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Are We Really Doomed?


Well-Known Member
Is anyone else scared? Really, really scared? Not just for themselves and their families but for the human species as a whole? Does anyone else think the human species is currently facing the single, biggest threat to its existence that it has ever faced? Does anyone else think most of us are oblivious to the threat which is upon us, while others are blindly and actively contributing to the current collision course with extinction we are on?

The threat I speak of is religion.

In particular, the fundamentalist and extremist elements within the worlds Abrahamic religions. While moderates within these groups claim these radicals do not represent their faiths, the radicals claim they do, and they are focused on the goal of imposing their oppressive religious beliefs on the rest of the world, and destroying those of us who will not submit.

While radical Islam is IMO currently the biggest threat, the problem is not inherent to Islam, nor is it specifically rooted in fundamentalist or extremist beliefs. The real cause of the problem is our willingness to make our religious beliefs exempt from rational, critical-thinking.

We are somehow able to discount the ridiculous religious beliefs of others, yet make our own beliefs exempt from the same level of skepticism we apply to theirs. We are able to use rational, common sense in believing almost all other things we believe, with one exception... our belief in a personal, biblical God as worshipped by the worlds Abrahamic religions.

In the days of spears, swords, cannons and muskets, many a great civilization has been destroyed by foreign invaders and religious crusaders representing various faith groups. Each army was fueled by blind belief in their God, and their feeling of superiority over their enemy and their assertion of a right to impose their religion on others.

Many a horrific deed was done in God’s name in the past, but geographic isolation and limited weaponry made the impact of the fall of civilization in one part of the world, insignificant to civilization in another part of the world.

Times have changed.

While attempts to conquer, overthrown and control each other continue, along with claims to be doing God’s work, we are no longer separate civilizations, and weapons of mass destruction ensure that what happens on our planet now happens to all of us together.

In the days of the cold war, the madness of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) kept somewhat rational individuals from pushing the launch button for fear of reprisal by their counterpart, resulting in joint annihilation.

While this may have worked in the past, when combined with today’s ongoing religious beliefs that require the suspension of reality, and which are fueled by a need for the existence of an afterlife, the result is deadly, as witnessed on 9/11 and in countless suicide bomb attacks in Afghanistan and Iraq since then.

While moderates from all religions remain in denial and claim “this is not us”, to the non-believers among us it all looks the same... a suspension of rational thought and free-thinking regarding God and religion resulting in insane beliefs, and sometimes insane horrific acts.

Bottom line, while moderate groups insist on their rights to suspend rational thought for the sake of preserving their need to believe, we will always have those who will use this same vehicle to justify violence, and now to invoke a Nuclear Holocaust.

My belief is that unless addressed, this situation will almost certainly lead to a self-fulfilling End of Days scenario, and bottom line, if the religious moderates are not willing to move towards rational-thinking, then we are all doomed.

Everyone’s thoughts welcomed.

(Inspired by “Letter to a Christian Nation” by Sam Harris)

Are people concerned about the future of the planet, what it will be like for their children and their childrens children? I would say that was a categorical yes.

We cannot rationally nor logically keep poisoning the atmosphere with pollutants, ripping out huge amounts of vegetation, killing off the oceans and the very thing which gives us air to breath and not expect anything to change. Coupled with this is the increase of human population, expected to increase 2 to 3 times its current growth in the next couple of hundred years which will place an even greater burden on the environment and the life forms still in existance.

However is it rational or logical to think about future generations, hell we won't be here. Let them worry about it, maybe they will have the knowledge and technology to clean up our mess. Don't people have enough to worry about, without having to worry about what is going to happen in a hundred years or so. How selfish and pragmatic are future generations going to be, we aren't supposed to know what will happen in a hundred years or so, we don't have a crystal ball or anything. (For those that don't know, this paragraph is said very much tongue in cheek. For we do have the intelligence to figure it out. Whether we opt to do anything about it is another matter, we would have to change our lifestyle and that is a big ask.)

The rest of your post sonofskeptish, is so biased and prejudiced it doesn't warrant answering.


Active Member
Jesus said, "Yes, Father, you have revealed yourself
not to the wise and clever of this world but to this
little child."
The widom of men is foolishness with God.


Dang - I thought this was going to be about peak oil, water depletion and rapid climate change.

Are we doomed because of religious fundamentalism? No, not unless the religion in question is unfettered capitalism.


Well-Known Member
Dang - I thought this was going to be about peak oil, water depletion and rapid climate change.

Are we doomed because of religious fundamentalism? No, not unless the religion in question is unfettered capitalism.

Do you question that you are going to die?


Glass half Panda'd
People have been screaming about the end of the world for ages... I'm not that worried that the world is going to come crashing down for humans in general. There's far too many of us. We're smart. I have faith we'll work something out. Is religion why the world will fall eventually? Nah, probably not.


It is what it is
People have been screaming about the end of the world for ages... I'm not that worried that the world is going to come crashing down for humans in general. There's far too many of us. We're smart. I have faith we'll work something out. Is religion why the world will fall eventually? Nah, probably not.

While people have been screaming about the end of the world for ages, I think whats new is the combination of rising religious fundementalism, along with access to weapons or mass destruction (real ones, not the ones used to justify the Iraq war) which really could destroy the planet.

Take the fundys desire to trigger the Apocolypse, and add an oil and/or food shortage (just a matter of time), and the prospects don't look so good. :(


It is what it is
The rest of your post sonofskeptish, is so biased and prejudiced it doesn't warrant answering.

I've just read some of your posts. Thank you... I take criticism from you as a complement.

Mestemia summed you up nicely... "I learned long ago that footprints merely likes to hear his own voice and is not worried about what words are coming out his mouth or the order of said words"

So did Requlo who left this on your visitors messages... "I just read some other of your stuff and it looks like you just like a fight so please ignore what it was i just said. Sorry." (after initially supporting one of your comments).


Well-Known Member
I've just read some of your posts. Thank you... I take criticism from you as a complement.

Mestemia summed you up nicely... "I learned long ago that footprints merely likes to hear his own voice and is not worried about what words are coming out his mouth or the order of said words"

So did Requlo who left this on your visitors messages... "I just read some other of your stuff and it looks like you just like a fight so please ignore what it was i just said. Sorry." (after initially supporting one of your comments).

LOL aligning with somebody who supports your own viewpoint, doesn't really account for much. When an atheist agrees with another atheist, this isn't surprising, it is expected, when a theist agrees with another theist, this isn't surprising this is expected. When people of different belief patterns clash, this isn't surprising, this is expected. Intelligent people already know this.

For you and Mestemia to see me as wrong, this isn't surprising, this is expected, we have different belief patterns.

As for Requlo, I didn't acknowledge the first message, it didn't mean that much to me. I didn't acknowledge the second message, it didn't mean that much to me. In fact both went by without affecting me at all. Of course with Requlo, I coud never be sure of what the intent was, were they sincere and genuine, or were they just using some warped intelligence, thinking that what they said held any relevance to me.


Well-Known Member
Is anyone else scared? Really, really scared? Not just for themselves and their families but for the human species as a whole? Does anyone else think the human species is currently facing the single, biggest threat to its existence that it has ever faced? Does anyone else think most of us are oblivious to the threat which is upon us, while others are blindly and actively contributing to the current collision course with extinction we are on?

The threat I speak of is religion.

In particular, the fundamentalist and extremist elements within the worlds Abrahamic religions. While moderates within these groups claim these radicals do not represent their faiths, the radicals claim they do, and they are focused on the goal of imposing their oppressive religious beliefs on the rest of the world, and destroying those of us who will not submit.

While radical Islam is IMO currently the biggest threat, the problem is not inherent to Islam, nor is it specifically rooted in fundamentalist or extremist beliefs. The real cause of the problem is our willingness to make our religious beliefs exempt from rational, critical-thinking.

We are somehow able to discount the ridiculous religious beliefs of others, yet make our own beliefs exempt from the same level of skepticism we apply to theirs. We are able to use rational, common sense in believing almost all other things we believe, with one exception... our belief in a personal, biblical God as worshipped by the worlds Abrahamic religions.

In the days of spears, swords, cannons and muskets, many a great civilization has been destroyed by foreign invaders and religious crusaders representing various faith groups. Each army was fueled by blind belief in their God, and their feeling of superiority over their enemy and their assertion of a right to impose their religion on others.

Many a horrific deed was done in God’s name in the past, but geographic isolation and limited weaponry made the impact of the fall of civilization in one part of the world, insignificant to civilization in another part of the world.

Times have changed.

While attempts to conquer, overthrown and control each other continue, along with claims to be doing God’s work, we are no longer separate civilizations, and weapons of mass destruction ensure that what happens on our planet now happens to all of us together.

In the days of the cold war, the madness of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) kept somewhat rational individuals from pushing the launch button for fear of reprisal by their counterpart, resulting in joint annihilation.

While this may have worked in the past, when combined with today’s ongoing religious beliefs that require the suspension of reality, and which are fueled by a need for the existence of an afterlife, the result is deadly, as witnessed on 9/11 and in countless suicide bomb attacks in Afghanistan and Iraq since then.

While moderates from all religions remain in denial and claim “this is not us”, to the non-believers among us it all looks the same... a suspension of rational thought and free-thinking regarding God and religion resulting in insane beliefs, and sometimes insane horrific acts.

Bottom line, while moderate groups insist on their rights to suspend rational thought for the sake of preserving their need to believe, we will always have those who will use this same vehicle to justify violence, and now to invoke a Nuclear Holocaust.

My belief is that unless addressed, this situation will almost certainly lead to a self-fulfilling End of Days scenario, and bottom line, if the religious moderates are not willing to move towards rational-thinking, then we are all doomed.

Everyone’s thoughts welcomed.

(Inspired by “Letter to a Christian Nation” by Sam Harris)

You are right to ask this question.
The answer is; we don't have to be doomed!! The outcome is in our own hands.
Notice that Paul said that we work out our own salvation, Phil 2:12.
God's purpose to bring about a paradise earth,Luke 23:43, cannot be accomplished without removing all who do not want to conform to God's standards, Prov 2:21,22, Ps 37:9-11,28,29,34,38,Rom 3:5,6, 2Pet 3:7. The Bible tells us that God does not want to destroy anyone, but the end is coming very soon, and people must make up their minds before Jesus comes as the destroyer at Armageddon, 2Pet 3:9,10, 2Thes 1:6-9, Rev 16:16, 19:11-21, 20:14,15.


There is something remarkable about humans. Collectively or singularly, the can do the most brilliant of actions and the most horrific of actions.

Religion is one such display, in it you find both.

Now, to aim your question at the human being instead of religion, is to hit the mark much more accurately.
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It is what it is
This article goes back to the days of the Bush administation, and claims...

"A terror nuke attack upon the United States would undoubtedly unleash a response by American strategic nuclear forces so violent and so encompassing that the very future of Islamic society around the world would likely be permanently wiped from the face of the planet."

Doomsday for Islam?

Do you agree with the claim? And if so, would this still be be the case with the Obama administration in power?


Well-Known Member
Is anyone else scared? Really, really scared? Not just for themselves and their families but for the human species as a whole? Does anyone else think the human species is currently facing the single, biggest threat to its existence that it has ever faced? Does anyone else think most of us are oblivious to the threat which is upon us, while others are blindly and actively contributing to the current collision course with extinction we are on?

The threat I speak of is religion.

In particular, the fundamentalist and extremist elements within the worlds Abrahamic religions. While moderates within these groups claim these radicals do not represent their faiths, the radicals claim they do, and they are focused on the goal of imposing their oppressive religious beliefs on the rest of the world, and destroying those of us who will not submit.

While radical Islam is IMO currently the biggest threat, the problem is not inherent to Islam, nor is it specifically rooted in fundamentalist or extremist beliefs. The real cause of the problem is our willingness to make our religious beliefs exempt from rational, critical-thinking.

We are somehow able to discount the ridiculous religious beliefs of others, yet make our own beliefs exempt from the same level of skepticism we apply to theirs. We are able to use rational, common sense in believing almost all other things we believe, with one exception... our belief in a personal, biblical God as worshipped by the worlds Abrahamic religions.

In the days of spears, swords, cannons and muskets, many a great civilization has been destroyed by foreign invaders and religious crusaders representing various faith groups. Each army was fueled by blind belief in their God, and their feeling of superiority over their enemy and their assertion of a right to impose their religion on others.

Many a horrific deed was done in God’s name in the past, but geographic isolation and limited weaponry made the impact of the fall of civilization in one part of the world, insignificant to civilization in another part of the world.

Times have changed.

While attempts to conquer, overthrown and control each other continue, along with claims to be doing God’s work, we are no longer separate civilizations, and weapons of mass destruction ensure that what happens on our planet now happens to all of us together.

In the days of the cold war, the madness of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) kept somewhat rational individuals from pushing the launch button for fear of reprisal by their counterpart, resulting in joint annihilation.

While this may have worked in the past, when combined with today’s ongoing religious beliefs that require the suspension of reality, and which are fueled by a need for the existence of an afterlife, the result is deadly, as witnessed on 9/11 and in countless suicide bomb attacks in Afghanistan and Iraq since then.

While moderates from all religions remain in denial and claim “this is not us”, to the non-believers among us it all looks the same... a suspension of rational thought and free-thinking regarding God and religion resulting in insane beliefs, and sometimes insane horrific acts.

Bottom line, while moderate groups insist on their rights to suspend rational thought for the sake of preserving their need to believe, we will always have those who will use this same vehicle to justify violence, and now to invoke a Nuclear Holocaust.

My belief is that unless addressed, this situation will almost certainly lead to a self-fulfilling End of Days scenario, and bottom line, if the religious moderates are not willing to move towards rational-thinking, then we are all doomed.

Everyone’s thoughts welcomed.

(Inspired by “Letter to a Christian Nation” by Sam Harris)

What you said is very chilling and very true, Fundamentalists I agree are very angry, violent, closeminded people and yes although being in the minority they do pose a threat especailly in the case of Islam.

But I would like to add that I believe that this is a rather one sided account, that it does not take belief to kill, rather more likely, it takes the desire for money and power, in the disguise of religion. To hate it takes no more than the person to be different from you. Relgion yes can cause harm, but also help. Most Charities are either religious or founded by religious people. Most religious people are caring people who want to help this world.

If the picture talked about in that statment was close to real life then there would be anarchy everywhere, will people destroying each other, rather we see people trying to put their differences aside to help each other.

I believe Sam Harris is a good man who is only reacting to th recent rise in extreme islam, but i believe he stretches himself too far when he condems all religion.

what do you guys think? please yell at me if you think what im saying is stupid. :angel2:


Grumpy Old Man
I guess I am more optimistic, We are extremely adaptable and mobile we have access to vast arrays of data and have a brain capable of assimilating and implementing a lot of it. We are inventive, we have built shelters where we can live in hostile environments such as the deep oceans and outer space.

I believe it is highly probable that even after some cataostrophic disaster eg asteriod impact, it is quiet possible a few humans will survive (enough to breed). Perhaps we should suggest that all space crews be mixed male and female.


painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
All species go extinct... we will not be the exception.

We are the only species I know of that is obsessed with how it will go extinct.

This article goes back to the days of the Bush administation, and claims...

"A terror nuke attack upon the United States would undoubtedly unleash a response by American strategic nuclear forces so violent and so encompassing that the very future of Islamic society around the world would likely be permanently wiped from the face of the planet."

Doomsday for Islam?

Do you agree with the claim? And if so, would this still be be the case with the Obama administration in power?

from your idea about Islam i assume you haven't read much about it !! and about Osama bin laden he is a terrorist there is no doubt about it and he certainly doesn't represent Islam in any sort of way, but let me ask you this Do u think that America with all its troops all over the world cant find a single guy ???


It is what it is
from your idea about Islam i assume you haven't read much about it !! and about Osama bin laden he is a terrorist there is no doubt about it and he certainly doesn't represent Islam in any sort of way, but let me ask you this Do u think that America with all its troops all over the world cant find a single guy ???

I meant president Obama!

You are correct, my opininon of extremist Islam is not formed from reading Islamic scripture (I can't read ancient Arabic). Instead, I form my opinion based on observing the behaviours of Islamic Extremists.

I couldn't care less if moderate Muslims thinks Islam is peaceful, it's completely irrelevent to me. What is relevent to me, is that Islamic extremists clearly demonstrate that their version of Islam is not peaceful. The disagreement about Islam being peaceful or not is not with me, it's with the extremists.

Extremists have hijacked the Islamic faith, and most agree only other Muslims can stop them. Yet, IMO, I see moderate Muslims doing very little to speak out against their Islamic extremists, instead prefering to tell people like me I don't understand Islam.

IMO, until moderate Muslims clearly speak out against their Islamic extremists, forgive me for saying so, but they are not in the game, and it's not clear who they are cheering for.

I've asked this question before but it has never been answered... is there something in the Islamic faith that prohibits Muslims from speaking out against the extremist practicioners of Islam?
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