This thread is in Science and Religion as it is about Truth and how each of us chooses to find, 'what is Truth'?
I seem to attract quite a few warnings for trying to convert people to my faith, even when I say repeatedly that I can not, do not have the ability to convert any person and do not want to convert any person.
My stance is that I acknowledge a higher power that gifts knowledge to any heart that power chooses to give knowledge to. My part is to share the knowledge given to my heart. The issue for me and me only, is to determine what is the gifted part and what is from my own self.
Thus the topic of the thread 'Are we wasting our lives'. To give it context from a faith side, it is said the entire purpose of our lives and of all knowledge is so that we can come to know and Love God. Our own choices and actions determine if we progress towards that goal, in this life.
The topic.
The apex of knowledge for both science and faith, is to know and Love God.
If this is not our goal, are we wasting this life?
If this is our goal, are our own actions wasting this life?
So again, this is about what is Truth?
The thread has no intent but to explore what is truth and my side of the debate is that Truth is all of God.
Regards Tony
Hi Tony.
Just a few comments I’d like to make. I think that the main reason we are born is to receive God’s gifts because I believe that God created us for that very purpose, to share His love with us.
Everyone on this planet whether believer or not receives the greatest gift which is life itself and everything that goes with it.
People have the gifts of family, friends as well as knowledge and science and so many material things to enjoy.
Where people are deprived or suffer it is always man made but I believe such people are compensated either both in this world and the next or either one. God, I believe is just and compensates.
I fully agree with you that everything comes from God. He endowed us with creativity and intelligence so we could make our own lives comfortable and even luxurious.
Did God want anything in return? Of course not. He only seeks our worship because if we turn towards purity we shall become uncorrupted and pure and by developing a good relationship with God that will assist us in developing good relationships with each other.
If we look at most of the teachings of any religion, their main focus is on treating other people with love and kindness. To develop ourselves as a person that treats other people kindly, that serves the community, helps the poor and becomes of upright character honest and truthful to all so that this world may become like a paradise.
God’s Intention for us is for us to be happy, have peaceful and loving relationships and enjoy life to its fullest,
There is nothing in it for God except that He wants to share His love, gifts of knowledge and blessings with us.
My biggest burden in life is I want to thank God for all He has given to me but can’t find any deed that could fully express and repay my gratitude.
It was said that the best way to thank God is to love one another so even He wants our thanks to be directed towards loving each other. What a wonderful Being!!
To just live and enjoy ones life is a gift of God. Of course if we misuse or abuse the gift of life then we bring suffering upon ourselves. God then sends Messengers to encourage and educate us in how to best use our lives for our happiness.