Its said we are all born sinners but yet jesus died for all of man's sins... past, present and how are we born sinners if jesus already died to wash away our present and future sins?
We are born with the capacity to sin. If we could put on a suit of armor that would deflect sin, that might keep us safe. That armor is made of religious dogma. When we read the bible, discuss it, and vow to be moral, we have an armor that protects us from prostitution, drugs, vandalism, and a host of other bad elements.
Perhaps it is the capacity to sin that is considered original sin (not so much carrying the burden of the sins of Eden).
The bible says that we are not responsible for the sins of others (just our own sins count). So, the sins of Eden shouldn't count as original sins.
A baby doesn't ask to be born. So, a baby doesn't sin by causing labor pains to mom. Rather, it was the parents idea (or perhaps a mistake) to have a baby, and they are responsible for all that follows (birth pain, etc).
It seems like a scam to tell someone that they are born with a sin that they never causes, and the only way to remove that sin and get into heaven is to believe in the religion.
Was Jesus happy to die for our sins? Jesus had asked God "why hath thou forsaken me?" Clearly dying was not Jesus's idea.
Was God pleased that mankind tortured to death his only son? Was God intending to reward mankind for killing Jesus?
I think that it is clear that God's act of cruelty (allowing his son to be killed in such a painful way) is a sin. Perhaps we are supposed to forgive God, not the other way around. After all, all-powerful God had the power to stop mankind from killing Jesus.