a built in social network.

A couple articles found in a quick Google search:

I find that many religions people, when asked, tend to be less honest on the subject, since they feel it is almost expected of them to be content and happy. I don't think believing in a god makes you happier, but belonging to a religion or a gym might.


New Member
A common argument for belief in gods is that it is fuzzy. Which is all well and good, but are theist really happier then atheist?
I think this is individual question and it depends on quality of life. There is no unique solution of it.


i think that both theists and atheists are subject to being happy and sad.

To say one or the other is happier can't really be a fair statement.

We are all human theist/atheist alike.

We are all subject to the emotions of humanity.

Also the view of what makes one happy or sad is subject to the individual.

this is my opinion of course.


Done here.
I find that many religions people, when asked, tend to be less honest on the subject, since they feel it is almost expected of them to be content and happy.
I find that too, but just for a subset of religious people -- the type who say, "I've found such peace since I accepted the Lord!" (Not that they're always Christians.) I don't have any use for that kind of thing. Personally, I think any religion worth having should be an intellectual and moral challenge, causing the adherent to look farther and deeper and with greater understanding. You do find religious people like that, in all religions. They may be quite happy and their religion may have a lot to do with their happiness. But I don't think the wise person is in it for the happiness. That's just a by-product.


Active Member
Perhaps if we look at more measurable parameters of happiness. Living longer, staying married longer or whatever is considered sufficiently objective.


Active Member
A common argument for belief in gods is that it is fuzzy. Which is all well and good, but are theist really happier then atheist?

So let's say that a christian feels happier because of his/her beliefs. If there beliefs are false, wouldn't that happiness have been false as well?


ThrUU the Looking Glass
A common argument for belief in gods is that it is fuzzy. Which is all well and good, but are theist really happier then atheist?
I've heard of a few studies that indicate they are, but I don't have any conveniently on hand.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
I will say that a good friend of mine was a devout Christian for 28 years before she became an atheist, and she claims to be much happier now. I suspect it depends largely on the individual in question.
Doesn't everything? ;)

So let's say that a christian feels happier because of his/her beliefs. If there beliefs are false, wouldn't that happiness have been false as well?
How can happiness be false?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I'm the happiest guy I know and I'm a non-theist. But, of course, one example doesn't mean much.


I'm the Jugganaut!!
Btw, I'm agnostic (my responses here are defending atheism) but, I just get irritated by people who post up super opinionated anti-whatever religious jargon. So here it goes:
With all respect,

In my opinion atheism by definition imply having a non happy life, for many reason, including:
Lol..here we go again..

1. It just teaches that there is no goal for life.
Atheism doesn't "teach" anything, there is no church or book of athiesm to teach people to be athiests. They make the decision based on multitudes of issues with organized religions.

2. With no believe in judgment after this life...an atheist is more likely to commit mischief , and thus more likely to expect others to do the same...Hence atheists have a trust problem.
Really? Because I'm pretty sure you have no idea what you are talking about here, there is no proof of this, at all whatsoever. You base this soley off of the teachings of Islam. It is reasons like this judgemental attitude that make people bcome atheists. The xtians in here should take note too.

3. Atheism leads to Hedonism, which can only results in sadness.
How does hedonism lead to sadness? Pleasure doesn't bring sadness.

In may opinion (and it's the opinion of Shia Islam), belief should start with reason. I mean God can be proved by reason...
If you call reason putting faith blindly in a book that was written entirely by humans. FYI, reason and logic are the reasons that Atheists don't believe. They use their heads.
The problem with most atheist today is that they generally don't read the replies to their belief.
The problem with theists today is that they generally don't read the replies to their belief.
Atheism is one of the oldest ideologies, and what current atheists repeat has in essence said thousands of years back...and has been falsified by theists...That's why religion has prevailed...to try to turn the clock back, you need to do your homework first ...understand you arguments, understand the replies , and come with something new.
Right becuase for thousands of years we have had the knowledge of Physics/DNA testing/Archeological evidence/tons of other branches of science to make us not come up with anything new, at all. Maybe you should do some homework, or just read through RF, you might learn something.

That's why you don't find an atheist who is sure about his stance... On the contrary, true believers, have the internal piece and certainty of their beliefs which are built on reason...
Really? Again as I said above, it is because of reason and logic that Atheists are have the internal peace and certainty. You are making assumptions here about something in which you have no idea.

In addition believers are on the safe side...let's support that there is no God...Believers have lived a happy life, anyway. However If an atheist will assume that there is God, he will just be in trouble.
I will take my chances, honestly a happy life to me does not include devoting myself to age old precepts and living my life to some strict code.



Grumpy Old Man
With all respect,

In my opinion atheism by definition imply having a non happy life, for many reason, including:

1. It just teaches that there is no goal for life.

2. With no believe in judgment after this life...an atheist is more likely to commit mischief , and thus more likely to expect others to do the same...Hence atheists have a trust problem.

3. Atheism leads to Hedonism, which can only results in sadness.

In may opinion (and it's the opinion of Shia Islam), belief should start with reason. I mean God can be proved by reason...The problem with most atheist today is that they generally don't read the replies to their belief. Atheism is one of the oldest ideologies, and what current atheists repeat has in essence said thousands of years back...and has been falsified by theists...That's why religion has prevailed...to try to turn the clock back, you need to do your homework first ...understand you arguments, understand the replies , and come with something new.

That's why you don't find an atheist who is sure about his stance... On the contrary, true believers, have the internal piece and certainty of their beliefs which are built on reason...

In addition believers are on the safe side...let's support that there is no God...Believers have lived a happy life, anyway. However If an atheist will assume that there is God, he will just be in trouble.

Wish nobody will misunderstand what I wrote...I respect everybody...
As Imam Ali (a.s) who is the second man in Shia Islam said:

“People are of two categories: either brethren in faith, or peer in creation.”

I have a little trouble brother that you actually believe what you are saying. Surely the Atheist has simply removed a large branch of fiction from his real life. That does not mean he suddenly turns to a feral animal it simply means he has evolved to something more than a ruminant.



Well-Known Member
This definitely gets brought up a lot but it seems really irrelevant as a factor in whether theism is correct or not. My being happy or miserable has no bearing either way, just like my mood has no relevance as to whether the age of the Earth is 4.5 billion years or not.

The fact that a believer is happier than a sceptic is no more to the point than the fact that a drunken man is happier than a sober one. The happiness of credulity is a cheap and dangerous quality.
George Bernard Shaw

"irrelevant as a factor in whether theism is correct or not."

A belief does not have to be correct.


Well-Known Member
It's funny, some people turn to god when they have nothing else in thier life, and other's fall away from the god they were raised to give verbal bj's too (worship) when they lose everything.

All in all though if theism brings happiness what kind is it? I liken it to the kind of warm fuzzy's people get from doing drugs. You might feel happy, but it's not a happiness based on anything real, just a counter-productive drain of time.

"just a counter-productive drain of time"

Counter-productive? Is there a goal greater in life then happiness?
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Well-Known Member
I hear allot saying that it is just a kind of happy stupor, like drugs and whatnot.

Well I have to ask the question, assuming that is so: So what?


Well-Known Member
I meant more of a false sense of happiness. The feelings itself is not false; however, the reasons for the feeling are false.

"The feelings itself is not false; however, the reasons for the feeling are false."

And this is important because?